Website to add filter on top of photo [closed] - filter

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is a very beginner question, and I apologize if I sound stupid.
I want to make a website very similar to what facebook did for pride. Like this:
I want to make my own transparency, and I don't want to use an image editing website, I want to have it all contained on my website.
Where do I begin? Is there some kind of engine that I can adapt and edit for something like this?

There are loads of image editing libraries out there. PHP's GD library will allow you to create images by combining elements. You will need to create a transparent PNG that you would combine with another image, as an example.
See this question and answer for more information
Merge two PNG images with PHP GD library
Ideally we would need to know what your preferred coding language is and what your server capabilities are in order to help you more.
There are probably some out the box solutions out there too, but I'm going with what I know on this one


Intro/tour guide in react native application [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to implement an intro/tour in my react native application only when first time using the application.
I need to show a single part to mention what it does and at the same time hide the rest of the screen, like in the image below. So, basically my intro will be a guide on how to use the application each time shows something and hide the rest and we use the button "next" to get through it all.
I've already found this repository, but that's not exactly my purpose... any help?
So, basically, I need to make a very similar tour guide like this one but in react native application

Develop a custom Backdrop App [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it possible to develop a custom Backdrop App for Google Chromecast instead of using Google's Backdrop feature? It doesn't support some features and I have some ideas, so want to see if that is possible. Documentation didn't provide me that information. Thanks.
No, that area is not open to developers to change; users can decide on the source of content there (images from various sources, news, etc) but beyond that, there is no access to backdrop for developers.

Which is the best way to add a profile picture code for users in a website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hi I'm creating a website which has many users, I would like add a profile picture for every user and display it. Which is the best way to add either using server scripting (Ruby) or via HTML and java scripts?
One of the easiest way to do this (independently of any technology) is to have your website use Gravatars ("Globally Recognized Avatars") when available. You can then use a simple img to show it in any size you want :
<img src="" />
See here for more information.

Can MikTeX create tagged PDFs? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Tagged PDFs allow for the easy reflow and accessibility of PDFs. It seems like this would be a natural use case for using LaTeX, which advocates content over style. But as far as I can tell, there is no way to create a tagged PDF with MikTeX 2.8.
Does anybody know of any tips, tricks or techniques to get a tagged PDF through LaTeX without resort to the commercial version of Adobe Acrobat?
Hmm, well, yes, sort of.
There isn't really sophisticated support for tagging, and what there is, is implemented in pdftex/luatex. Support for bookmarks and in-document cross-references is done using tagging. There's also been some more sophisticated work shown at TUG conferences, but this is all in the pipeline for now.
Context/luatex has better support that Latex for this sort of thing: there's some support for interactive documents using Context's layers, where the contents of the layers change when buttons are clicked in the PDF. I think this must be done using tagging.
I've never heard of anything like embedded forms, digital signing, or embedding the Latex/Tex/Context source in the resulting PDF, but in principle this is all possible.
I've the same question with pdfLatex in general and found this:
But I don't test it till now.

Drawit vs Pixel [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
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if you have to choose between two image application on a mac Drawit ($38) or Pixel ($46). Drawit is similar to Adobe fireworks while Pixel is like PhotoShop. Which will you choose and why.
thanks in advance.
Because i mainly do web-design or graphics for the web my application of choice is Fireworks. It loads up quickly, supports vector design, exports for web and it's what I'm used to!
I think you need to decide what you are going to be using it for and what if any experience you have with either product.
Hope that helps.
Depends on what you want to do with them. I don't know either of them, but I have always worked with Fireworks for things as web design, as seemingly opposed to a lot of people who prefer Photoshop. I mostly use Photoshop for some more advanced image editing.
