How to add mulitple screen on one page? Windows Phone 7 application - windows

I am completely novice in Windows phone app development. Till now I have been developing iPhone application. In iphone there is a concept of view and view controller. You can add multiple view on one screen and do hide/show to display multiple screens.
I am searching, How can I achieve same things in Windows phone app development.

For a similar pattern, see MVVM:
How Do I: Use MVVM in a Windows Phone 7 Application?
Windows Phone Mango: Getting Started with MVVM in 10 Minutes
MVVM in real life Windows Phone applications Part1
To hide/show different views/XAML objects/panels, use their name and visibility property, for example:
contentpanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

Windows Phone applications in general follow the Page based Navigation. If you want to achieve a hide/show multiple views in a single page without Navigating to a new page, you can do that with the help of UserControls.
You can define as many UserControls (==views) as you want and then hide are show them based on your requirements in the YourPage.xaml
And additionally, you would better go with MVVM approach.
check this good example for any further details Implementing the Model-View-ViewModel Pattern in a Windows Phone Application


Windows 10 app - SplitView or Pivot?

I create my first app for Windows 10. I will use the app for Windows 10 desktop and phone. Great that one code will run on desktop and phone. In my old application for Windows Phone 8 I use Panorama control with three tabs. But I can not decide which component to use - SplitView or Pivot? For desktop better suited SplitView . For phone better suited - Pivot. Need to choose one solution. What do you advise?
First, your following statement is incorrect.
For desktop better suited SplitView. For phone better suited - Pivot.
SplitView and Pivot are for different purposes -
SplitView consists of two parts - Pane and Content. The Content is where the main content goes. The Pane is really just a drawer. This control is meant to provide a very common drawer navigation pattern to the new UWP apps, similar to many iOS and Android apps.
Note that this control is also very flexible, you can use AdaptiveTrigger to customize its DisplayMode to completely hide the Pane when it's on a phone, and make it always visible when on a desktop machine.
Prior to UWP, the original Metro Design heavily relied on the Panorama control (i.e. the Hub control in UWP) for menu navigation and this later becomes a bit boring since almost all the apps that need a menu, use a Pano. So having a new SplitView will definitely help developers be a bit more creative on the main layout design. And besides, the drawer navigation is so widely used across other platforms and users generally know how to interact with it.
Pivot on the other hand, is simply a swipe-enabled tab control. It's meant to display information at the same level and should never be used like a navigation frame. Leave the navigation bit to the SplitView or the old panorama style Hub control, or whatever creative ways you can come up with.
So to answer your question, you don't have to choose one between them, these two controls can co-exist since one does the navigation and the other shows the information, just like what's in the picture below -

How to make your own custom based tile app - not pined to startscreen in windows phone 8

Hey I am looking to make a windows 8 phone app that has a tile look and feel. I am not interested in making it pined to the start screen. I want an app that has it's own functionality in the tiles. Does anyone know how to make that layout - could someone point me in the right direction? dll supports a control named hubtile.
"The latest version of Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit provides Windows Phone HubTile control. This control can make your application stylish by adding animated tiles in it. HubTile can consist of an image, title, message or a notification. In this example we will represent HubTile in two different ways, Static HubTile and Dynamic HubTile".
Best links

Image Slide Show in Windows phone

I am New to Windows Phone Dev. I like to Do one App after Using this App in Windows Phone
EspnCrickinfo App. When I use this App,i seen Very cool feather that Image in gallery Swiping Left and Right. I am trying this Functionally But I am Not Succeed.
I have Some JSON Link Contains Images
For Reference
I follow this MSDN But I am Getting Btns on App bar.
Please can any one suggest Me how can make this Easy.
Hear is the Perfect Answer for This Question...Image Slide Show with Swipe Effect in Windows Phone
Well if you want to have swipe effects go for microsoft toolkit and use gesture listener.
register to a flick event and you have your desired effect. This link will help you.
how to get swipe in windows phone 7

Changing the Application Icon, Splash Screen etc through code in Windows Phone

Is it possible to change Application Icon, Splash screen etc through code, My requirement is i need to change these items after reaching a specific date say (jan-21-2012). Is there any provision present change these contents through code?
No, you cannot change these through code. These components of your application are specified via the manifest file. Regarding the Application Icon, you can have a 'live tile' for your application which is dynamic and can be changed. See MSDN:
How to: Create, Delete, and Update Tiles for Windows Phone
Maybe this blogpost about the dynamic splashscreen can help you?
I don't think you can change the application icon this way. Do you have to change the icons multiple times through the year? Or is it one rebranding action? In that case i would suggest submit it with the new icons/splashscreen to the marketplace when you want it to change.
Here there are couple of articles about changing Splash screen:
Creating Animated Splash screen in Windows Phone7
Windows Phone 7 better Splash screen
You can extend techincs from articles above and implement your functionality.
Regarding to "Icon" use well known WP feature - Live Tiles (nice links in answers above).

Autocomplete textbox in Windows Phone 7

I'm creating my first Windows Phone 7 application, and I'm struggling to find an autocomplete textbox. Is there an easy way to add one to the toolbox? Or do I need to create my own control?
The one from Silverlight 3's SDK, the AutoCompleteBox, works relatively well on the phone. It requires minimal styling changes to work.
There is a known issue today where selecting an item that pops up requires two taps: one to select and another to "really" select. We should have that issue in the platform (the bug is not in AutoCompleteBox) fixed by the time the phone development experience is ready.
AutoCompleteBox is in the Silverlight Tookit so you have to add a reference to that in your project.
After investigating it appears that there's not an auto-complete textbox control for windows phone 7 applications, so I've had to create one myself...
