What is an Oracle Client? - oracle

I'm from MySQL background and am new to Oracle. I want to know
What is meant by Oracle Client?
What is its use?
What is its equivalent in MySQL ?

What is meant by Oracle Client?
What is its use?
In this context, a client is a class library (DLL) that allows you to connect remotely to the underlying database of an application. A client, always within the same context, can also be called a .NET Data Provider.
You may have multiple data providers based on the underlying database engine with which you're working.
There was System.Data.OracleClient (deprecated), provided by Microsoft.
There is Oracle.Data.Client, which is actually the best ever built Oracle Client, or Oracle .NET Data Provider. You may also download the latest Oracle 11g Data Provider for .NET.
So, when accessing the Oracle underlying database, make sure your work with this provider, proper for your version of Oracle, and start doing ADO.NET with your favorite database! =P
There are also some other tools that you can work with that will ease your data access code pain, such as Enterprise Library or NHibernate, both are frameworks to basically accessing databases.
Enterprise Library can do even more then that!
And NHibernate is an ORM (Object/Relation Mapping) tool that can work just very fine with Oracle.
Remember though, always use Oracle.Data.Client namespace in the Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly.
What is its equivalent in MySQL ?
As the equivalence for MySQL, I guess it would be MySQL Connector/NET.

It is the Oracle binaries installed that allow communication with the Oracle database. It can be using SQL*Plus, JDBC (type II or IV) or OCI (Oracle Call Interface).

Its a piece of software that allows a remote computer to talk to Oracle. If you were to write a piece of software that communicated with the database, you would use the Oracle Client to facilitate that communication


What are the supported clients and client versions for Autonomous Database?

What are the supported clients and client versions for Oracle Autonomous Database?
Any connection type supported by Oracle Net Services can be used to connect to Autonomous Database.
Oracle Call Interface (OCI) connections require installing the Oracle client software. For these connections, Oracle Database Client (or higher) or the Oracle Instant Client (or higher) are supported by Autonomous Database.
For JDBC Thin connections, the only requirement is to have JDK8 (or higher) installed.
You can also connect to Autonomous Database using the Oracle supplied tools such as Oracle SQL Developer (version 18.2 or higher recommended)and Oracle SQLcl.
Some of these clients and tools such as JDBC, SQL Developer, and SQlcl support TLS authentication without using any wallet; hence making life much easier as opposed to mTLS authentication, which requires a wallet. I definitely recommend checking out the TLS option without a wallet in ADB since it has several advantages as described in this blog post.
Another great option is Oracle Database Actions if you don't want to worry about supported versions, installing a client, whether to use a wallet or not. Database Actions is a web-based interface that uses Oracle REST Data Services to provide executing your SQL statements and scripts, creating Data Modeler diagrams, developing RESTful web services, managing JSON collections, and using the Data Load, Catalog, Data Insights, Business Models, and Data Transforms tools to load data from local and remote sources, view data in your tables and views, view objects in your data dictionary, and organize, analyze, and transform your data. You can access Database Actions from the ADB details page of your instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console:
I also recommend referring to the documentation for more details on supported clients, client versions, and connection methods.
Disclaimer: I’m a Product Manager at Oracle.

Can I connect to Oracle database without Oracle JDBC driver?

