Windows Phone 7 Page Transition - windows-phone-7

Is there any built-in way to reproduce the behaviour showed on the Office app, a 0:36 ? When the user tap the Shared Document item, a nice WP7-like transition makes it goes to the next page
Thanks !

You should take a look at the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. It has a "Page Transition" control that does, I think, exactly what you want. It's a new feature in the November 2010 release.
Good luck.


how to do the Double tap and Pinch and Swipe control in windows phone 7

Please somebody Help me, How to do the Double tap and Pinch and Swipe control in windows phone 7
Originally I've used GestureService from Silverlight Toolkit. Here is an article describing its usage.
However, that project has migrated to a new page which appears to be missing that service.
There is another thread here on StackOverflow that is similar to your question, maybe it will help you.

Adding control template to project

I want to use metro styled combobox item in windows phone 7 (mango). I ve found toturial to do this but i don't know where should i put code of control template (it should work on every combobox on project).
Any ideas?
Is there any particular reason you want to use that ComboBox? The link you've posted is a hack to get it to work on Windows Phone. Have you taken a look at the ListPicker control from the Silverlight toolkit?
This article provides a great introduction on how to use it.

Is there a way to display HTML in an XNA game on WP7

Is there a way to display a browser control over the top of an XNA game on Windows Phone 7?
Basically I need to display some HTML, and then allow the user to return to the game.
So it can be full-screen if need be. It could even involve switching to Internet Explorer, if there's a way to return to the game from IE?
Is this possible?
It was announced that XNA and Silverlight would be available together in the same app starting with Mango update.
That might allow you to get what you're after.
I am not certain It would be nice if we could pop an html screen like we do on the iPhone. I know if you embed an url you can open ie. but as far as I know you can only get back to your game via the hardware back button.
You are not able to directly display HTML content in your XNA application due to the differences in the UI core. You are able, however, to invoke the WebBrowserTask. All you need to do is add a reference to Microsoft.Phone and then add a using statement for Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.

Preview Handlers (Office 2007, Vista & Win7) - issue w/ reisize

I'm working on a preview handler for Office 2007, Vista and Windows 7. I'm basing my code off the following
MSDN article.
The "guts" are done as it was pretty straight forward. I've been testing in Windows 7 (64-bit) Explorer. One thing I've noticed is the preview handler appears to "lock" the Explorer window and doesn't allow it to resize.
My handler derives from FileBasedPreviewHandler, the Control from FileBasedPreviewHandlerControl. The #Load override simply does:
MyViewer viewer = new MyViewer();
viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
viewer.SetFile( file.FullName );
Controls.Add( viewer );
A couple things I've tried, a variety of times is to set, in the design view, the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode to true and GrowAndShrink
Now, the funny thing, i swear it worked once. Now, I can't get it to work at all.
If anyone has any input, that would be great. I think I posted all the relevant info, but if I missed something vital, let me know. I appreciate your attention to this question.
Apparently, by setting the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode as state above, does work. Explorer is simply temperamental. What I found was if you get strange behavior, you can use task manager to close the explorer process than relaunch it.
For the record, what I found works 99% of the time is to to:
make sure all Explorer windows areclosed (w/ preview panel off)
unregasm/remove from ga
add to gac/regasm
run Explorer and check preview panel
rinse & repeat
I'm also using a throw-away win forms app to test changes that don't involve the integration.
Hope this helps someone looking.

Autocomplete textbox in Windows Phone 7

I'm creating my first Windows Phone 7 application, and I'm struggling to find an autocomplete textbox. Is there an easy way to add one to the toolbox? Or do I need to create my own control?
The one from Silverlight 3's SDK, the AutoCompleteBox, works relatively well on the phone. It requires minimal styling changes to work.
There is a known issue today where selecting an item that pops up requires two taps: one to select and another to "really" select. We should have that issue in the platform (the bug is not in AutoCompleteBox) fixed by the time the phone development experience is ready.
AutoCompleteBox is in the Silverlight Tookit so you have to add a reference to that in your project.
After investigating it appears that there's not an auto-complete textbox control for windows phone 7 applications, so I've had to create one myself...
