Changing <head> ection with Volt - voltrb

I've just started playing with Volt, and looked this up on the docs, couldn't find the answer:
I want to add a viewport meta tag on my project's section, but I can't find out how to alter it.
Could anyone shed some light on this issue?

Yea, you can change config/base/index.html This renders at an earlier stage right now, so you can't do bindings. (It's rendered as erb right now) We have the ability to render templates to strings, so the plan is to make it so all of the initial rendering process is done with volt templates. We just haven't gotten around to it yet :-)

Okay, I found the file on "config/base/index.html" (Volt 0.9.3)
Gonna leave this here, in case someone else needs it in the future =]


Why have all my d3 bl.ocks disappeared from

I've just added a new d3 block, to discover all the graphics have disappeared from my existing blocks: The text is still there, and the code, but not the graphics. They were working fine last week.
This is not a normal SO question but I don't know who else to ask.
Given that the only block of mine left standing is the block "How to make a block", and that this does not include any links to my personal or professional site, I assume such links are a no-go on bl.ocks (not that I can see this rule anywhere). And I assume my blocks have been taken down for this transgression.
I've removed the links in the hope that this is the problem. Can someone reinstate them? If this isn't the problem, can anyone advise what is? Thanks...
It looks like is now permanently redirecting to Gist. Here are a few tweets about it starting from 15 Dec 2022.
However there are at least two clones of it up and running as of Feb 2023: and seems to be more fully featured at the moment.
For example this block:
Now redirects to this Gist:
But the full block can still be seen here:
And just the result of the code (note the /raw/) can be seen here:
If there are any better alternatives or if these links die, please let me know and I will update the answer. :)

create a simple (and visible!) UI slider in Unity 5

![enter image description here][1]please I need some help, this should apparently be something very simple and basic to do, but maybe I'm missing something.
I'm quite newbie to Unity3d, I had no much problem with creating a somewhat flashy 2.D scene (I mean 2D with different layers in Z level), scripts, etc. But I'm having trouble to create a "UI Slider" object: when I create it, it just shows nothing on screen. How can I make it visible? I just need to create a very simple, plain slider whose value can be controlled at runtime by means of a script.
Well.. since you give nothing to go on, I suggest that you take a look at a tutorial for the UI:
If you have troubles after this tutorial, come back with an example of your problem to make people more willing to sacrifice their time in helping you.
Hope this is somewhat useful
Take a look at the Unity3D docs here.
It should have what you are looking for.

Selenium find by Xpath and Text

Trying to select a div by the text inside it, using WebdriveJS. Looking for a Div that contains the text, "TestIt". This seems pretty straightforward.
But foundIt always equals false.
This is the div:
<div class="v-table-cell-wrapper">TestIt</div>
I actually want to be able to find the string using a variable, but I can't get the basic part to work. Any thoughts from anyone?
Should be as easy as(Assuming there is not iframe involved)
Just in case if it has white spaces before or after
Well, I learned something very good today. I was using Phantom to test, but the problem is of course that you can't see what's going on. I had started on Chrome. I moved back to Chrome I realized that I was no longer getting as far as I was before in my script, hence the inability to find the element. I feel a bit stupid, but live and learn. Thanks for replying, guys.

Rockettheme: Kinetic - making banner full width

I dont know what kind of success i'll have from this post but struggling at the moment to get a reply on the rockettheme forums.
I have downloaded this template (Kinetic) from (demo below;)
I have changed it to come out looking like the link below;
However im really struggling to differentiate the footer from the rest of the website. Im looking at changing it to a light grey however I cannot make it stretch right across the website as the footer is located in the container and stops at either edge of the container.
is there anyway to make a footer colour go right across the page?
(the same as the following website, if you go down to the bottom of the page and you will see a dark grey, charcoal colour)
Any ideas on how I could get this achieved?
You just need to edit the index.php file of the template, should be at templates/kinetic/index.php roughly. If you head to the bottom, you will find a div with rt-footer. You will want to pull this entire div statement out and paste it outside of the div with an id rt-surround. Your best bet is to find rt-debug and paste it just above.
I run a lot of sites off the base gantry template from Rocket Theme and do this type of thing often, so it should work.
Two issues you may run into. If you don't get the right closing div tag, you can get some weird output if the divs aren't closed properly. So be careful and use the indentation to help you.
Second, there may be some css styling that is specific to the old heirarchy. I doubt it in this case, but it can happen. You may have to fix some of the css styling.

jqGrid "Loading..." overlay showing "undefined" though grid is working

I have a jqGrid that's working 100% except that it keeps displaying "undefined" in the "Loading..." overlay. I can't really figure it out. It seems like I should only get the "undefined" message if something isn't set right and the grid would cease to work. But that's not the case. scratches head
I'm not really sure a code sample would help here, but if anyone would like to see a certain part of my code let me know and I'll included.
Has anyone else come across this issue before? I'm probably missing something so simple and small that I can't see it. So my apologies in advance if this is a no-brainer
Thanks for your help.
That text comes from $.jgrid.defaults.loadtext. So either:
You have an old grid.locale-en.js which doesn't specify it, or
You overwrite it somewhere.
In addition, I've found that the <script> tag that defines grid.locale-whatever must appear before the <script> tag that loads jqgrid.
Doesn't make sense to me.
