Joomla 1.5 enable news on main page - joomla

Good Afternoon. I've got a Joomla 1.5 + VirtueMart shop. There were "Top Sale" product on the main page. I've disabled this module, but I don't know how to enable news showing on the main page.
I've already flagged materials to show it on the main page) and tried to change template to default.
UPD: I need to have a pagenav every 10 articles

The news is a module ,
then Go to module manager set the proper position and menu assignment section set Home page.
If you are added new position then edit the template file and add your new position there too.
like <jdoc:include type="modules" name="your_custom_position" />
This much is required to display a module on a proper page make sure module is published.
hope its helps..


How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

adding slider in magento to cms page

{{block type="bannerslider/default" name="bannerslider.bannerslider" template="bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml" bannerslider_id="your_bannerslider_id"}}
I am trying to add a slider using the above code, to a cms page in Magento.
My banner id is called mySlider, so have done:
{{block type="bannerslider/default" name="bannerslider.bannerslider" template="bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml" bannerslider_id="mySlider"}}
Nothing shows.
I saw that someone recommended setting each banner to the day before it was creating but that didn't work either.
You should copy module files to your current template files. So that you have bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml in your templates folder.
Also look if slider is active and with slider content.
You should use the banner ID which is the number in the first column in the admin panel (under the section for managing the slider). What you are using now is simply the title.

article link does't work in joomla 3.1

down vote
i have problem with my article link on joomla 3.1 i'm using custom html module for the pic of link. i made 2 custom html. one in "home" and another one at another page. both of them using same link code ( index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=id_article). problem, at "home" link doesn't work (still load "home" page, and in address bar and on other pages, the link work properly ( at address bar
note both of permalink using same code and same article id( index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=id_article)
thank you for attention and for help...

Joomla: homepage url

Joomla requires that home page was linked with some component.
So, if i link menu item of homepage to some article, i get a url like:
"index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464" on frontend.
How to link homepage to "/" ?
Joomla verion 1.7
Maybe, i not accurately explained.
I link home menu item with some article.
When i go to - all fine, choosen article is shown on homepage.
But then the home menu item on frontend became "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464", not just '/'
You must use the default Joomla format for setting something as the "home" page. in 2.5 (since you failed to tell us which version you're running) you do this by using 'featured articles'. By default, any featured article is displayed on the homepage.
In older versions (1.5) you must mark it to display on the 'front page'
In doing that when you go to - you will see the articles listed as 'featured' or 'front page' articles. You can adjust how they display by using the front page or featured article manager.
I apologize if I've misunderstood your question - but hope this helps. It also looks like you don't have SEF URL's turned on - you may want to look into that. Regardless your front page will display without any additional URL stuff if you use the methods outlined above.
In your menu manager (backend), create a new entry for 1 article and select it in the list. After that, just define this new menu entry as default (or homepage).
This article will be the default homepage of your website and will be accessible via

How to add a menu to login form module in Joomla 1.7?

I am intrested in changing the joomla default Login module to show a menu as a greeting in the login module,
so that menu will contain links for profile management and stuff from that sort.
I have tried to add a module position inside the module (dawg!)
But that went down the drain.
And i'm not intrested in adding manual links to pages because they might change.
Any ideas guys?
Thanks in advance,
put this code in login module template where you want to show the menu
$module = JModuleHelper::getModules('xxxx');
// xxxx is any virtual position, no need to create it anywhere.
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module[0]);
and enable a menu module at position 'xxxx'.
I hope this will work.
You are going to have to create a custom module to do that. There is no way to do it with the parameters you have given. You could use the module alternative layout to add in some links to the login module, but you can't add a menu to it without rewriting the entire module.