Is there a way to connect to an Oracle DB via JDBC without the Oracle JDBC driver? Or any other way (e.g. hibernate)?
Full story:
We have an existing Spring Boot app, which connects to an Oracle 11c database instance using OJDBC driver. Spring Boot internally uses JdbcTemplate to execute a few inserts and selects, basically 5 or 6 type of statements. Technically it is working fine.
However we are in an interesting situation, the code we built has to pass through a series of checks (we are working as subcontractors under a larger international company), and part of these checks is a license inspection. BlackDuck (https://www.blackducksoftware.com) is used to report every single library which is linked in the solution (around 280 in our case), and we had to manually add the copyright statement to each (for example: "Copyright © 2005-2019 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved."). We added the Oracle Technology Network license to the Oracle Driver, and it was rejected by the legal team of the international company:
"Unless we are actually licensed to use an Oracle database (which you are not), we cannot allow the use and distribution of the Oracle JDBC drivers. Those drivers are licensed under the Oracle Technology network license and it obligates XXX [company name] to designate Oracle as a 3rd party beneficiary, which is not something our legal department allows. You must therefore find a compatible replacement that is licensed under open source."
Now, we are obviously trying to get around this thing (seeing as the end client who is receiving the solution has a licensed Oracle DB installed, and we can see earlier versions of the OJDBC driver in the company's Nexus repository), but I wanted to ask, is there a way to connect to an Oracle DB via JDBC without the Oracle JDBC driver? Or any other way (e.g. hibernate)? To my knowledge, Oracle DB communication protocol is not fully standard, that's why you need the Oracle drivers. Is there an open source alternative that I don't know of?
Oracle DB communication protocol is not only "not fully standard", there is simply no SQL or JDBC standard for any on-the-wire communication protocol for SQL databases, they are all proprietary.
There is no open-source alternative that I'm aware of, and there couldn't be without Oracle's help as the protocol is not publicly specified as far as I know. We solved a similar problem by having our customers with an Oracle license add the driver to their deployment of our app, that way we didn't redistribute it, and they were the ones who used it.
Yes, use someone else's driver. Progress makes one for example.
I'm not speaking on behalf of Oracle in terms of the quality of THIS driver or the legal terms concerning your decision to not use our driver. However, there are alternatives to our driver for Java applications, and this is one of them.

Oracle APEX 5.1 connect to remote db using JDBC and query data

I have only used db links to get access to remote db so far. Now I have to find a way to use JDBC to connect to remote db and get data. Can someone guide me what all things would I need to ask the remote db admin in order to setup a jdbc connection, and once I have the connection, how do I query the database using java stored procedure, just like I am querying it over remote db right now with db link?
You've described a fairly complicated problem, but haven't given any information about your database or operating system. Are you connecting to a SQL Server database? MySQL? Are you running on Linux? Windows?
First, you'll need a driver. That's going to depend on the database, operating system and versions thereof that you're using. For example, here is the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (Oops, looks like it's currently unavailable.)
Second, you need to set up Oracle Heterogenous Services. That's fairly complicated and not something I can answer here. You might start with the Database Gateway for ODBC User's Guide.
Oracle does have gateways for various other databases, but they're licensed additionally from the database itself.

Oracle with Clients: I must install oracle for client?

I'm very newbie for Oracle and very not sure about Oracle.
one question I want to know.
if I want develop oracle windows application. first I must install oracle on server for database server but I'm not sure if I don't want install oracle on client. I must install oracle for client YES or NO !?
thank for help.
Yes. The Oracle client must be installed on any machine wishing to access the database. The components of the client you need to install will depend on the method your application using. eg. OLEDB, ODBC, etc.
The answer is 'it depends' - your software will need some kind of client-side driver or library for communicating with Oracle, but there are many ways you can do this.
1) Compiling Oracle's SDK libraries directing into your application.
2) Using a locally installed SQL*Net client (which can be shared between different local applications, so that things like TNS_NAMES setup can be shared).
3) Using third-party libraries embedded in your application.
Also the different kinds of clients can expose or restrict different levels of functionality.
You can install Oracle DB and Oracle Client on same Machine. In below order:
Oracle DB
Oracle Client
Do not forget to do an ADMIN Share prior to install Oracle DB.
To Answer the general question; You have to install Oracle Client on any machine needed to connect to the Oracle Database.

VB and Oracle connectivity

What are the steps to connect to Oracle 9i with VB6? How can I use modules and stored procedures in VB6 and how can I call an SP?
What is the method to use ADO which is helpful to insert, update, search and delete the items from the front end?
You will need ADO to connect to Oracle (add reference to microsoft activex data objects library).
You need to know where is the Oracle Instance hosted alongwith username and password?
The connection string for Oracle can be found from www.connectionstrings.com
ADODB.Connection is the one that you will need to establish the connection.
Connection has Execute method - which you can use for any insert/update/delete statements.
Now, read some documentation on ADO object library from MSDN.
And, write the code by yourself.
You can choose between the Oracle OLEDB driver (which I think comes with the Oracle client install mentioned by YogoZuno) or one from Microsoft (can't remember if it was just a standard microsoft oledb driver or one released with a nod towards oracle): in any case, the Oracle OLEDB driver is far better.
You will also need to have the Oracle client installed on your PC, along with an appropriate TNS Names file. Also, be aware that there are some minor functional differences between various versions of the Oracle 9 client - I had some issues under v9.2.0.1, that did not occur under v9.2.0.7.
