SOAP JAX-WS client in Ruby - ruby

I want to write a ruby web service client for a SOAP (JAX-WS) web service. I looked into soap4r and handsoap but couldn't find useful resources to write a (JAX-WS) client
Can you help me to find some resources and some way of doing it. Because as I can see, my web service is developed using oracle JDeveloper and looks little different than examples find in web.
I'm a beginner for SOAP, WSDL web services and finding it hard.
Has anyone done something like this before, or can you turn me to the correct direction?

JAX-WS is an API for the development of web services in Java. Know then that, in order to consume a SOAP/WSDL based web service, it is not necessary to know how that web service was implemented. It could be Java, .NET or any other number of languages. All that is required to create a SOAP based web service client is the WSDL for the service. It is self contained and self descriptive, including all operations and data types supported by the web service.
In order to familiarize yourself with web services, I would recommend trying to exercise some web services directly, for example using SoapUI. This will allow you to import a WSDL for an active web service, try out some of the operations, and see what the corresponding SOAP messages look like. Then, I would look at "What's the best way to use soap with ruby?" for more ruby specific approaches.


How to implement soa concept in web api project?

I know some basic concepts about SOA. But I don't know how I can develop a project based on SOA. So, I want to know a way for implementing SOA in Asp.NET Web API project.
SOA is not a technology but a style of design/Architecture. There are different implementations of this. They are as follows.
Web services based on WSDL and SOAP
Messaging, e.g., with ActiveMQ, JMS, RabbitMQ
RESTful HTTP, with Representational state transfer (REST) constituting its own constraints-based architectural style
WCF (Microsoft's implementation of Web services, forming a part of WCF)
Apache Thrift
ASP.Net Core supports REST api and if you looking at implementing SOAP based service using core here is a handy link for this
There are many videos on youtube and there are many websites to learn REST services. If you are familiar with c# and, you can start learn ASP.NET Core to build your restful services.
Here is a link to one video links.

Tool to report rest interfaces

We have a web application using Jersey and Spring's rest template. Does anyone know of a tool that can scan a code base and produce a report that lists all exposed endpoints and also internal references to those endpoints?
You may also take a look at Swagger, a framework for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.
Swagger supports multiple REST frameworks and also JAX-RS based on Jersey.
From their GitHub Wiki:
The Swagger framework simultaneously addresses server, client, and documentation/sandbox needs for REST APIs. As a specification, it is language-agnostic. It also provides a long runway into new technologies and protocols beyond HTTP.
With Swagger's declarative resource specification, clients can understand and consume services without knowledge of server implementation or access to the server code. The Swagger UI framework allows both developers and non-developers to interact with the API in a sandbox UI that gives clear insight into how the API responds to parameters and options. Swagger happily speaks both JSON and XML, with additional formats in the works.
Jersey can provide a WADL report at the /application.wadl URI. It doesn't document complex types but at least gives you a list of endpoints.

spring mvc + desktop app = best protocol and gui framework

I wanna create spring app which will consists of 2 parts :
spring backend + spring mvc (server + web app)
desktop app which need to acces to backend
Whats best protocol to comunicate between spring and desktop app? Can i use SOAP for this? Can someone do quick overview of avaliable technologies (why not/yes)?
And whats best choice for desktop app GUI framework? or its better to use pure Swing / AWT.
I want to notice that i wanna use solutions which is most popular in software companies.
I appreciate every opinions.
The companies I work for aren't interested in Swing. Apps are web-based, not desktop. You're more likely to find mobile apps rather than Swing these days.
With that said, your instinct is a good one: separate the services, which are unlikely to change, from the UIs that come and go.
Start with Spring POJO, interface-based services and remote them any way you like.
An HTTP-based protocol will be more reusable by different clients.
Spring allows you to use HTTP remoting, SOAP or REST web services. If you write web services, learn how to write "contract first". Start with the .xsd for your XML messages.

Writing Non soap web service

Please let me know how to write a non soap web service. On the web I could find many tutorials to develop SOAP and REST based web services. But nothing really helpful for non soap. I would like to add custom http handling.
I am looking forward to host it on tomcat on a Windows machine. But any feasible options are welcome.
REST services are by far simpler to get a start on. You did not specify whether you are interested in a particular language but you tagged your question with the [tomcat] tag, so I can suggest Java. REST is a part of Java specifications now and a good way to start is the Oracle Java EE tutorial on REST.

Are WSDL's like spring dispatch servlet?

im trying to understand where WSDL's fit in, in a typical web service backend application. i am coming from a Spring background and in my experience so far, in Spring, each url request gets mapped to a specific controller class via a dispate servlet running in the web container. you can specify which url matches a given controller via xml config or from annotations.
is using a WSDL the same thing as using an xml config file to map url requests to java objects?
Thanks in advance. im moving from Spring to standard j2ee/EJB3.
WSDL is just a description of Web Service interface, most Web Service systems generate those descriptions on fly like for example when you create asmx web services you can generate WSDL on fly by typing http://yourhost/yourwebcontext/yourwebservicename.asmx?wsdl and it will return you the description of that web service. Then you can use a tools that generate stub proxies for coding using those descriptions automatically, for example in Visual Studio when you add an Web Service Reference those operations are done automatically
No, WSDLs are not like a dispatch servlet.
A WSDL file is a description of a web service (SOAP, REST, etc.). A WSDL can (theoretically) be used by anyone to generate executable code which consumes the web service described by that WSDL.
From the WSDL tag info:
"WSDL" stands for "Web Services Description Language." It is an XML language used to describe a web service to code that wishes to consume it. It describes the messages sent and received, the possible faults, and the communication and security requirements.
From WSDL Essentials:
In a nutshell, WSDL represents a contract between the service requestor and the service provider, in much the same way that a Java interface represents a contract between client code and the actual Java object. The crucial difference is that WSDL is platform- and language-independent and is used primarily (although not exclusively) to describe SOAP services.
Using WSDL, a client can locate a web service and invoke any of its publicly available functions. With WSDL-aware tools, you can also automate this process, enabling applications to easily integrate new services with little or no manual code. WSDL therefore represents a cornerstone of the web service architecture, because it provides a common language for describing services and a platform for automatically integrating those services.
