ConnectionTimeout in Volley Networking - android-volley

Could anybody please tell me how to set connection timeout using volley library for about 15 seconds.??
Thanks in Advance!!

Try setting the retry policy DefaultRetryPolicy, something like this:
volleyRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(YOUR_TIME_HERE, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MULT));


The Swagger UI doesn't work when "spring.resources.static-locations" is used

I would like to ask for your help regarding the following problem.
Unfortunately, the Swagger doesn't work, I get 404 page not found exception (http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html) when I use "spring.resources.static-locations" to specify the UI.
Does anybody face this problem? Could you help how I can manage this issue?
Thanks for your help in advance
If you are still dealing with this issue, I recommend this approach:
I similarly had issues with using static-locations, but static-path-pattern allowed Swagger to work without disrupting my exception handling.

Cannot get out of while(true) - RealConnection#290 - squid3 - 407

I have a problem with OkHttp-3.4.1 when using it with squid3 as proxy.
When I test my client with incorrect proxy credentials(proxy returns 407), I get into while(true){} loop - RealConnection which I cannot get out from.
So client is hanging forever.
How can I solve this?
Please, advice. Thanks.
Example which helped me to solve issue is at okHttp repo. The only change - replacing "Authorization" header with "Proxy-Authorization".

NSIS inetc - HTTPS gives SendRequest Error

I am using inetc plugin of NSIS. And I am trying to call one URL which uses HTTPS protocol. The URL gives me SendRequest error.
As posted this seems to be solution
But I'm unsure how to set the flags as told by #Anders
Anyone has any pointers regarding this?
Thanks in advance,
- Ganesh
INetC uses the SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA and SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION WinINet flags but it does not use SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID nor SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID. Like I suggested in the other answer, you should ask the author of this plugin to add a /nosecurity flag if you believe you need these flags or just use plain HTTP.

How to handle mjpeg stream with okhttp?

I can't get how to configure the OkHttpClient.
I've got a timeout on execute()
I was trying to use retrofit and found that #Streaming can't be used with RestAdapter.LogLevel.FULL
That was the issue!

Cookie in Tomcat

Sorry... can anybody help me out? I'm a complete neewbiee to tomcat, but I have to set a cookie with the name 'lastlogin' with the actual timestamp as a value.
How am I supposed to do it?
Thanks a lot.
httpServletResponse.addCookie(new Cookie('lastlogin', new Date().toString());
