Can MikTeX create tagged PDFs? [closed] - pdf-generation

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Tagged PDFs allow for the easy reflow and accessibility of PDFs. It seems like this would be a natural use case for using LaTeX, which advocates content over style. But as far as I can tell, there is no way to create a tagged PDF with MikTeX 2.8.
Does anybody know of any tips, tricks or techniques to get a tagged PDF through LaTeX without resort to the commercial version of Adobe Acrobat?

Hmm, well, yes, sort of.
There isn't really sophisticated support for tagging, and what there is, is implemented in pdftex/luatex. Support for bookmarks and in-document cross-references is done using tagging. There's also been some more sophisticated work shown at TUG conferences, but this is all in the pipeline for now.
Context/luatex has better support that Latex for this sort of thing: there's some support for interactive documents using Context's layers, where the contents of the layers change when buttons are clicked in the PDF. I think this must be done using tagging.
I've never heard of anything like embedded forms, digital signing, or embedding the Latex/Tex/Context source in the resulting PDF, but in principle this is all possible.

I've the same question with pdfLatex in general and found this:
But I don't test it till now.


Website to add filter on top of photo [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is a very beginner question, and I apologize if I sound stupid.
I want to make a website very similar to what facebook did for pride. Like this:
I want to make my own transparency, and I don't want to use an image editing website, I want to have it all contained on my website.
Where do I begin? Is there some kind of engine that I can adapt and edit for something like this?
There are loads of image editing libraries out there. PHP's GD library will allow you to create images by combining elements. You will need to create a transparent PNG that you would combine with another image, as an example.
See this question and answer for more information
Merge two PNG images with PHP GD library
Ideally we would need to know what your preferred coding language is and what your server capabilities are in order to help you more.
There are probably some out the box solutions out there too, but I'm going with what I know on this one

Suggest a text editor with template engine and code highlighting [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can someone suggest a text editor with code highlighting and template engine, or maybe a plugin?
I need to edit long html files at my job, but there are a lot of templated actions like:
<p><span style="red">Text</span></p>
I need change to
etc...and I want to automate them.
On Windows, one of the best editors is NotePad++ but whether it can handle extremely large files is a question. If you are on Linux (eg: Ubuntu), you may try GEdit for ease of use with some plug-ins but to handle very large files, you're better off with Vim. However, Vim is not as easy to use in terms of keyboard short-cuts.
I often use GEdit on Ubuntu and Windows but for files that are large (eg: 20Mb) It is almost impossible to use this. Here's where Vim scores.
Finally, coming to the 'templating' issue. What you are looking for is a pattern matching and replace function. This is not something that most editors have but I do know that Vim has something down this line but learning to use regular expressions is something you'll need to do before trying such features.
UltraEdit has always been there from the early days, and may be right up your street.

How do I deliver a large amount of documentation in a portable format? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a documentation set that I need to deliver to a variety of users. It is currently in HTML with a number of attachments with a total size of around 180MB. I have the following requirements:
It only needs to be viewable on windows.
The user must not need to install additional software prior to viewing the documentation over and above what is normally on the machine (MS Office, browser etc)
The entire set needs to be searchable (preferably including MS Office attachments)
(desirable) It needs to be distributable as a single file (.exe OK)
(desirable) It needs a compatible authoring tool
Any ideas on what would be a good way to do this?
Way out of my area of expertise, and it may not work with the office files, but Microsoft Compiled HTML Help looks promising.
One tool that we are considering to do this is TiddlyWiki which allows inline editing of the source and can be extended with plugins to look more like a traditional website and to provide better support for multi user editing.

Pitfalls to avoid when writing project specs [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm currently trying to write up some software specs for a large-ish project that I'd like to bid out on oDesk (maybe 3k-6k). I have a classical education in computer science, but minimal work experience and I've never worked in a corporate environment.
I've written up 15 pages of project specs for an API that I want to run on Google App Engine. I'm finding the subtleties difficult with issues such as: where to draw the line on what to specify and what not to; how to break the project up into pieces so that if one part goes wrong, other parts can still be used; where and how to set milestones; and how to screen for a candidate who has the skills to properly implement the specs.
I asked a friend what issues I should watch out for and he said:
Make sure specs do not have contradictory information
Make sure specs are not unnecessarily specific because this will turn off more skilled developers
What other pitfalls and common mistakes should I look out for while drawing up project specs?
While it is important to focus on the functionality of what you want to achieve, also keep in mind the non-functional requirements as well. Think about how you want it to perform, security considerations, etc.
One to add to the list
Make sure the specs are unambiguous. (Can only be interpreted one way...Hopefully)
I think these two links will help:
On Reqs And Specs:
Painless Functional Specifications - Part 2: What's a Spec?:

Create your own custom browser [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to shape my own browser or at least modify a existing one so far that it meets my needs.
I want a fast browser (starting and running, not necessarily faster rendering) without any stuff I don't use and simple productive navigation (like Firefox + Vimperator + Tree Style Tab), only much more integrated into each other and a different GUI.
I was thinking about just looking into the current two top browsers chrome and firefox (open-source wise) and branch my own smaller version out of it.
By just using WebKit or Gecko I will have to implement all the Connection-stuff, too, but I really am not interested in doing that.
So my questions are:
Does it make sense to start off with a current browser and strip off certain features and the frontend and replace it with my own code?
Chrome or Firefox? Which one is less complex? I don't care much about Plugins and Extensions, so they aren't they pretty much even in features otherwise?
Thanks for your answers
p.s.: It's a just-for-fun at-home project, so please no "just use the browsers..."-stuff...
The best point would be looking at the webkit project:
This is basically the skeleton for a browser or a framework to create a new browser.
Safari and konqueror were build using the webkit framework.
K-Meleon is an open source webbrowser that you're free to do as you like with. it's light weight and very easy to work with. I was looking at doing the same as you but decided on making my own in vb.
SeaMonkey is a very fast browser
