Access $? Variable with a piped statement? - bash

I have some code that I would like to have the $? variable of.
VARIABLE=`grep "searched_string" test.log | sed 's/searched/found/'`
Is there any way to test if this entire line (rather than just the sed command) was completed successfully? If I try the following code right after it:
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
echo 1
it doesn't run even if the grep part of the statement fails.
Could someone show how to resolve this issue?

Use the
echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
will print out the array of exit-statuses of all commands.
$ ls | grep . | wc -l
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
0 0 0
$ ls | grep nonexistentfilename | wc -l
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
0 1 0 #the grep returns 1 - pattern not found
$ ls nonexistentfilename | grep somegibberish | wc -l
ls: nonexistentfilename: No such file or directory
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
1 1 0 #ls and grep fails
for exact command status
echo ${PIPESTATUS[1]} #for the grep
also here is the
set -o pipefail
from the docs
If set, the return value of a pipeline is the value of the
last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if
all commands in the pipeline exit successfully. This option is
disabled by default.
$ ls nonexistentfile | wc -c
ls: nonexistentfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
$ set -o pipefail
$ ls nonexistentfile | wc -c
ls: nonexistentfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
EDIT based on the comment
Youre probably tried the next:
VARIABLE=$(grep "searched_string" test.log | sed 's/searched/found/')
echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}"
Of course, this can't work because the whole $(...) part runs in the subshell (another process) and therefore any variable what is created is lost when the subshell exits. (at the ))
You should put the whole PIPESTATUS mechanism into $(...) like next:
grep "searched_string" test.log | sed 's/searched/found/'
# do something with PIPESTATUS
# you should not echo anythig to stdout (because will be captured into $variable)
# you can echo on stderr - e.g.
echo "=${PIPESTATUS[#]}=" >&2
Also, the second line of the comment is an solution, eg:
var_with_status=$(command | commmand2 ; echo ":DELIMITER:${PIPESTATUS[#]}")
now, the $var_with_status will contain not only the result of the command | command2 but the PIPESTATUS too, delimited with some unique delimiter, so you can extract it...
Also, the set -o pipefail will indicate the result - if you don't need exact place of the fail.
Also you can write the PIPESTATUS in some temp-file (in the subshell) and the parent can read it and delete the temp-file...
Also is possible print the PIPESTATUS into different file-descriptors in the subshell and read this descriptor in the parent shell, but....
... beware do not fall into the XY problem, where you will make extremelly complicated script, only because you don't want change the logic of the processing.
e.g. you can always break you script into safe parts, like:
var1=$(grep 'str' test.log)
#check the `$var1` and do something with the error indicated with `$?`
var2=(sed '....' <<<"$var1")
#check the `$var2` and do something with the error indicated with `$?`
#and so on
simple enough?
So, ask yourself - do you really need mungling with how to get the PIPESTATUS form an subshell?
Ps: don't use uppercase variable names. could interfere with some environment variables and causes hard-to-debug problems..


How to easily find out which part of a bash/zsh pipeline failed due to `set -o pipefail`?

I have a bash/zsh command with multiple pipes | that fails when using set -o pipefail. For simplicity assume the command is
set -o pipefail; echo "123456" | head -c2 | grep 5 | cat
How do I quickly find out which command is the first to fail and why? I know I can check the exit code, but that doesn't show which part of the pipeline failed first.
Is there something simpler than the rather verbose check of building up the pipeline one by one and checking for the first failing exit code?
Edit: I removed the contrived code example I made up as it confused people about my purpose of asking. The actual command that prompted this question was:
zstdcat metadata.tsv.zst | \
tsv-summarize -H --group-by Nextclade_pango --count | \
tsv-filter -H --ge 'count:2' | \
tsv-select -H -f1 >open_lineages.txt
In bash, use echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}" right after the command to get the exit status for each component in a space separated list:
$ set -o pipefail; echo "123456" | head -c2 | grep 5 | cat
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
0 0 1 0
Beware zsh users, you need to use the lower case pipestatus instead:
$ set -o pipefail; echo "123456" | head -c2 | grep 5 | cat
$ echo $pipestatus
0 0 1 0
In fish you can also simply use echo $pipestatus for the same output.
${PIPESTATUS[#]} right after is the answer you were looking for. However, I want to advise on the first example. It's a good habit to anticipate error, so instead of testing after you should have check the path prior everything.
if [ -d "/nonexistent_directory" ]; then
# here pipe shouldn't fail to grep
# ...unless there's something wrong with "foo"
# ...but "grep" may be a failure if the pattern isn't found
if ! ls -1 "/nonexistent_directory" | grep 'foo' ; then
echo "The command 'grep foo' failed."
# else
# echo "The pipeline succeeded."
echo "The command 'ls /nonexistent_directory' failed."
Whenever possible, avoid greping ls output in script, that' fragile...

