Is Hibernate good for batch processing? What about memory usage? - performance

I have a daily batch process that involves selecting out a large number of records and formatting up a file to send to an external system. I also need to mark these records as sent so they are not transmitted again tomorrow.
In my naive JDBC way, I would prepare and execute a statement and then begin to loop through the recordset. As I only go forwards through the recordset there is no need for my application server to hold the whole result set in memory at one time. Groups of records can be feed across from the database server.
Now, lets say I'm using hibernate. Won't I endup with a bunch of objects representing the whole result set in memory at once?

Hibernate does also iterate over the result set so only one row is kept in memory. This is the default. If it to load greedily, you must tell it so.
Reasons to use Hibernate:
"Someone" was "creative" with the column names (PRXFC0315.XXFZZCC12)
The DB design is still in flux and/or you want one place where column names are mapped to Java.
You're using Hibernate anyway
You have complex queries and you're not fluent in SQL
Reasons not to use Hibernate:
The rest of your app is pure JDBC
You don't need any of the power of Hibernate
You have complex queries and you're fluent in SQL
You need a specific feature of your DB to make the SQL perform

Hibernate offers some possibilities to keep the session small.
You can use Query.scroll(), Criteria.scroll() for JDBC-like scrolling. You can use Session.evict(Object entity) to remove entities from the session. You can use a StatelessSession to suppress dirty-checking. And there are some more performance optimizations, see the Hibernate documentation.

Hibernate as any ORM framework is intended for developing and maintaining systems based on object oriented programming principal. But most of the databases are relational and not object oriented, so in any case ORM is always a trade off between convenient OOP programming and optimized/most effective DB access.
I wouldn't use ORM for specific isolated tasks, but rather as an overall architectural choice for application persistence layer.

In my opinion I would NOT use Hibernate, since it makes your application a whole lot bigger and less maintainable and you do not really have a chance of optimizing the generated sql-scripts in a quick way.
Furthermore you could use all the SQL functionality the JDBC-bridge supports and are not limited to the hibernate functionality. Another thing is that you have the limitations too that come along with each layer of legacy code.
But in the end it is a philosophical question and you should do it the way it fits you're way of thinking best.

If there are possible performance issues then stick with the JDBC code.
There are a number of well known pure SQL optimisations which
which would be very difficult to do in Hibernate.
Only select the columns you use! (No "select *" stuff ).
Keep the SQl as simple as possible. e.g. Dont include small reference tables like currency codes in the join. Instead load the currency table into memory and resolve currency descriptions with a program lookup.
Depending on the DBMS minor re-ordering of the SQL where predicates can have a major effect on performance.
If you are updateing/inserting only commit every 100 to 1000 updates. i.e. Do not commit every unit of work but keep some counter so you commit less often.
Take advantage of the aggregate functions of your database. If you want totals by DEPT code then do it in the SQL with " SUM(amount) ... GROUP BY DEPT ".


What are the advantages of using Spring JPA Specifications over direct queries

I am currently working on a project where I have to retrieve some rows from the database based on some filters (I also have to paginate them).
My solution was to make a function that generates the queries and to query the database directly (it works and it's fast)
When I presented this solution to the senior programmer he told me this is going to work but it's not a long-term solution and I should rather use Spring Specifications.
Now here comes my questions :
Why is Spring Specifications better than generating a query?
Is a query generated by Spring Specifications faster than a normal query?
Is it that big of a deal to use hard-coded queries ?
Is there a better approach to this problem ?
I have to mention that the tables in the database don't store a lot of data, the biggest one (which will be queried the least) has around 134.000 rows after 1 year since the application was launched.
The tables have indexes on the rows that we will use to filter.
A "function that generates the queries" sounds like building query strings by concatenating smaller parts based on conditions. Even presuming this is a JPQL query string and not a native SQL string that would be DB dependent, there are several problems:
you lose the IDEs help if you ever refactor your entities
not easy to modularize and reuse parts of the query generation logic (eg. if you want to extract a method that adds the same conditions to a bunch of different queries with different joins and aliases for the tables)
easy to break the syntax of the query by a typo (eg. "a=b" + "and c=d")
more difficult to debug
if your queries are native SQL then you also become dependent on a database (eg. maybe you want your integration tests to run on an in-memory DB while the production code is on a regular DB)
if in your project all the queries are generated in a way but yours is generated in a different way (without a good reason) then maintenance of the will be more difficult
JPA frameworks generate optimized queries for most common use cases, so generally speaking you'll get at least the same speed from a Specification query as you do from a native one. There are times when you need to write native SQL to further optimize a query but these are exceptional cases.
Yes, it's bad practice that makes maintenance a nightmare

Which is better ORM (Apache Cayenne) , JDBC or SpringJDBC?

