Bash: how to interrupt this script when there's a CTRL-C? - bash

I wrote a tiny Bash script to find all the Mercurial changesets (starting from the tip) that contains the string passed in argument:
CNT=$(hg tip | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -c 3)
while [ $CNT -gt 0 ]
echo rev $CNT
hg log -v -r$CNT | grep $1
let CNT=CNT-1
If I interrupt it by hitting ctrl-c, more often than not the command currently executed is "hg log" and it's that command that gets interrupted, but then my script continues.
I was then thinking of checking the return status of "hg log", but because I'm piping it into grep I'm not too sure as to how to go about it...
How should I go about exiting this script when it is interrupted? (btw I don't know if that script is good at all for what I want to do but it does the job and anyway I'm interested in the "interrupted" issue)

Place at the beginning of your script: trap 'echo interrupted; exit' INT
Edit: As noted in comments below, probably doesn't work for the OP's program due to the pipe. The $PIPESTATUS solution works, but it might be simpler to set the script to exit if any program in the pipe exits with an error status: set -e -o pipefail

Rewrite your script like this, using the $PIPESTATUS array to check for a failure:
CNT=$(hg tip | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -c 3)
while [ $CNT -gt 0 ]
echo rev $CNT
hg log -v -r$CNT | grep $1
if [ 0 -ne ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ] ; then
echo hg failed
let CNT=CNT-1

The $PIPESTATUS variable will allow you to check the results of every member of the pipe.


how stopped script while procces id exist? Solaris

I want to stall the execution of my script until a process is closed (I have the PID stored in a variable).
outputl=$( ps -ef | grep $var4 | awk '{print $2}' ) >> $logfile
while [ "ps -p $outputl" ] > /dev/null;
sleep 1;
echo "Stopped $instance" >> $logfile
It stays in the "while" and not continue whit script.
This line:
while [ "ps -p $output1" ]
does not execute the ps command. It simply tests whether the string "ps -p $output1" is not empty, and it obviously isn't. To test the output of a command, use $():
while [ "$(ps -p "$output1")" ]
But since ps produces a header, this will always be true. The best way to test if a PID exists is to use the kill command with signal 0; this doesn't actually send a signal, it just tests whether it's possible to send a signal. I'm assuming this code is being run either by root or the userid running the application being checked. So you can write:
while kill -0 "$output1" 2>/dev/null
Also, your code for getting the PID into $output1 is wrong. ps -ef will also include the grep command, which matches the name you're looking for, so you need to filter that out. Use:
output1=$(ps -ef | grep "$var4" | awk '!/grep/ { print $2 }')
Redirecting the output to $logfile is not necessary, since variable assignments don't print anything.
Many systems have a pgrep command, which can be used by itself to test if a process with a given name exists; if you have this, you can use it instead of reinventing the wheel (and if not, you should be able to install it).
If you have the PID then just wait for it to complete. Try:
outputl=$( ps -ef | awk -v v="$var4" '$0~v{print $2}' )
wait "$outputl"
echo "Stopped $instance" >> $logfile
then look for a better way to find the pid in the first line.

Access $? Variable with a piped statement?