grep command exit code for unmatched patterns

i have written a shell scripts which runs crontab - l command
To make it more easy to use i have also given the user an ability to pass a command line argument to the script which will act like a pattern input for the grep command, so that the user can filter out all the stuffs which he/she doesn't need to see.
here's the script:-
1 #!/bin/bash
2 if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then
3 echo -e "No Argument passed:- Showing default crontab\n"
4 command=$(crontab -l 2>&1)
5 echo "$command"
6 else
7 rc=$?
8 command=$(crontab -l | grep -- "$1" 2>&1)
9 echo "$command"
10 if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then
11 echo -e "grep command on crontab -l was not successful"
12 fi
13 fi
this is how i run it
$ ./
Now if i don't pass any command line argument it'll show me the complete crontab
If i pass any garbage pattern which doesn't exists in the crontab it'll show me the following message :-
grep command on crontab -l was not successful
But even if i pass a pattern which does exist in a couple of lines in crontab, i'm getting this kind of output:-
#matching lines
#matching lines
#matching lines
grep command on crontab -l was not successful
Why am i getting grep command not successful at the bottom?, how can i get rid of it?
Is there anything wrong with the script?
You're capturing the exit code before the execution, should be:
command=$(crontab -l | grep -- "$1" 2>&1)
To test this code use numeric operators:
[[ $rc -ne 0 ]]
Grep man:
Normally, the exit status is 0 if selected lines are found and
1 otherwise. But the exit status is 2 if an error occurred

why echo return value ($?) after pipeline always return "0"

I realize the fact but I don't know why:
cat abc | echo $?
if abc does not exist, but above command still return 0. Anyone knows the theory about why?
The reason why it must be this way is that a pipeline is made of processes running simultaneously. cat's exit code can't possibly be passed to echo as an argument because arguments are set when the command begins running, and echo begins running before cat has finished.
echo doesn't take input from stdin, so echo on the right side of a pipe character is always a mistake.
Since it is now clear that you are asking about a real problem, not just misunderstanding what you saw, I tried it myself. I get what I think is the correct result (1) from a majority of shells I tried (dash, zsh, pdksh, posh, and bash 4.2.37) but 0 from bash 4.1.10 and ksh (Version JM 93u+ 2012-02-29).
I assume the change in bash's behavior between versions is intentional, and the 4.1.x behavior is considered a bug. You'd probably find it in the changelog if you looked hard enough. Don't know about ksh.
csh and tcsh (with $status in place of $?) also say 0, but I bet nobody cares about that.
People with bigger shell collections are invited to test:
for sh in /bin/sh /bin/ksh /bin/bash /bin/zsh ...insert more shells here...; do
echo -n "$sh "
$sh -c 'false;true|echo $?'
It does not have anything to do with cat abc, but with the previous command you executed. So the code you get when doing cat abc | echo $? is telling if the previous command in your history was successful or not.
From man bash:
Special Parameters
? - Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
So when you do:
cat abc | echo $?
The echo $? refers to the previous command you used, not cat abc.
$ cat a
$ echo $?
$ cat aldsjfaslkdfj
cat: aldsjfaslkdfj: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
$ cat a
$ cat a | echo $?
$ cat aldsjfaslkdfj
cat: aldsjfaslkdfj: No such file or directory
$ cat a | echo $?
echo $? will give output of previous command which you have executed before not output of piped command. So, you will always get echo $? as 0 even if command failed before pipe.
You pipe the output from 'cat abc' to 'echo $?' which is not what you want.
You want to echo the exit code of 'cat'
cat abc; echo $?
is what you want. Or simply write it in two lines if you can.