I am Working on multiple database like MSSQL server and PostgreSQL with heavy transactions and complex queries. I have searched that simple jdbc is more faster then ORM. I was thinking of using ORM because I do not want to write different query for different database for same work, and also for standardized my dao layer. I am mapping my database tables without using foreign keys and for ORM like apache cayenne I have to map tables with foreign key constraint, so I can use my Joins or any other multiple table operations. Is it good to use and ORM or simple jdbc is fine.
From your problem dscription, you already have an understanding of the tradeoffs involved. So this is really a decision that you need to make for yourself based on those tradeoffs.
My only advice here will be to take a second look at performance requirements. While ORM does introduce an overhead of creating, storing and managing objects, in all but a few cases, you can safely ignore this overhead for the sake of a better abstraction. Also when working with JDBC very often you end up writing your own code to convert ResultSet to objects, which will encounter its own overhead. So you may not end up with faster code, while forfeiting all the benefits of a clean object model and a framework that manages it.
So my own preference is to go with a better abstraction (ORM in this case), and then use the framework tools for optimizing the performance. E.g. to speed up processing of large ResultSets Cayenne provides a few techniques: result iterators, DataRow queries, paginated queries, etc.
On the other hand I would use JDBC or something like MyBatis when it is not possible to cleanly model your data as entities. E.g. when there are no natural relationships, all access happens via stored procedures, etc. Doesn't seem like your case though.

Repository Pattern Contestation

According to Martin Fowler:
... "Client objects construct query
specifications declaratively and
submit them to Repository for
satisfaction" ...
Why? What are the advantages at that point?
I see one disadvantage: database queries are spread and hidden over ties. That makes it harder to debug.
The advantage is that the "what" (the declarative specification) is separated from the "how" or implemenation details. So the client doesn't need to know whether it's querying a relational database, a Web service, an object database (eg Mongo), an XML data store, etc.
Let's assume you're using an RDBMS. Even so, the client is isolated from needing to know whether the database is Oracle, MS SQL, SQLite, mySQL, PostGres, etc. This will save you a lot of headache when the commandment "thou shalt (not) use MS SQL" (or whatever) comes down from the mountain.
The additional layer does introduce some overhead. But (1) ORM tools like (N)Hibernate are quite good at optimizing the generated queries for whatever back-end you're using, and (2) the overhead is generally negligible compared to the cost of database read, let alone a web service call.
We're converting from LINQ to NHibernate right now to avoid the "N+1" problem (ie you generate one query/hit for each "master" database record, plus a query/hit for each "child" record).
And BTW ... there is such a thing as LINQ to NHibernate.

Best strategy for retrieving large dynamically-specified tables on an ASP.NET page

Looking for a bit of advice on how to optimise one of our projects. We have a ASP.NET/C# system that retrieves data from a SQL2008 data and presents it on a DevExpress ASPxGridView. The data that's retrieved can come from one of a number of databases - all of which are slightly different and are being added and removed regularly. The user is presented with a list of live "companies", and the data is retrieved from the corresponding database.
At the moment, data is being retrieved using a standard SqlDataSource and a dynamically-created SQL SELECT statement. There are a few JOINs in the statement, as well as optional WHERE constraints, again dynamically-created depending on the database and the user's permission level.
All of this works great (honest!), apart from performance. When it comes to some databases, there are several hundreds of thousands of rows, and retrieving and paging through the data is quite slow (the databases are already properly indexed). I've therefore been looking at ways of speeding the system up, and it seems to boil down to two choices: XPO or LINQ.
LINQ seems to be the popular choice, but I'm not sure how easy it will be to implement with a system that is so dynamic in nature - would I need to create "definitions" for each database that LINQ could access? I'm also a bit unsure about creating the LINQ queries dynamically too, although looking at a few examples that part at least seems doable.
XPO, on the other hand, seems to allow me to create a XPO Data Source on the fly. However, I can't find too much information on how to JOIN to other tables.
Can anyone offer any advice on which method - if any - is the best to try and retro-fit into this project? Or is the dynamic SQL model currently used fundamentally different from LINQ and XPO and best left alone?
Before you go and change the whole way that your app talks to the database, have you had a look at the following:
Run your code through a performance profiler (such as Redgate's performance profiler), the results are often surprising.
If you are constructing the SQL string on the fly, are you using .Net best practices such as String.Concat("str1", "str2") instead of "str1" + "str2". Remember, multiple small gains add up to big gains.
Have you thought about having a summary table or database that is periodically updated (say every 15 mins, you might need to run a service to update this data automatically.) so that you are only hitting one database. New connections to databases are quiet expensive.
Have you looked at the query plans for the SQL that you are running. Today, I moved a dynamically created SQL string to a sproc (only 1 param changed) and shaved 5-10 seconds off the running time (it was being called 100-10000 times depending on some conditions).
Just a warning if you do use LINQ. I have seen some developers who have decided to use LINQ write more inefficient code because they did not know what they are doing (pulling 36,000 records when they needed to check for 1 for example). This things are very easily overlooked.
Just something to get you started on and hopefully there is something there that you haven't thought of.
As far as I understand you are talking about so called server mode when all data manipulations are done on the DB server instead of them to the web server and processing them there. In this mode grid works very fast with data sources that can contain hundreds thousands records. If you want to use this mode, you should either create the corresponding LINQ classes or XPO classes. If you decide to use LINQ based server mode, the LINQServerModeDataSource provides the Selecting event which can be used to set a custom IQueryable and KeyExpression. I would suggest that you use LINQ in your application. I hope, this information will be helpful to you.
I guess there are two points where performance might be tweaked in this case. I'll assume that you're accessing the database directly rather than through some kind of secondary layer.
First, you don't say how you're displaying the data itself. If you're loading thousands of records into a grid, that will take time no matter how fast everything else is. Obviously the trick here is to show a subset of the data and allow the user to page, etc. If you're not doing this then that might be a good place to start.
Second, you say that the tables are properly indexed. If this is the case, and assuming that you're not loading 1,000 records into the page at once and retreiving only subsets at a time, then you should be OK.
But, if you're only doing an ExecuteQuery() against an SQL connection to get a dataset back I don't see how Linq or anything else will help you. I'd say that the problem is obviously on the DB side.
So to solve the problem with the database you need to profile the different SELECT statements you're running against it, examine the query plan and identify the places where things are slowing down. You might want to start by using the SQL Server Profiler, but if you have a good DBA, sometimes just looking at the query plan (which you can get from Management Studio) is usually enough.

