spring mvc + desktop app = best protocol and gui framework - spring

I wanna create spring app which will consists of 2 parts :
spring backend + spring mvc (server + web app)
desktop app which need to acces to backend
Whats best protocol to comunicate between spring and desktop app? Can i use SOAP for this? Can someone do quick overview of avaliable technologies (why not/yes)?
And whats best choice for desktop app GUI framework? or its better to use pure Swing / AWT.
I want to notice that i wanna use solutions which is most popular in software companies.
I appreciate every opinions.

The companies I work for aren't interested in Swing. Apps are web-based, not desktop. You're more likely to find mobile apps rather than Swing these days.
With that said, your instinct is a good one: separate the services, which are unlikely to change, from the UIs that come and go.
Start with Spring POJO, interface-based services and remote them any way you like.
An HTTP-based protocol will be more reusable by different clients.
Spring allows you to use HTTP remoting, SOAP or REST web services. If you write web services, learn how to write "contract first". Start with the .xsd for your XML messages.


Spring MVC Support for mobile devices and standard browser

I am designing a dashboard application using Spring MVC Restful APIs. One of the requirements is to support mobile devices and standard browser.
Please let me know if I can implement this in Presentation layer (JSP), if yes, how can we achieve it?

How to implement soa concept in asp.net web api project?

I know some basic concepts about SOA. But I don't know how I can develop a project based on SOA. So, I want to know a way for implementing SOA in Asp.NET Web API project.
SOA is not a technology but a style of design/Architecture. There are different implementations of this. They are as follows.
Web services based on WSDL and SOAP
Messaging, e.g., with ActiveMQ, JMS, RabbitMQ
RESTful HTTP, with Representational state transfer (REST) constituting its own constraints-based architectural style
WCF (Microsoft's implementation of Web services, forming a part of WCF)
Apache Thrift
ASP.Net Core supports REST api and if you looking at implementing SOAP based service using asp.net core here is a handy link for this
There are many videos on youtube and there are many websites to learn REST services. If you are familiar with c# and asp.net, you can start learn ASP.NET Core to build your restful services.
Here is a link to one video links.

Example open source microservices applications

I'm looking for open source applications that demonstrate the microservices pattern. In particular, I'd like to find one or more applications that can be spun up on real cloud environment up (but with fake data and requests) to demonstrate real-world deployment mechanics.
Unfortunately, I haven't found any good options yet. I'll note that Discourse is a modern 3-tier application, using Rails API, Ember.js, Postgres, and Redis, but it still is much closer to a monolith than an example of microservices. The closest I've found so far is https://github.com/kbastani/spring-cloud-microservice-example but that is more of a framework than an actual application that delivers data.
Not your typical CRUD app but Deis (a PaaS) uses REST APIs mostly to communicate between services. Peatio has a bunch of services that communicate asynchronously through a message queue.
Microsoft provides a demo webshop application based on .NET Core showing how to apply the microservices pattern:
There is also an ebook available: https://aka.ms/microservicesebook
this lagom application example is a microservices application written in Lagom . It is a akka based framework (DDD for design).
Application is complete and working. See if that serve your purpose.

Can I merge these two web applications to become one using GWT Servlet and RESTful API?

I have started to write two web application projects
RESFful API for mobile clients using Spring REST API
GWT WebApp Server for web clients using Servlets
My problem is that both web applications are using the same database and that I think that instead of having two web applications I actually should have started this project using just one web application that handles the requests for web and mobile clients.
The problem I got now is that I don't have any idea how I could "merge" those two guys and whether I should stick to Spring REST API or if I should use RestyGWT.
GWT Server-Project using Servlets
RESTful Server using Spring
All projects (in the middle of a major refactoring mission)
Is there a way that would allow me to launch the web application as a whole and have access to the REST API from my mobile clients and to the Servlets from my web clients?
It depends on your business logic implementation. If you have it in a separate module/package, then it should be easy to merge your two applications.
You will have to rework the mappings in web.xml and how you pass the input/output data to the business logic methods from both the REST implementation and your servlet code.
Personally I will recommend a single approach such as only going with the REST based approach that you already have and migrate your servlet functionality to it.

Where to Use WCF in a Big Web Project

We are planning to develop a big application in web, our current plan is to create a WCF service for each class in the Business layer. Is this effective? I want to know where can we use WCF in a big web application and main advantages of using it
we have these projects
1) MVC3 with Razor that handles UI
2) Class Library Project that communicate with Database
3) WCF Project
Method we using
1)Creates UI and Model in MVC
2)Makes dll that communicate with UI (eg:Save function/Update function) using ClassLibrary Project
3)The Class Library Created is Added (Added to Bin) in WCF Project
4) Builds the WCF and Host It in Server
5) The Hosted Service is Used in MVC Project for Communication with DB
Our Technical lead is saying it is light weight and more secure but i am wondering why he is saying to use WCF for whole appication
First ask this question, why do you need a service layer, when it could be achieved by a separate application. If you want to achieve this for just loose coupling, then it does not makes sense.
In my opinion, the service layer would be useful for exposing your data (dal-layer) and not Business Layer. For example take twitter. Twitter exposes it data over Web Services. What you do with the data is completely your interpretation. The data could be consumed by many application over HTTP. So your client could be remotely situated and need not to be on the same server as your application. The business layer could change based upon interpretation of data. The consumer, then need to worry about latest changes and including latest DLL. It will just consume the webservice. Also mocking your service would be pretty easy and you could write your NUnits tests very easy on your Business layer then. I would also recommend you to have a look at ASP.Net Web API, which provides restful way of exposing your services and data(with inbuilt capablity of exposing it as JSON). The RestFull service has many advantages over WCF, like you then need not to worry about WSDL and etc. The interface always remains same. Consuming a RestFul service is very easy.
As again with the twitter example. The clients consuming twitter api's are not situated on same server. So it makes sense to expose it over HTTP.
But if you do not have such a requirement(Client is not remotely situated), then exposing your data over web services does not make sense. Then a separate application will give you loose coupling and that should be good enough for you. Also exposing data on HTTP will have some performance impact too.
I understand the scenario you are trying to implement and I think its perfectly allright. By light weight he means, from your WCF service he would do interaction with Database and then send light weight DTO's for each action and controller as per requirement. So basically your WCF would do nothing but invoke methods from your class library, would fetch some Business Object and Convert it back to DTO(as required by your action to render UI) and send it to Controller.
Also make sure, you use Dependency Injection for your Services, so that you could write NUnit tests for your controller with mock data and hence no requirement of Database for running your NUnits
My preference is to have the service layer be a completely independent application that can be consumed by many applications. It makes projects, especially large ones, much easier to scale, than if you were to create your service layer inside a single web application.
Unfortunatly to tell you. Using WCF is less effective. The main purpose to use WCF it to let your data can be accessed with any client application. not just web application. you may also have a Silverlight or winform. WCF has nothing to do with "A BIG" web app.
