Dealing with SQLException with spring,hibernate & Postgres - spring

Hi im working on a project using HibernateDaoSUpport from my Daos from Spring & spring-ws &
hibernate & postgres who will be used in a national application (means a lot of users)
Actually, every exception from hibernate is automatically transformed into some specific Spring dataAccesException.
I have a table with a keyword on the dabatase & a unique constraint on the keywords :
no duplicate keywords is allowed.
I have found twows ways to deal with with that in the Insert Dao:
1- Check for the duplicate manually (with a select) prior to doing your insert. I means that the spring transaction will have a SERIALIZABLE isolation level. The obvious drawback is that we have now 2 queries for a simple insert.Advantage: independent of the database
2-let the insert gone & catch the SqlException & convert it to a userfriendly message & errorcode to the final consumer of our webservices.
Solution 2:
Spring has developped a way to translate specific exeptions into customized exceptions.
In my case i would have a ConstraintViolationException.
Ideally i would like to write a custom SQLExceptionTranslator to map the duplicate word constraint in the database with a DuplicateWordException.
But i can have many unique constraints on the same table. So i have to get the message of the SQLEXceptions in order to find the name of the constraint declared in the
create table "uq_duplicate-constraint" for example. Now i have a strong dependency with the database.
Thanks in advance for your answers & excuse me for my poor english (it is not my mother tongue)

In my experience it is always better to have your data validation in your application rather than depend on the database. This keeps your database's role limited to that of a data store, meaning wont have business logic spread across two layers.
What happens when you have a database transaction that would break two constraints at the same time? In that case your exception mapping approach will only catch the first failure, rather than some validation code that can show all data validation issues on an attempt to save.


Nested transactions in Spring and Hibernate

I have a Spring Boot application with persistence using Hibernate/JPA.
I am using transactions to manage my database persistence, and I am using the #Transactional annotation to define the methods that should execute transactionally.
I have three main levels of transaction granularity when persisting:
Batches of entities to be persisted
Single entities to be persisted
Single database operations that persist an entity
Therefore, you can imagine that I have three levels of nested transactions when thinking about the whole persistence flux.
The interaction between between levels 2 and 3 works transparently as I desire because without specifying any Propagation behaviour for the transaction, the default is the REQUIRED behaviour, and so the entire entity (level 2) is rolled back because level 3 will support the transaction defined in level 2.
However, the problem is that I need an interaction between 1 and 2 that is slightly different. I need an entity to be rolled back individually if an error were to occur, but I wouldn't like the entire batch to be rolled back. That being said, I need to specify a propagation behavior in the level 2 annotation #Transactional(propagation = X) that follows these requirements.
I've tried REQUIRES_NEW but that doesn't work because it commits some of the entities from level 2 even if the whole batch had to be rolled back, which can also happen.
The behaviour that seems to fit the description better is NESTED, but that is not accepted when using Spring and Hibernate JPA, see here for more information.
This last link offers alternatives for the NESTED type, but I would like to know if NESTED would've really solved my problem, or if there was another behaviour that suited the job better.
I guess NESTED would roughly do what you want but I would question if this really is necessary. I don't know what you are trying to do or what the error condition is, but maybe you can get rid of the error condition by using some kind of WHERE clause or an UPSERT statement: Hibernate Transactions and Concurrency Using attachDirty (saveOrUpdate)

Spring HATEOAS, how to handle conversion links to entities without flooding the DB

I'm using Spring boot 2.3, Spring Data REST, Spring HATEOAS, Hibernate.
Let's think to a simple use case like an user creating an invoice in a web client, or a inventory list for a warehouse. When the user submit the form, could be sent hundreds or rows and these rows can have links to other entities.
In the case of the invoice, for example, each row can have a product reference that will be passed to the sever as a link.
That link is translated by Spring into an entity using Repository. My point is that for every row, a query to get the product runs.
This means that everything will be really slow during insert (n+1 select problem).
Probably I missed somthing in the logic, but I didn't see concrete examples that focus on how to handle a big quantity of translations link -> entity.
Do you have any hint about it?
Is your point about many entities that will be created if linked entities will be returned to server? Hibernate (as well as spring) has lazy loading mechanism -, so only necessary entities will be populated. Please, correct me if I miss understand your questions.

