productionMode=true wont disable ?args - spring

In i've specified :
and relaunched application server. However, I still can relaunch app via adding ?restartApplication at the end of url. According to documentation, productionMode=true is cure for this.
The question is - did i miss something?

You didn't miss anything, ?restartApplication works also in production mode.


How to change UAA log level from DEBUG to INFO?

I am using UAA "cloudfoundry-identity-uaa-4.14.0.war" and could see there are no where i can change the log level. Few places i have changed but that does not work. Even tried using the latest version which is 4.30.0, but still it doesn't work. Can anyone please suggest some solutions?
uaa.logging_level appears to be in reference to a property supported by the BOSH release. There is no direct equivalent in the UAA.

Phoenix - OTP release causing conn.secret_key_base not set error

This is surely a gap in my understanding so I am hoping someone could help clarify.
Over here in the phoenix docs, it says:
# If you are doing OTP releases, you need to instruct Phoenix
# to start the server for all endpoints:
config :phoenix, :serve_endpoints, true
I am not quite sure, what effect this has on a simple app, but actually not setting this also seems to work. In fact, enabling this is causing the below error:
"phoenix cookie store expects conn.secret_key_base to be set"
What is this setting for and why is it needed? If it is not enabled, everything seems to work ok.
Phoenix docs are outdated.
As I can see you'v forgot your prod.secret.exs while compiling.
In case you are building that for test purpose and it's not recommended to be in production but could be set like that:
# Configures the endpoint
config :hello_phoenix, HelloPhoenix.Endpoint,
secret_key_base: "SECRET_KEY"

gwt maven plugin - Is down?

what happened to ?
Trying to enter in url
This domain has expired. If you are the owner of this domain, please click here to renew it.
is it serious ?
Looks like it. As far as I can tell the domain is down completely. This means any subdomain goes with it (mojo., groovy., etc.). According to twitter they know about it (Secondhand, may not be reputable): Nothing to do but wait till it's fixed.
Codehaus is dead.
You can find some old codehaus contents at:

Why do I get a blank page instead of Joomla?

I am just beginning with Joomla on a linux fedora server (running apache,mysql,php), running in local. I have also installed phpmyadmin.
I have dowloaded/unizip joomla on var/www/html/joomla1 and created a database for joomla1.
Then restarted the server. Selinux is set to permissive.
However when browsing at http://localhost/joomla1/ i simply get a blank page
Any idea what's wrong ? How to fix this ?
Check your database permissions (does the user have permissions to access the data), check your error logs on the server.
Maybe this URL is right?
Check /var/log/httpd/error_log
Look for anything saying "Fatal:"
This will give you an indication of whats causing the problem

Zend framework session expires prematurely

I'm using Zend Framework for PHP and handling sessions with the Zend_Session module. This is what I have in my Initializer (or bootstrap):
864000 seconds should be good for 10 days, but I'm still being kicked out at about an hour (or maybe a little less). I've tested to see if this statement works at all by setting it to 10 seconds, and indeed I am kicked out at the appropriate time, but when I set it to a very high value, it doesn't work! I went through some of the documentation here:
Another method I saw was to use the following:
$authSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth');
Now, I have different namespaces. Does this mean I have to set this for all of them if I want to keep them from expiring? I haven't tested this method of setting the expiration, but I really wanted to see what the gurus on here had to say about what the correct way of approaching this problem is. Thanks a lot guys...
Also, does anyone know how I can make it so that the session never expires? I've tried setting the second to 0 and -1, but that throws an error.
I had the same problem and solved it by putting:
resources.session.save_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../data/session/"
resources.session.gc_maxlifetime = 864000
resources.session.remember_me_seconds = 864000
in the application.ini (as suggested by tawfekov) and
protected function _initSessions() {
in the Bootstrap.php (this I typically forgot at first). You have to give the session directory the correct access rights (chmod 777). I described the issue here. Hopefully this will help the next person with the same issue.
Your client's computer clock, date, AND time zone need to be set correctly for session expirations to work. Otherwise the time conversions are off, and likely causing your cookie to expire the minute it hits the their browser.
Try calling remember me before starting the session:
Otherwise I believe it will use the default of remember_me_seconds. See 49.4.4. rememberMe(integer $seconds)
Also, does anyone know how I can make
it so that the session never expires?
I've tried setting the second to 0 and
-1, but that throws an error.
I don't think that is possible. The session is controlled by whether the cookie exists on the users computer. Those cookies can be deleted, even by the users if they clear their cache. I think the best you can do is set it to a very large number. Say 12 months.
I guess you are using ZF 1.8 or above ,
so you can put in the config.ini file
resources.session.save_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../data/session"
resources.session.remember_me_seconds = 864000
and these setting will automatically loaded
again only in ZF 1.8 or above if not you had to load these config manually
i hope it helps you :)
Are there other PHP applications running on the server?
Assuming you're using the standard, file-based, session handler, PHP will store all sessions in the same place (typically /tmp).
If you have some other script on the server using the default session_gc_maxlifetime settings, it may be eating your session files.
The easiest fix to try is to configure PHP to store session files for this application someplace special -- that way other apps running on the server will never accidently "clean up" session data from this app.
Try creating a directory like /tmp/myAppPhpSessions (or whatever), and adding:
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 864000);
at the very top of your bootstrap file.
Make sure session.auto_start is off in php.ini
