VB and Oracle connectivity - oracle

What are the steps to connect to Oracle 9i with VB6? How can I use modules and stored procedures in VB6 and how can I call an SP?
What is the method to use ADO which is helpful to insert, update, search and delete the items from the front end?

You will need ADO to connect to Oracle (add reference to microsoft activex data objects library).
You need to know where is the Oracle Instance hosted alongwith username and password?
The connection string for Oracle can be found from www.connectionstrings.com
ADODB.Connection is the one that you will need to establish the connection.
Connection has Execute method - which you can use for any insert/update/delete statements.
Now, read some documentation on ADO object library from MSDN.
And, write the code by yourself.

You can choose between the Oracle OLEDB driver (which I think comes with the Oracle client install mentioned by YogoZuno) or one from Microsoft (can't remember if it was just a standard microsoft oledb driver or one released with a nod towards oracle): in any case, the Oracle OLEDB driver is far better.

You will also need to have the Oracle client installed on your PC, along with an appropriate TNS Names file. Also, be aware that there are some minor functional differences between various versions of the Oracle 9 client - I had some issues under v9.2.0.1, that did not occur under v9.2.0.7.


Not able to create connection on oracle sql developer tool

I'm trying to create a new connection on the Oracle SQL Developer tool but I'm not able to. I just simply download the latest version of oracle SQL developer tool from the oracle site and unzip the folder and run. I haven't set any password or anything because there is nothing to do so.
Please guide how I can make a local connection on oracle Sql developer tool.
Well based on what you have described, you only installed SQL Developer, without having the Oracle Client installed on your device.
To be able to connec to to something in SQL Developer, you need to have a database to which you would like to connect. That basically means that either you need to install one, or you have one available in your System. But I will assume that you are new to this and have no database to connect to.
First things first, you will need to install the Oracle Client. A pretty good example can be found on here. You have a video tutorial which contains a step by step guide.
Once you finished installing the Oracle Client, you can proceed with unlocking the basic HR Schema, or create your own DB Schema. Again, a tutorial on how to achieve this step can be found here.
There are a few steps to follow, but in the end, if you follow them accordingly, you will be able to make a local connection on oracle using SQL Developer. Besides that, both the links will provide you with some explanation as well for each particular task.

Database note taker Oracle db

I'm trying to find a tool that will help me to build a documentation for a database.
I need to write comment on column / table and to have a summary of data flow that creates/modifies data and most important, at a conceptual level what data means. I'm also looking for a free tool
After a long search, I found out http://databasenotetaker.com/ which seems to be suitable for my purposes.
My database is Oracle.
From the documentation they say it potentially support every database but I can't connect to Oracle.
I don't know how to specify the driver in the connection window:
According to their documentation
Can Database Note Taker connect to other database platforms?
Yes and we will add support for other platforms in the future. So long as it's a relational database and there are freely available connectors, then Database Note Taker will be able to work with it. Out of the box you can connect to Microsoft Sql Server, and MySql via ODBC."
Out of the box you can't connect to Oracle, therefore you need a driver. Check with them to understand which driver they mean when they said "freely available connectors". Out-of-the-box in this context refers to the drivers that appear in the selection list.
My advice: Ask them which kind of driver do you need. If standard ODBC is ok, you must download the ODBC driver from Oracle.
Important Check whether this product supports 64 bits or it is 32, in order to select the right ODBC driver.

How to replicate existing OracleRDB ODBC connection in Oracle's SQL Developer application?

I am new to Oracle database in general, but I'm attempting to get Oracle's SQL Developer running on a workstation that has pre-configured System DSNs created for an OracleRDB database. I've confirmed the ODBC connections are working because I can use MS Access to connect and link to the tables. The "test" options within ODBC also succeed. Now I am trying to get a similar connection created using SQL Developer so I can see the column types and write queries in a more useful editor.
Here's what I have available when examining the ODBC connection properties:
Now I'm trying to create a duplicate connection in SQL Developer, but I'm at a loss for why things don't work. I first tried using the default SQL Developer installation, but couldn't get things working. Then I discovered there's an OracleRDB extension available, so I installed that, but I keep getting this error when attempting to use similar values:
As I stated, these ODBC connections were pre-configured on the workstation I'm using, so I don't know anything more than what is provided by the Oracle ODBC driver window.
Is there something obvious I'm not seeing or doing to replicate this connection in SQL Developer? Or perhaps something else I can do to debug this to learn more?
On the advice of one answer I'm trying to make the connection with JDBC, but having a hard time understanding what I'm doing wrong. Here's another screenshot with the connection parameters I have available, but with the server and database names changed:
With these values (the port came from my tnsnames.ora file), if I try to make a JDBC connection I keep getting the following error from SQL Developer:
One final attempt I did was to use the proper values in the Oracle RDB tab, and when I use them and click 'test' the Testing Connection dialog just spins and never seems to return:
So I apologize for the long post here, but I'm struggling because there's just something I am really not understanding about how this all works. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this question.
Oracle SQL Developer is a Java Application. You'll need to get the JDBC Driver for RDB.
Once you have that, in the SQL Developer preferences, find the Third Party JDBC section, and then use that to add an entry and point to the JAR for what you just installed.
Step by step instructions here.
Working connection string for RDB Thin Driver:
RDB_DB_CONN_STR = "jdbc:rdbThin://node.myplace.com:1707/";
where node.myplace.com is the name of the OpenVMS node hosting the RDB Thin Driver, 1707 is the port number assigned to the RDB Thin Driver.