Truncate all database tables with Hibernate and Spring Boot

I need to truncate all database tables after each test. Is there a way to do so or at least a database agnostic way to get all table names so that they can be truncated.
Any other alternatives are welcome. But keep in mind #Transactional and #Rollback will not help as I'm dealing with integration tests which fire http request on the server.
I think you're going to struggle to truncate tables in a simple, database-agnostic way. For example, what do you do about foreign key constraints? Some DBs will let you just truncate the tables in the correct order, leaving you with the problem of how to define that order. But if I recall correctly, some won't let you truncate tables with foreign key constraints at all, even if empty. Then you need to use some DB-specific DDL to disable the constraints, or worse, drop and recreate them.
You are also ruling out parallelising your integration tests if you take this approach.
I've always found a better approach is to make each test clear up just the data that it created. For example, for your create API, you may be able to register a listener that records the IDs of all created entities in your test code, then on teardown you can just reverse iterate this list of IDs, calling your delete API. The downside of this approach is that you may need to implement APIs that your application doesn't actually need, just to support the tests. However these can then be disabled by a flag on deployment to production.
I read this property from a text file and add the 2 hibernate properties in the if statement which rebuilds the database every time I execute my project, perhaps this can help you?
if (environment.getProperty("dbReset").compareTo("ON") == 0)
properties.put("", "create");
properties.put("", "create");

managing/implementing auto-increment primary key in oracle without triggers

We have many tables in our database with autoincrement primary key ids setup the way they are in MySQL since we are in the process of migrating to Oracle from MySQL.
Now in oracle I recently learned that implementing this requires creating a sequence and a trigger on the id field for each such table. We have like 30 -40 tables in our schema and we want to avoid using database triggers in our product, since management of database is out of scope for our software appliance.
What are my options in implementing the auto increment id feature in oracle... apart from manually specifying the id in the code and managing it in the code which would change a lot of existing insert statements.
... I wonder if there is a way to do this from grails code itself? (by the way the method of specifying id as increment in domain class mapping doesnt work - only works for mysql)
Some info about our application environement: grails-groovy, hibernate, oracle,mysql support
This answer will have Grails/Hibernate handle the sequence generation by itself. It'll create a sequence per table for the primary key generation and won't cache any numbers, so you won't lose any identifiers if and when the cache times out. Grails/Hibernate calls the sequence directly, so it doesn't make use of any triggers either.
If you are using Grails hibernate will handle this for you automatically.
You can specify which sequence to use by putting the following in your domain object:
static mapping = {
id generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'MY_SEQ']

Is Hibernate good for batch processing? What about memory usage?

I have a daily batch process that involves selecting out a large number of records and formatting up a file to send to an external system. I also need to mark these records as sent so they are not transmitted again tomorrow.
In my naive JDBC way, I would prepare and execute a statement and then begin to loop through the recordset. As I only go forwards through the recordset there is no need for my application server to hold the whole result set in memory at one time. Groups of records can be feed across from the database server.
Now, lets say I'm using hibernate. Won't I endup with a bunch of objects representing the whole result set in memory at once?
Hibernate does also iterate over the result set so only one row is kept in memory. This is the default. If it to load greedily, you must tell it so.
Reasons to use Hibernate:
"Someone" was "creative" with the column names (PRXFC0315.XXFZZCC12)
The DB design is still in flux and/or you want one place where column names are mapped to Java.
You're using Hibernate anyway
You have complex queries and you're not fluent in SQL
Reasons not to use Hibernate:
The rest of your app is pure JDBC
You don't need any of the power of Hibernate
You have complex queries and you're fluent in SQL
You need a specific feature of your DB to make the SQL perform
Hibernate offers some possibilities to keep the session small.
You can use Query.scroll(), Criteria.scroll() for JDBC-like scrolling. You can use Session.evict(Object entity) to remove entities from the session. You can use a StatelessSession to suppress dirty-checking. And there are some more performance optimizations, see the Hibernate documentation.
Hibernate as any ORM framework is intended for developing and maintaining systems based on object oriented programming principal. But most of the databases are relational and not object oriented, so in any case ORM is always a trade off between convenient OOP programming and optimized/most effective DB access.
I wouldn't use ORM for specific isolated tasks, but rather as an overall architectural choice for application persistence layer.
In my opinion I would NOT use Hibernate, since it makes your application a whole lot bigger and less maintainable and you do not really have a chance of optimizing the generated sql-scripts in a quick way.
Furthermore you could use all the SQL functionality the JDBC-bridge supports and are not limited to the hibernate functionality. Another thing is that you have the limitations too that come along with each layer of legacy code.
But in the end it is a philosophical question and you should do it the way it fits you're way of thinking best.
If there are possible performance issues then stick with the JDBC code.
There are a number of well known pure SQL optimisations which
which would be very difficult to do in Hibernate.
Only select the columns you use! (No "select *" stuff ).
Keep the SQl as simple as possible. e.g. Dont include small reference tables like currency codes in the join. Instead load the currency table into memory and resolve currency descriptions with a program lookup.
Depending on the DBMS minor re-ordering of the SQL where predicates can have a major effect on performance.
If you are updateing/inserting only commit every 100 to 1000 updates. i.e. Do not commit every unit of work but keep some counter so you commit less often.
Take advantage of the aggregate functions of your database. If you want totals by DEPT code then do it in the SQL with " SUM(amount) ... GROUP BY DEPT ".
