jqGrid "Loading..." overlay showing "undefined" though grid is working - jqgrid

I have a jqGrid that's working 100% except that it keeps displaying "undefined" in the "Loading..." overlay. I can't really figure it out. It seems like I should only get the "undefined" message if something isn't set right and the grid would cease to work. But that's not the case. scratches head
I'm not really sure a code sample would help here, but if anyone would like to see a certain part of my code let me know and I'll included.
Has anyone else come across this issue before? I'm probably missing something so simple and small that I can't see it. So my apologies in advance if this is a no-brainer
Thanks for your help.

That text comes from $.jgrid.defaults.loadtext. So either:
You have an old grid.locale-en.js which doesn't specify it, or
You overwrite it somewhere.

In addition, I've found that the <script> tag that defines grid.locale-whatever must appear before the <script> tag that loads jqgrid.
Doesn't make sense to me.


Changing <head> ection with Volt

I've just started playing with Volt, and looked this up on the docs, couldn't find the answer:
I want to add a viewport meta tag on my project's section, but I can't find out how to alter it.
Could anyone shed some light on this issue?
Yea, you can change config/base/index.html This renders at an earlier stage right now, so you can't do bindings. (It's rendered as erb right now) We have the ability to render templates to strings, so the plan is to make it so all of the initial rendering process is done with volt templates. We just haven't gotten around to it yet :-)
Okay, I found the file on "config/base/index.html" (Volt 0.9.3)
Gonna leave this here, in case someone else needs it in the future =]

Selenium find by Xpath and Text

Trying to select a div by the text inside it, using WebdriveJS. Looking for a Div that contains the text, "TestIt". This seems pretty straightforward.
But foundIt always equals false.
This is the div:
<div class="v-table-cell-wrapper">TestIt</div>
I actually want to be able to find the string using a variable, but I can't get the basic part to work. Any thoughts from anyone?
Should be as easy as(Assuming there is not iframe involved)
Just in case if it has white spaces before or after
Well, I learned something very good today. I was using Phantom to test, but the problem is of course that you can't see what's going on. I had started on Chrome. I moved back to Chrome I realized that I was no longer getting as far as I was before in my script, hence the inability to find the element. I feel a bit stupid, but live and learn. Thanks for replying, guys.

Horizontal Scrolling With JQuery Sortable List

Hi i am having some trouble getting my sortable lists to scroll horizontally. Here is a link to an example of how i want my list to function.
The example above uses a very large negative margin to the right like so...
And here is the link to the Js-Fiddle version of my sortable list.
i have tried everything i know! Overflow properties, margins, divs within divs but i have had no luck. Searched around on Google to but everything i found just told me what i already know.
Hopefully someone on here has done this before or knows how to and would like to share their secrets with me...
I have decided to divert from horizontal side scrolling for now as it just doesn't seem to have enough support at the moment. For anyone looking for a solution i found this neat plugin that is highly customizable. http://manos.malihu.gr/tuts/custom-scrollbar-plugin/complete_examples.html

Issues with WIDTH and HEIGHT percentages in a DIV via CSS (firefox doesn't work)

My brain is overflow about this issue, so let me share my frustration in order to look for someone having the same experience and, luckily, finding a solution.
The thing is the following:
In chrome, percentages work fine, but when trying the same in Firefox (latest version) the content div is not expanding horizontally and vertically anymore.
I've analyzed every similar question over here, but I can't find any valid answer.
Thanks in advance
P.S.: I've tried to use block display instead of the 'box' one in the 'content' layer, but still having the same behavior.
You're using XUL box layout. I suggest not doing that. -moz-box is NOT CSS flexbox layout, as you seem to think.
The problem here is display: -moz-box for body. If you remove it everything works fine. It appears to be a bug, so I suggest filing a report in the bug tracker.

How did they do that? Keystroke Text Animation

I found this website, and I can't figure out how they made the text animation on top work. It looks like jquery, but I can't figure out the code. Does anyone know what they used to make the keystrokes appear on this website?
Have a look at this:
The tutorial:
That seems like exactly what you were looking for.
Looks like they fill the 'canvas' section by writing one div (each with one letter) at a time, and deleting them one at a time, using a Timer (maybe 250ms?) for each action. All possible using JavaScript document manipulation; easier with jQuery though.
I can't find a really good tutorial on how to do it with vanilla JavaScript, and there's always cross-browser quirks, so you'll just have to play around if you want to do a similar effect.
