Nested transactions in Spring and Hibernate - spring

I have a Spring Boot application with persistence using Hibernate/JPA.
I am using transactions to manage my database persistence, and I am using the #Transactional annotation to define the methods that should execute transactionally.
I have three main levels of transaction granularity when persisting:
Batches of entities to be persisted
Single entities to be persisted
Single database operations that persist an entity
Therefore, you can imagine that I have three levels of nested transactions when thinking about the whole persistence flux.
The interaction between between levels 2 and 3 works transparently as I desire because without specifying any Propagation behaviour for the transaction, the default is the REQUIRED behaviour, and so the entire entity (level 2) is rolled back because level 3 will support the transaction defined in level 2.
However, the problem is that I need an interaction between 1 and 2 that is slightly different. I need an entity to be rolled back individually if an error were to occur, but I wouldn't like the entire batch to be rolled back. That being said, I need to specify a propagation behavior in the level 2 annotation #Transactional(propagation = X) that follows these requirements.
I've tried REQUIRES_NEW but that doesn't work because it commits some of the entities from level 2 even if the whole batch had to be rolled back, which can also happen.
The behaviour that seems to fit the description better is NESTED, but that is not accepted when using Spring and Hibernate JPA, see here for more information.
This last link offers alternatives for the NESTED type, but I would like to know if NESTED would've really solved my problem, or if there was another behaviour that suited the job better.

I guess NESTED would roughly do what you want but I would question if this really is necessary. I don't know what you are trying to do or what the error condition is, but maybe you can get rid of the error condition by using some kind of WHERE clause or an UPSERT statement: Hibernate Transactions and Concurrency Using attachDirty (saveOrUpdate)


Transaction-Management and Performance in Spring-based Java-Appllications

Our scenario: we receive bulks of messages from Kafka and write them to the DB after certain processing. Currently we achieve DB-write rates (in our company network) of up to 300..310 thousand records/min. But my colleagues want more (500K-600K/min.)
The affected Java application has a functional layer (a "business facade" so to speak), underneath we have classes of persistence layer, which write records grouped to individual tables into the DB as bulk inserts/updates. Whereas a bulk insert/update has been implemented as a #Transactional(REQUIRED) - i.e. default setting. Therefore, a received group of Kafka messages often means more than 1 database transaction.
I know that a DB-commit is expensive in terms of performance. I used the following settings when configuring our Spring-based data sources:
This did improve performance, but not to the desired benchmark of 500K-600K DB-writes/min.
Question to you, colleagues: is it OK from the standpoint of software architecture and for performance increase to annotate our "business facade" class as #Transactional(REQUIRED) and the DB layer classes as #Transactional(SUPPORTS). Thus, I want to have only one transaction per group/bulk of Kafka messages and thereby increase the DB-write rates by avoiding "excessive" commits.
Personally, I'm a bit hesitant about this change. On the one hand, I'm breaking here the boundaries of the areas of responsibility of the individual classes/layers: business logic "high-level" classes should know nothing about transaction management and the persistence layer classes should treat DB transactions as their core task. On the other hand, unwanted "cross-dependencies" arise: i.e. if an update for a table XYZ fails, then a rollback is also made for another table ABC, although everything ran smoothly there (remember all tables are getting now updates and inserts within one transaction!).
What do you think about this potential change in the transaction management? How can you fine-tune a spring-boot application to achieve higher write rates (configuration or maybe implementation changes)?

Can a commit be reverted in Javers?

I have a scenario where in case a subsequent operation fails, a commit or a shallow delete might need to be reverted. This would be particularly useful in scenarios involving Mongo where there is no atomicity available across collections. Is this possible with Javers?
There is no 'rollback' option for now. It can be implemented in the future but there could be some limitations.
You could annotate your method with #Transactional annotation and if an exception occurs the database updates that occurred within that method would rollback which should include the Javers tables.
Alternatively, you could use Spring AOP to perform a custom rollback and then delete the committed records manually.
How to call a custom rollback method in Spring Transaction Management?
Hope one of these options helps you.
If you need to travel back in time, instead of using Javers, you should redesign your database using functional programming idea called "persistent data structures". At the core of it is that you should never modify any existing data, you should always create new versions of existing entities.
You can read about persistent data structures for example here:

Spring Transaction propagation: can't get the #OneToMany related entities when using the same transaction for creation and consultation operation

