Remove component's view name from url joomla 4 - joomla

I am using Joomla 4.2.1.
I installed custom component which is previously used into Joomla 3.10.11.
I create a menu item with view from this component.
On Joomla 3.10.11 it works fine
for example : http://mylocal.local/index.php/kurse-nach-datum
on Joomla 4.2.1 it create url with view name
For example : http://mylocal.local/index.php/kurse-nach-datum/courses
kurse-nach-datum is the Alias of link
and link is index.php?option=com_course&view=courses


how to add methods in controller file in joomla 3.4

I am trying to work with controller file in joomla 3.4. Tell me what is the differences for connecting model and views in joomla 3.4 to joomla 2.5
operation code available in the model and out-put display in view part and model function control in the controller.same step effort in joomla 3.5 and joomla 2.5

Modify component output using module......Joomla 3.0

I am a new developer in joomla.
I just want to integrate joomla component to custom module.When a user install module then output of related component must be change as per module file automatically .
I want to use filters with Jreviews_geomap_addon.So create a module to use filter icons into geomap...
The module should have a form or link that submits or changes the URL when clicking on the links. You can then read the url parameters using:
$var_name = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('var_name');
You can then use the $var_name to change what data is displayed by your component.

Remove the view and layout name from SEF URL in joomla 2.5

I am using joomla 2.5 I want to display the SEF without the view and layout name.
In that above url I have to display the name of car instead of view,layout and ids. I am using the js_autoz component and want to change the SEF in that component.
Could you provide any examples to remove the view and layout? Thanks in advance
Have to create one router.php file inside the component frontend (Site).
Demo Link :
setting joomla component router.php

How to add options to the menu item that is asosiated with your component.

I Have created a component in Joomla 2.5, I have succesfully installed it, and now I need to add some options that will be configured at the menu view. So when a user ads a new menu item to a menu and the menu type is my component, then he can also select some parameters at the menu item view. How can I do this?
It's on the first page of the docs for developing an MVC component for Joomla 2.5:!2.5_-_Part_05
To access these params from within your component look at " Accessing the parameters - frontend" on this page:

How can we track down which component is supposed to display the home page?

I had a Joomla 1.0 site. I created a fresh new install of 1.5 and used the migrator to upgrade from 1.0. According to the installer all went fine.
But now when I access the homepage, it tells me Component not found. I remember I had a custom component setup com_p that displayed the home page.
How can I change in Joomla 1.5 which component will display the home page? How do I set the id of the component?
I used to have a code in joomla 1.0 index.php
if ( !$Itemid ) {
// when no Itemid give a default value
$Itemid = 35;
Within Content Article Manager, you should be able to specify which article will be shown on the frontpage.