I have some code that I would like to have the $? variable of.
VARIABLE=`grep "searched_string" test.log | sed 's/searched/found/'`
Is there any way to test if this entire line (rather than just the sed command) was completed successfully? If I try the following code right after it:
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
echo 1
it doesn't run even if the grep part of the statement fails.
Could someone show how to resolve this issue?
Use the
echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
will print out the array of exit-statuses of all commands.
$ ls | grep . | wc -l
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
0 0 0
$ ls | grep nonexistentfilename | wc -l
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
0 1 0 #the grep returns 1 - pattern not found
$ ls nonexistentfilename | grep somegibberish | wc -l
ls: nonexistentfilename: No such file or directory
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
1 1 0 #ls and grep fails
for exact command status
echo ${PIPESTATUS[1]} #for the grep
also here is the
set -o pipefail
from the docs
If set, the return value of a pipeline is the value of the
last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if
all commands in the pipeline exit successfully. This option is
disabled by default.
$ ls nonexistentfile | wc -c
ls: nonexistentfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
$ set -o pipefail
$ ls nonexistentfile | wc -c
ls: nonexistentfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
EDIT based on the comment
Youre probably tried the next:
VARIABLE=$(grep "searched_string" test.log | sed 's/searched/found/')
echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}"
Of course, this can't work because the whole $(...) part runs in the subshell (another process) and therefore any variable what is created is lost when the subshell exits. (at the ))
You should put the whole PIPESTATUS mechanism into $(...) like next:
grep "searched_string" test.log | sed 's/searched/found/'
# do something with PIPESTATUS
# you should not echo anythig to stdout (because will be captured into $variable)
# you can echo on stderr - e.g.
echo "=${PIPESTATUS[#]}=" >&2
Also, the second line of the comment is an solution, eg:
var_with_status=$(command | commmand2 ; echo ":DELIMITER:${PIPESTATUS[#]}")
now, the $var_with_status will contain not only the result of the command | command2 but the PIPESTATUS too, delimited with some unique delimiter, so you can extract it...
Also, the set -o pipefail will indicate the result - if you don't need exact place of the fail.
Also you can write the PIPESTATUS in some temp-file (in the subshell) and the parent can read it and delete the temp-file...
Also is possible print the PIPESTATUS into different file-descriptors in the subshell and read this descriptor in the parent shell, but....
... beware do not fall into the XY problem, where you will make extremelly complicated script, only because you don't want change the logic of the processing.
e.g. you can always break you script into safe parts, like:
var1=$(grep 'str' test.log)
#check the `$var1` and do something with the error indicated with `$?`
var2=(sed '....' <<<"$var1")
#check the `$var2` and do something with the error indicated with `$?`
#and so on
simple enough?
So, ask yourself - do you really need mungling with how to get the PIPESTATUS form an subshell?
Ps: don't use uppercase variable names. could interfere with some environment variables and causes hard-to-debug problems..

