Sorry... can anybody help me out? I'm a complete neewbiee to tomcat, but I have to set a cookie with the name 'lastlogin' with the actual timestamp as a value.
How am I supposed to do it?
Thanks a lot.
httpServletResponse.addCookie(new Cookie('lastlogin', new Date().toString());
I would like to ask for your help regarding the following problem.
Unfortunately, the Swagger doesn't work, I get 404 page not found exception (http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html) when I use "spring.resources.static-locations" to specify the UI.
Does anybody face this problem? Could you help how I can manage this issue?
Thanks for your help in advance
If you are still dealing with this issue, I recommend this approach:
I similarly had issues with using static-locations, but static-path-pattern allowed Swagger to work without disrupting my exception handling.
In i've specified :
and relaunched application server. However, I still can relaunch app via adding ?restartApplication at the end of url. According to documentation, productionMode=true is cure for this.
The question is - did i miss something?
You didn't miss anything, ?restartApplication works also in production mode.
Could anybody please tell me how to set connection timeout using volley library for about 15 seconds.??
Thanks in Advance!!
Try setting the retry policy DefaultRetryPolicy, something like this:
volleyRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(YOUR_TIME_HERE, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MULT));
I'm new beginner of laravel.I want use Helpers to get environment value using env method.
class Helpers {
public static function somefunc(){
Then strange thing happed.When I opened chrome-dev-tool (F12),I got nothing. Then I closed chrome-dev-tool,I got what I want. Is anything wrong? Anybody can help me? :)
Laravel's .env manages configuration for the server side environment.
So, you opening and closing Chrome Dev Tools has nothing to do with this!
You might have changed something in the server environment.
So restarting your server might help.
Check the documentation -
Is there a way to get the connection string from Reporting Service DataSource dynamically to the custom code in SSRS report?
Any help would be appreciated.
Try ConnString from
Maybe this can help.