ORM for Oracle pl/sql

I am developing a enterprise software for a big company using Oracle. Major processing unit is planned to be developed in PL/SQL. I am wondered if there is any ORM like Hibernate for Java, but the one for PL/SQL. I have some ideas how to make such a framework using PL/SQL and Oracle system tables, but it is interesting - why no one have done this before? What do you think will that be effective in speed and memory consumption? Why?
ORMs exist to provide an interface between a database-agnostic language like Java and a DBMS like Oracle. PL/SQL in contrast knows the Oracle DBMS intimately and is designed to work with it (and a lot more efficiently than Java + ORM can). So an ORM between PL/SQL and the Oracle DBMS would be both superfluous and unhelpful!
Take a read through these two articles - they contain some interesting points
Ask Tom - Relational VS Object Oriented Database Design
Ask Tom - Object relational impedance mismatch
As Tony pointed out ORMs really serve as helper between the App and Db context boundaries.
If you are looking for an additional level of abstraction at the database layer you might want to look into table encapsulation. This was a big trend back in the early 2000s. If you search you will find a ton of whitepapers on this subject.
Plsqlintgen still seems to be around at
This answer has some relevant thoughts on the pros and cons of wrapping your tables in pl/sql TAPIs (Table APIs) for CRUD operations.
Understanding the differences between Table and Transaction API's
There was also a good panel discussion on this at last years UK Oracle User Group - the overall conclusion was against using table APIs and for transaction APIs, for much the same reason - the strength of pl/sql is the procedural control of SQL statements, while TAPIs push you away from writing set-based SQL operations and towards row-by-row processing.
The argument for TAPI is where you may want to enforce some kind of access policy, but Oracle offers a lot of other ways to do this (fine-grained access control, constraints, triggers on insert/update/etc can be used to populate defaults and enforce that the calling code is passing a valid request).
I would definitely advise against wrapping tables in PL/SQL object types.
A lot of the productivity with pl/sql comes from the fact that you can easily define things in terms of the underlying database structure - a row record type can be simply defined as %ROWTYPE, and will be automatically impacted when the table structure changes.
myRec myTable%ROWTYPE
This also applies to collections based over these types, and there are powerful bulk operations that can be used to fetch & insert whole collections.
On the other hand, object types must be explicitly impacted each time you want to change them - every table change would require the object type to be impacted and released, doubling your work.
It can also be difficult to release changes if you are using inheritance and collections of types (you can 'replace' a package, but cannot replace a type once it is used by another type).
This isn't putting OO PL/SQL down - there are places where it definitely simplifies code (i.e. avoiding code duplication, anywhere you would clearly benefit from polymorphism) - but it is best to understand and play to the strengths of the language, and the main strength is that the language is tightly-coupled to the underlying DB.
That said, I do often find myself creating procedures to construct a default record, insert a record, etc - often enough to have editor macros for it - but I've never found a good argument for automatically generating this code for all tables (a good way to create a lot of unused code??)
Oracle is a Relation database and also has the ability to work as an object-oriented database as well. It does this by building an abstraction layer (fairly automatically) on top of the relational structure. This would seemingly eliminate the need for any "tool" as it is already built-in.
