Writing Non soap web service - windows

Please let me know how to write a non soap web service. On the web I could find many tutorials to develop SOAP and REST based web services. But nothing really helpful for non soap. I would like to add custom http handling.
I am looking forward to host it on tomcat on a Windows machine. But any feasible options are welcome.

REST services are by far simpler to get a start on. You did not specify whether you are interested in a particular language but you tagged your question with the [tomcat] tag, so I can suggest Java. REST is a part of Java specifications now and a good way to start is the Oracle Java EE tutorial on REST.


Spring Integration Webservice vs. RestTemplate

I'm trying to learn SI (Spring Integration) but i'm a bit confused on the real usage of this.
As first example i would like to interact with a WebService but i dont understand what could be the difference from
Invoke a WebService Using SI
Invoke a Webservice using RestTemplate
So, what is the benefit of using SI (in Webservice context, or in other context)?
Looking the web, i havent find an article that explain:
Usually you will do in this way....
With SI you can do better - in this another way - and the benefit are....
To be more explicit on what i have to realize, this is an example:
1) I have to write an application (Standalone application) that have to collect some data in the system periodically and then invoke a Web Service that will store it.
2) The Web Service receive the call from the "clients" and store in the database.
My webservice will use REST.
The reason because i've think to use SI is that the Standalone Application should interact with different system
Webservice in first instance
A Web Mail, if the webservice is not achievable
File system if Web mail is not achievable too
If you only need to pull some data in a simple way and push it onwards to a REST service this does not "justify" the use of Spring Integration. A simple Spring (Boot) application combined with a scheduler will be sufficient.
But if you want to use a more complex data source for which an endpoint is available, you need transformations, complex and flexible routing is a high priority or even Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) then Spring Integration is for you. Have a look at the Overview and decide if it mentions something you consider as valuable to you.
Perhaps you will create additional value by mixing in Spring Batch if you need to process a lot of data.
But as I understand your current demand starting with just a RESTTemplate should do for the moment. Starting small will not prevent you from switching to Spring Integration later on.
Have a look at the various tutorials and guides provided by the Spring Boot project. There is even an example for Spring Integration.

Spring XD REST Service

I would like to have a REST service to expose the data read and processed from Spring XD. Similar to the one in the Analytics Server.
For example I would like my own functions which can be exposed similar to Counters and be able to access the data from a web browser.
Is there any tutorial? I have searched and found that Spring Boot is the one but I am looking for help on how I integrate it with Spring XD.
Would be very helpful if someone can point me to the instructions on how I can achieve this.
You can use trigger as a source with http-client as a processor processor to access any web browsers info regardless if it is a web service URL or not.

load testing using multithreading for a spring rest ful webservice

I had implemented a restful service. I want to do a load testing for spring rest ful service. In this i want to check how many users can access a service. How to do that..Please provide me some information.
There are a variety of tools out there you can use for load testing. I've found JMeter to be a pretty robust open source option. Specifically for REST requests you can use the HTTP Request component.
That said, I'd be curious to hear what others are using.

Ajax client for a CXF service

I'm new to CXF, and I was trying to implement a CFX client in Ajax.
I had already implemented a client in Java but now I need to implement a client-side application to access CXF. I'm not even sure that it's possible to do that (Accessing CXF directly from client-side).
If it's possible then kindly direct me to some ajax code. If not, then please help me with your ideas for a web-based CFX client.
I would like to know a good answer to this question too. However, I have what I deem to be an unsatisfactory answer! Code up a servlet that effectively wraps the java-based JAX-RS client so as to make it accessible via a 'normal' parameter-based web services API call (i.e. like http://mydomain:8080/service?param1=xxx). This you can then use with AJAX. However I don't like this since, in effect, the JAX-RS service is most probably already being delivered from a generic servlet (e.g. as is the case I believe for Jersey)
If anyone out there has got a better solution, I'd like to hear it.

SOAP JAX-WS client in Ruby

I want to write a ruby web service client for a SOAP (JAX-WS) web service. I looked into soap4r and handsoap but couldn't find useful resources to write a (JAX-WS) client
Can you help me to find some resources and some way of doing it. Because as I can see, my web service is developed using oracle JDeveloper and looks little different than examples find in web.
I'm a beginner for SOAP, WSDL web services and finding it hard.
Has anyone done something like this before, or can you turn me to the correct direction?
JAX-WS is an API for the development of web services in Java. Know then that, in order to consume a SOAP/WSDL based web service, it is not necessary to know how that web service was implemented. It could be Java, .NET or any other number of languages. All that is required to create a SOAP based web service client is the WSDL for the service. It is self contained and self descriptive, including all operations and data types supported by the web service.
In order to familiarize yourself with web services, I would recommend trying to exercise some web services directly, for example using SoapUI. This will allow you to import a WSDL for an active web service, try out some of the operations, and see what the corresponding SOAP messages look like. Then, I would look at "What's the best way to use soap with ruby?" for more ruby specific approaches.