Can OracleXE's APEX access another Oracle Database (10g) on the same Server, or is it Restricted to those Users/Tablespaces in the XE Database?

My work uses Oracle 10G and is planning on installing Apex. In the meantime, I have downloaded Oracle XE and have taught myself APEX on it; however, I can only access users/tablespaces that I have made in the XE database. What I would like to do is use the XE's Apex to access the users/tablespaces in the production databases of my work.
My colleague says that this should be possible because my workstation is connected to the server, and that there should be a way to configure access from my XE's Apex to the 10g's databases, such as by setting up an appropriate DAD.
I see nothing in the Apex user interface to allow this. I've read every word of the Apex documentation but nothing registered.
XE uses the embedded PL/SQL gateway, as opposed to 10/11G which uses either an Apex Listener or an HTTP Server with the mod_plsql plugin.
Thank you,
Matthew Moisen
I have done this before where we didn't have access to the actual database hosting the data to be worked with save for the standard port 1521 listener access. Apex at the time was new enough to the organization that the DBA's also had a voodoo taboo on using their database server as a webserver gateway as well. You can use your database instance with APEX installed as a "middle tier" or app server with the following steps:
Set up an account on your 10g database that is accessible remotely via dblink.
Set up dblinks to your 10g database table on your workstation with XE installed, use the account and connection information for the 10g database as set up in (1). Note, you may have to update a TNS names file or explicitly indicate your host/networking settings within the dblink itself.
For simple sanity and simplicity in coding your apex projects, set up synonyms for all your dblinked objects (i.e., table1 for table1#dblink) so you're not referencing the dblinks directly in your apex code. Making changes later will be easier if you adhere to this.
That's it. One proviso is that you need to know that LOBs will not work with the out-of-the-box functionality of APEX driven DML operations while using dblinks. This may have changed with the newest version. One workaround you may consider is trying to use a stored procedure which passes your LOB data as a input parameter which will do your DML operation for you.
Otherwise, this approach works nicely. The place where I implemented this model has several production level apps, a test and a development tier all using servers hosting APEX separately from the actual data sources. We used Oracle Standard Edition One (for the support), but Oracle XE should work as well since APEX is the platform in common between either Oracle version.

What is an Oracle Client?

I'm from MySQL background and am new to Oracle. I want to know
What is meant by Oracle Client?
What is its use?
What is its equivalent in MySQL ?
What is meant by Oracle Client?
What is its use?
In this context, a client is a class library (DLL) that allows you to connect remotely to the underlying database of an application. A client, always within the same context, can also be called a .NET Data Provider.
You may have multiple data providers based on the underlying database engine with which you're working.
There was System.Data.OracleClient (deprecated), provided by Microsoft.
There is Oracle.Data.Client, which is actually the best ever built Oracle Client, or Oracle .NET Data Provider. You may also download the latest Oracle 11g Data Provider for .NET.
So, when accessing the Oracle underlying database, make sure your work with this provider, proper for your version of Oracle, and start doing ADO.NET with your favorite database! =P
There are also some other tools that you can work with that will ease your data access code pain, such as Enterprise Library or NHibernate, both are frameworks to basically accessing databases.
Enterprise Library can do even more then that!
And NHibernate is an ORM (Object/Relation Mapping) tool that can work just very fine with Oracle.
Remember though, always use Oracle.Data.Client namespace in the Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly.
What is its equivalent in MySQL ?
As the equivalence for MySQL, I guess it would be MySQL Connector/NET.
It is the Oracle binaries installed that allow communication with the Oracle database. It can be using SQL*Plus, JDBC (type II or IV) or OCI (Oracle Call Interface).
Its a piece of software that allows a remote computer to talk to Oracle. If you were to write a piece of software that communicated with the database, you would use the Oracle Client to facilitate that communication