I have the following problem: I am working on a spring-boot application which offers REST services and use a relational (SQL) database using spring-data-jpa.
I have two REST services:
- a entity-creation service, which create the child-entity, the parent-entity and associate them in a same transaction. When this service ends, the data are committed into the database.
- an entity consultation service, which get back the parent-entity with its children
These two services are annotated with the #Transactional annotation. It production case, it works well: I can create an parent-entity with its children in one transaction (which is commited/ended), and get it in another transaction latter.
The problem is when I want to create integration-tests. My idea was to annotate each test with the #Transactional annotation, and do a rollback after each test. This way I keep my database clean between each test, and I don't have a generate the schema again or clean all the records in the database.
The integration test consists in creating a parent and its children and then reading it, everything in one transaction (as the test is annotated with #Transaction). When reading the entity previously created in the same transaction, I can get the parent entity, but the children are not fetched (null value). I am not sure to understand very well the transaction mechanism: I was thinking that using the #Transactional on the test method, the services (annotated with "#Transactional") invoked by this test should detect and use the same transaction opened by the test method (the propagation is configured to "REQUIRED"). Hence as the transaction uses the same EntityManager, this one should be able to return the relation between the parent entity and its children created previously in the same transaction, even if the data has not been committed to the database. The strange thing is that it retrieve the parent entity (which has not been yet committed into the database), but not its children. Is my understanding of the transaction concept correct? If not, could someone explains me what am I missing?
Also, if someone did something similar, could he explain me how he did it please?
My code is quite complex. I first want to know if I understand well how are transaction managed and if someone already did something similar. If really it is required, I can send more information about my implementation (how the transaction-manager and the entity-manager are initialized, the JPA entities, the services etc...)
Binding the Entity-manager in my test and calling its flush method from my test,between the creation and the reading, the reading operation works well: I get the parent entity with its children. But the data are written into the database during the creation to read it latter during the read operation. And I don't want the transaction to be committed as I need my test to work on an empty database. My misunderstanding is not so much about the Transaction mechanism, but more about the entity-manager: it does not keep as a cache the entities created and theirs relations...
This post help me.
Issue with #Transactional annotations in Spring JPA
As a final word, I am thinking about calling an SQL script before each test to empty my database.

Achieving ACID properties using JDBC?

First of all i would like to confirm is it the responsibility of developer to follow these properties or responsibilty of transaction Apis like JDBC?
Below is my understanding how we achieve acid properties in JDBC
Atomicity:- as there is one transaction associated with connection, so we do commit or rollback , there are no partial updation.Hence achieved
Consitency:- when some data integrity constraint is voilated (say some check constraint) then sqlexception will be thrown . Then programmer acieve the consistent database by rollbacking the transaction?
one question on above say we do transaction1 and sql excpetion is thrown during transaction 2 as explained above . Now we catch the exception and do the commit will first transaction be commited?
Isolation:- Provided by JDBC Apis.But this leads to the problem of concurrent update . so it has be dealt manually right?
Durability:- Provided by JDBC Apis.
Please let me if above understanding is right?
ACID principles of transactional integrity are implemented by the database not by the API (like JDBC) or by the application. Your application's responsibility is to choose a database and a database configuration that supports whatever transactional integrity you need and to correctly identify the transactional boundaries in your application.
When an exception is thrown, your application has to determine whether it is appropriate to rollback the entire transaction or to proceed with additional processing. It may be appropriate if your application is processing orders from a vendor, for example, to process the 99 orders that succeed and log the 1 order that failed somewhere for users to investigate. On the other hand, you may reject all 100 orders because 1 failed. It depends what your application is doing.
In general, you only have one transaction open at a time (or, more accurately, one transaction per connection). So if you are working in transaction 2, transaction 1 by definition has already completed-- it was either committed or rolled back previously. Exceptions thrown in transaction 2 have no impact on transaction 1.
Depending on the transaction isolation level your application requests (and the transaction isolation levels your database supports) as well as the mechanics of your application, lost updates are something that you may need to be concerned about. If you set your transaction isolation level to read committed, it is possible that you would read a value as 'A' in transaction 1, wait for a user to do something, update the value to 'B', and commit without realizing that transaction 2 updated the value to 'C' between the time you read the data and the time you wrote the data. This may be a problem that you need to deal with or it may be something where it is fine for the last person to update a row to "win".
Your database, on the other hand, should take care of the automatic locking that prevents two transactions from simultaneously updating the same row of the same table. It may do this by locking more than is strictly necessary but it will serialize the updates somehow.

How can we implement a nested transaction in JDBC?

First let me explain you what I mean by a nested transaction.
Example: say in the main class we call method1 and create the customer using jdbc[Transaction1]. It is not commited yet. Now we call method2 in the main class and create the account for the just created customer[Transaction2]. Now commit it. As per your explanation both these transactions will be treated as part of one transaction (as there can be a maximum of one transaction with a connection). Till here, if we compare the above scenario, it will be like propagation_required in Spring. Is that correct?
Now if we want to commit transaction2 only not the one. Then this scenario will be like propagation_Nested in Spring. Is that correct?
How can we implement a nested transaction in JDBC if both my assumptions stated above are correct?
This not exactly how nested transactions work. If you roll back transaction 1, transaction 2 also rolls back. With the nested transactions you can rollback transaction 2 and still commit transaction 1.
In the JDBC you can achieve this effect using savepoints. You can call Connection.setSavepoint() before creating account and if you want to rollback that action but still commit creation of the customer, you can rollback to that savepoint.
If you want to be able to commit/rollback two transactions completely independently, like Spring REQUIRES_NEW, in JDBC you should use two connections and manage transactions on them independently.