How to check if another instance of my shell script is running

GNU bash, version 1.14.7(1)
I have a script is called ""
I have to check this from script only...
inside it I have written following statement
status=`ps -efww | grep -w "" | grep -v grep | grep -v $$ | awk '{ print $2 }'`
if [ ! -z "$status" ]; then
echo "[`date`] : : Process is already running"
exit 1;
I know it's wrong because every time it exits as it found its own process in 'ps'
how to solve it?
how can I check that script is already running or not from that script only ?
An easier way to check for a process already executing is the pidof command.
if pidof -x "" >/dev/null; then
echo "Process already running"
Alternatively, have your script create a PID file when it executes. It's then a simple exercise of checking for the presence of the PID file to determine if the process is already running.
# Could add check for existence of mypidfile here if interlock is
# needed in the shell script itself.
# Ensure PID file is removed on program exit.
trap "rm -f -- '$mypidfile'" EXIT
# Create a file with current PID to indicate that process is running.
echo $$ > "$mypidfile"
The question has now changed to check from the script itself. In this case, we would expect to always see at least one running. If there is more than one, then we know that process is still running. I'd still suggest use of the pidof command which would return 2 PIDs if the process was already running. You could use grep to filter out the current PID, loop in the shell or even revert to just counting PIDs with wc to detect multiple processes.
Here's an example:
for pid in $(pidof -x; do
if [ $pid != $$ ]; then
echo "[$(date)] : : Process is already running with PID $pid"
exit 1
I you want the "pidof" method, here is the trick:
if pidof -o %PPID -x "">/dev/null; then
echo "Process already running"
Where the -o %PPID parameter tells to omit the pid of the calling shell or shell script. More info in the pidof man page.
Here's one trick you'll see in various places:
status=`ps -efww | grep -w "[a]" | awk -vpid=$$ '$2 != pid { print $2 }'`
if [ ! -z "$status" ]; then
echo "[`date`] : : Process is already running"
exit 1;
The brackets around the [a] (or pick a different letter) prevent grep from finding itself. This makes the grep -v grep bit unnecessary. I also removed the grep -v $$ and fixed the awk part to accomplish the same thing.
Working solution:
if [[ `pgrep -f $0` != "$$" ]]; then
echo "Another instance of shell already exist! Exiting"
Edit: I checked out some comments lately, so I tried attempting same with some debugging. I will also will explain it.
$0 gives filename of your running script.
$$ gives PID of your running script.
pgrep searches for process by name and returns PID.
pgrep -f $0 searches by filename, $0 being the current bash script filename and returns its PID.
So, pgrep checks if your script PID ($0) is equal to current running script ($$). If yes, then the script runs normally. If no, that means there's another PID with same filename running, so it exits. The reason I used pgrep -f $0 instead of pgrep bash is that you could have multiple instances of bash running and thus returns multiple PIDs. By filename, its returns only single PID.
Use bash not ./ as it doesn't work unless you have shebang.
Fix: Use #!/bin/bash shebang at beginning.
The reason sudo doesn't work is that it returns pgrep returns PID of both bash and sudo, instead of returning of of bash.
pseudopid="`pgrep -f $0 -l`"
actualpid="$(echo "$pseudopid" | grep -v 'sudo' | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')"
if [[ `echo $actualpid` != "$$" ]]; then
echo "Another instance of shell already exist! Exiting"
while true
echo "Running"
sleep 100
The script exits even if the script isn't running. That is because there's another process having that same filename. Try doing vim then running bash, it'll fail because of vim being opened with same filename
Fix: Use unique filename.
Someone please shoot me down if I'm wrong here
I understand that the mkdir operation is atomic, so you could create a lock directory
mkdir $lockdir || {
echo "lock directory exists. exiting"
exit 1
# take pains to remove lock directory when script terminates
trap "rmdir $lockdir" EXIT INT KILL TERM
# rest of script here
Here's how I do it in a bash script:
if ps ax | grep $0 | grep -v $$ | grep bash | grep -v grep
echo "The script is already running."
exit 1
This allows me to use this snippet for any bash script. I needed to grep bash because when using with cron, it creates another process that executes it using /bin/sh.
I find the answer from #Austin Phillips is spot on. One small improvement I'd do is to add -o (to ignore the pid of the script itself) and match for the script with basename (ie same code can be put into any script):
if pidof -x "`basename $0`" -o $$ >/dev/null; then
echo "Process already running"
pidof wasn't working for me so I searched some more and came across pgrep
for pid in $(pgrep -f; do
if [ $pid != $$ ]; then
echo "[$(date)] : : Process is already running with PID $pid"
exit 1
echo "Running with PID $pid"
Taken in part from answers above and
Use the PS command in a little different way to ignore child process as well:
ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep $PROCESS | grep -v $$
I create a temporary file during execution.
This is how I do it:
# check if lock file exists
if [ -e /tmp/script.lock ]; then
echo "script is already running"
# create a lock file
touch /tmp/script.lock
echo "run script..."
#remove lock file
rm /tmp/script.lock
I have found that using backticks to capture command output into a variable, adversly, yeilds one too many ps aux results, e.g. for a single running instance of
ps aux | grep -w "" | grep -v grep | wc -l
returns "1". However,
count=`ps aux | grep -w "" | grep -v grep | wc -l`
echo $count
returns "2"
Seems like using the backtick construction somehow temporarily creates another process. Could be the reason why the topicstarter could not make this work. Just need to decrement the $count var.
I didn't want to hardcode in the check, so I used the following:
MY_SCRIPT_NAME=`basename "$0"`
if pidof -o %PPID -x $MY_SCRIPT_NAME > /dev/null; then
echo "$MY_SCRIPT_NAME already running; exiting"
exit 1
This is compact and universal
# exit if another instance of this script is running
for pid in $(pidof -x `basename $0`); do
[ $pid != $$ ] && { exit 1; }
The cleanest fastest way:
processAlreadyRunning () {
process="$(basename "${0}")"
pidof -x "${process}" -o $$ &>/dev/null
For other variants (like AIX) that don't have pidof or pgrep. Reliability is greatly improved by getting a "static" view of the process table as opposed to piping it directly to grep. Setting IFS to null will preserve the carriage returns when the ps output is assigned to a variable.
script_name=$(basename $0)
PSOUT="$(ps ax)"
ANY_TEXT=$(echo $PSOUT | grep $script_name | grep -vw $$ | grep $(basename $SHELL))
if [[ $ANY_TEXT ]]; then
echo "Process is already running"
echo "$ANY_TEXT"
[ "$(pidof -x $(basename $0))" != $$ ] && exit

