How can we track down which component is supposed to display the home page? - joomla

I had a Joomla 1.0 site. I created a fresh new install of 1.5 and used the migrator to upgrade from 1.0. According to the installer all went fine.
But now when I access the homepage, it tells me Component not found. I remember I had a custom component setup com_p that displayed the home page.
How can I change in Joomla 1.5 which component will display the home page? How do I set the id of the component?
I used to have a code in joomla 1.0 index.php
if ( !$Itemid ) {
// when no Itemid give a default value
$Itemid = 35;

Within Content Article Manager, you should be able to specify which article will be shown on the frontpage.


Remove component's view name from url joomla 4

I am using Joomla 4.2.1.
I installed custom component which is previously used into Joomla 3.10.11.
I create a menu item with view from this component.
On Joomla 3.10.11 it works fine
for example : http://mylocal.local/index.php/kurse-nach-datum
on Joomla 4.2.1 it create url with view name
For example : http://mylocal.local/index.php/kurse-nach-datum/courses
kurse-nach-datum is the Alias of link
and link is index.php?option=com_course&view=courses

Joomla - Use index.php instead of "/" as homepage

test.tld = domain
test.tld/index.php = my Joomla home page
test.tld/ = a pre-release page (index.html) that isn't Joomla
Now Joomla always wants to go to test.tld/ as homepage so I basically get lost (because it isn't Joomla)
How to set Joomla so that the Menu to homepage is "test.tld/index.php" not assume I want "test.tld/" ?
I already tried making a dummy homepage on an invisible menu so that the "home" on the navigation isn't really a "home"
Is there no better way? Thanks
You can solve this issue in two ways:
Recommended: Your web-server default index is set to index.html file. You can change that based on your web-server (Apache, Nginx, whatever).
NOT Recommended: You can disable Rewrite URLs feature in Global Configuration of your site, this will show index.php on every page.

Joomla 1.5 enable news on main page

Good Afternoon. I've got a Joomla 1.5 + VirtueMart shop. There were "Top Sale" product on the main page. I've disabled this module, but I don't know how to enable news showing on the main page.
I've already flagged materials to show it on the main page) and tried to change template to default.
UPD: I need to have a pagenav every 10 articles
The news is a module ,
then Go to module manager set the proper position and menu assignment section set Home page.
If you are added new position then edit the template file and add your new position there too.
like <jdoc:include type="modules" name="your_custom_position" />
This much is required to display a module on a proper page make sure module is published.
hope its helps..

Custom Magento Homepage - Fix Issue

So the previous web developer has customized our Magento v1.4.1 site to use a page called main.php... It bypasses everything else that is set by Magento as far as Magento goes.
I have no way contact the previous developer to ask where this is setup...
We have just installed a new plugin and it has taken over as the homepage.
In Magento Admin > System > Configuration > Web the homepage is set to URL Key "home" ... When I go to that specific page index.php/home, the custom main.php page shows up. Why would a plugin have found it's way to be our homepage?
Thanks! Felt like my previous question didn't give enough details.
"home" is not the normal value, here is what that section should look like:

Joomla: homepage url

Joomla requires that home page was linked with some component.
So, if i link menu item of homepage to some article, i get a url like:
"index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464" on frontend.
How to link homepage to "/" ?
Joomla verion 1.7
Maybe, i not accurately explained.
I link home menu item with some article.
When i go to - all fine, choosen article is shown on homepage.
But then the home menu item on frontend became "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464", not just '/'
You must use the default Joomla format for setting something as the "home" page. in 2.5 (since you failed to tell us which version you're running) you do this by using 'featured articles'. By default, any featured article is displayed on the homepage.
In older versions (1.5) you must mark it to display on the 'front page'
In doing that when you go to - you will see the articles listed as 'featured' or 'front page' articles. You can adjust how they display by using the front page or featured article manager.
I apologize if I've misunderstood your question - but hope this helps. It also looks like you don't have SEF URL's turned on - you may want to look into that. Regardless your front page will display without any additional URL stuff if you use the methods outlined above.
In your menu manager (backend), create a new entry for 1 article and select it in the list. After that, just define this new menu entry as default (or homepage).
This article will be the default homepage of your website and will be accessible via