Pipe command output, but keep the error code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pipe output and capture exit status in Bash
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How do I get the correct return code from a unix command line application after I've piped it through another command that succeeded?
In detail, here's the situation :
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file} -- when only the tar command fails $?=0
$ echo $?
And, what I'd like to see is:
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} 2>${sh_tar_error_file} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file}
$ echo $?
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Use ${PIPESTATUS[0]} to get the exit status of the first command in the pipe.
For details, see
See also for other approaches if your shell does not support $PIPESTATUS.
Look at $PIPESTATUS which is an array variable holding exit statuses. So ${PIPESTATUS[0]} holds the exit status of the first command in the pipe, ${PIPESTATUS[1]} the exit status of the second command, and so on.
For example:
$ tar -cEvhf - -I ${sh_tar_inputlist} | gzip -5 -c > ${sh_tar_file}
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
To print out all statuses use:
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
Here is a general solution using only POSIX shell and no temporary files:
Starting from the pipeline:
foo | bar | baz
exec 4>&1
error_statuses=`((foo || echo "0:$?" >&3) |
(bar || echo "1:$?" >&3) |
(baz || echo "2:$?" >&3)) 3>&1 >&4`
exec 4>&-
$error_statuses contains the status codes of any failed processes, in random order, with indexes to tell which command emitted each status.
# if "bar" failed, output its status:
echo $error_statuses | grep '1:' | cut -d: -f2
# test if all commands succeeded:
test -z "$error_statuses"
# test if the last command succeeded:
echo $error_statuses | grep '2:' >/dev/null
As others have pointed out, some modern shells provide PIPESTATUS to get this info. In classic sh, it's a bit more difficult, and you need to use a fifo:
trap 'rm -rf $TMPDIR' 0
TMPDIR=$( mktemp -d )
mkfifo ${FIFO=$TMPDIR/fifo}
cmd1 > $FIFO &
cmd2 < $FIFO
wait $!
echo The return value of cmd1 is $?
(Well, you don't need to use a fifo. You can have the commands early in the pipe echo a status variable and eval that in the main shell, redirecting file descriptors all over the place and basically bending over backwards to check things, but using a fifo is much, much easier.)

Using xargs to assign stdin to a variable

All that I really want to do is make sure everything in a pipeline succeeded and assign the last stdin to a variable. Consider the following dumbed down scenario:
x=`exit 1|cat`
When I run declare -a, I see this:
declare -a PIPESTATUS='([0]="0")'
I need some way to notice the exit 1, so I converted it to this:
exit 1|cat|xargs -I {} x={}
And declare -a gave me:
declare -a PIPESTATUS='([0]="1" [1]="0" [2]="0")'
That is what I wanted, so I tried to see what would happen if the exit 1 didn't happen:
echo 1|cat|xargs -I {} x={}
But it fails with:
xargs: x={}: No such file or directory
Is there any way to have xargs assign {} to x? What about other methods of having PIPESTATUS work and assigning the stdin to a variable?
Note: these examples are dumbed down. I'm not really doing an exit 1, echo 1 or a cat, but used these commands to simplify so we can focus on my particular issue.
When you use backticks (or the preferred $()) you're running those commands in a subshell. The PIPESTATUS you're getting is for the assignment rather than the piped commands in the subshell.
When you use xargs, it knows nothing about the shell so it can't make variable assignments.
Try set -o pipefail then you can get the status from $?.
xargs is run in a child process, as are all the commands you call. So they can't effect the environment of your shell.
You might be able to do something with named pipes (mkfifo), or possible bash's read function?
Maybe just redirect the output to a file, then you can use PIPESTATUS:
command1 | command2 | command3 >/tmp/tmpfile
X=$(cat /tmp/tmpfile)
How about ...
read x <<<"$(echo 1)"
read x < <(echo 1)
echo "$x"
Why not just populate a new array?
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a result < <(echo a | cat | cat; echo "PIPESTATUS='${PIPESTATUS[*]}'" )
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a result < <(echo a | exit 1 | cat; echo "PIPESTATUS='${PIPESTATUS[*]}'" )
echo "${#result[#]}"
echo "${result[#]}"
echo "${result[0]}"
echo "${result[1]}"
There are already a few helpful solutions. It turns out that I actually had an example that matches the question as framed above; close-enough anyway.
Consider this:
XX=$(ls -l *.cpp | wc -l | xargs -I{} echo {})
echo $XX
Meaning that I had 3 x .cpp files to in my working directory. Now $XX is 3 and I can make use of that result in my script. It is contrived, because I don't actually need the xargs in this example. It works though.
In the example from the question ...
x=`exit 1|cat`
I don't think that will give you what was specified. exit will quit the sub-shell before the cat gets a mention. Also on that note,
I might start with something like
declare -a PIPESTATUS='([0]="0")'
x now has the status from the last command.
Assign each line of input to an array, e.g. all python files in a directory
declare -a pyFiles=($(ls -l *.py | awk '{print $9}'))
where $9 is the nineth field in ls -l corresponding to the filename