Pipe command output, but keep the error code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pipe output and capture exit status in Bash
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How do I get the correct return code from a unix command line application after I've piped it through another command that succeeded?
In detail, here's the situation :
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file} -- when only the tar command fails $?=0
$ echo $?
And, what I'd like to see is:
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} 2>${sh_tar_error_file} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file}
$ echo $?
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Use ${PIPESTATUS[0]} to get the exit status of the first command in the pipe.
For details, see
See also for other approaches if your shell does not support $PIPESTATUS.
Look at $PIPESTATUS which is an array variable holding exit statuses. So ${PIPESTATUS[0]} holds the exit status of the first command in the pipe, ${PIPESTATUS[1]} the exit status of the second command, and so on.
For example:
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file}
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
To print out all statuses use:
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
Here is a general solution using only POSIX shell and no temporary files:
Starting from the pipeline:
foo | bar | baz
exec 4>&1
error_statuses=`((foo || echo "0:$?" >&3) |
(bar || echo "1:$?" >&3) |
(baz || echo "2:$?" >&3)) 3>&1 >&4`
exec 4>&-
$error_statuses contains the status codes of any failed processes, in random order, with indexes to tell which command emitted each status.
# if "bar" failed, output its status:
echo $error_statuses | grep '1:' | cut -d: -f2
# test if all commands succeeded:
test -z "$error_statuses"
# test if the last command succeeded:
echo $error_statuses | grep '2:' >/dev/null
As others have pointed out, some modern shells provide PIPESTATUS to get this info. In classic sh, it's a bit more difficult, and you need to use a fifo:
trap 'rm -rf $TMPDIR' 0
TMPDIR=$( mktemp -d )
mkfifo ${FIFO=$TMPDIR/fifo}
cmd1 > $FIFO &
cmd2 < $FIFO
wait $!
echo The return value of cmd1 is $?
(Well, you don't need to use a fifo. You can have the commands early in the pipe echo a status variable and eval that in the main shell, redirecting file descriptors all over the place and basically bending over backwards to check things, but using a fifo is much, much easier.)

Bash script not exiting immediately when `exit` is called

I have the following bash script:
tail -F -n0 /private/var/log/system.log | while read line
if [ ! `echo $line | grep -c 'launchd'` -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'launchd message'
exit 0
For some reason, it is echoing launchd message, waiting for a full 5 seconds, and then exiting.
Why is this happening and how do I make it exit immediately after it echos launchd message?
Since you're using a pipe, the while loop is being run in a subshell. Run it in the main shell instead.
while ...
done < <(tail ...)
As indicated by Ignacio, your tail | while creates a subshell. The delay is because it's waiting for the next line to be written to the log file before everything closes.
You can add this line immediately before your exit command if you'd prefer not using process substitution:
kill -SIGPIPE $$
Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to control the exit code using this method. It will be 141 which is 128 + 13 (the signal number of SIGPIPE).
If you're trying to make the startup of a daemon dependent on another one having started, there's probably a better way to do that.
By the way, if you're really writing a Bash script (which you'd have to be to use <() process substitution), you can write your if like this: if [[ $line == *launchd* ]].
You can also exit the subshell with a tell-tale exit code and then test the value of "$?" to get the same effect you're looking for:
tail -F -n0 /private/var/log/system.log | while read line
if [ ! `echo $line | grep -c 'launchd'` -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'launchd message'
exit 10
if [ $? -eq 10 ]; then exit 0; fi
