Can't open EDMX-file in designer - visual-studio-2010

It opens as XML file only.
In MS VS 2010 Ultimate + SP1.
I need to open it in model-designer.
What can I do??

On the file in the solution explorer try
Right Click > Open With > ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer

I've came across the same problem in Visual Studio 2015,i tried to open the file with
Right Click > Open With > ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
and the option is not there.From there i realized my installation of Visual Studio 2015 must be without some components, so i went back to setup and installed Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and Microsoft Web Developer Tools.Finally it worked ! The options are there when you open from solution and the file can be opened
Components that i added

Adds references to the System.Data, System.Data.Entity, System.Core, System.Security, and System.Runtime.Serialization assemblies to the project, if they do not already exist.


How to fix visual studio projects unable to open

I have Windows System(OS 10), I installed Visual Studio 12 and 17 versions and SQL SERVER 2014. Unfortunately, when I am trying to open projects in vs2012/17 it is closing immediately after clicking on an open project or new Project creation. I observed another thing System IIS also not working properly. I am unable to find the reason.
Try this way
Open visual Studio
Connect to your team project in Team Explorer
Open the project you wanted initialy to open. This can either be done
by File -> Open -> Project/Solution or by selecting the project from
the recent tab.
Check %APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\\ActivityLog.xml location for errors

Convert Website Project to Web Application Project via Visual Studio 2013 [duplicate]

I am managing an old web application which still has legacy code from Framework 1 (would you believe it), currently on Framework 4.0.
As and when I need to fix or upgrade a web page, I convert it to a web application web page by clicking "Convert to Web Application".
VS 2013 doesn't appear to have the same menu item. Am I missing something?
It's been moved to the 'Project' menu towards the bottom after selecting the project or folder:
Open your .sln file i.e. solution file
change the below lines
1) From ,Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
to, Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
2) From, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.5"
To, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.0"
MSDN has a walkthrough on converting manually.

Visual Studio 2013 Missing Convert To Web Application

I am managing an old web application which still has legacy code from Framework 1 (would you believe it), currently on Framework 4.0.
As and when I need to fix or upgrade a web page, I convert it to a web application web page by clicking "Convert to Web Application".
VS 2013 doesn't appear to have the same menu item. Am I missing something?
It's been moved to the 'Project' menu towards the bottom after selecting the project or folder:
Open your .sln file i.e. solution file
change the below lines
1) From ,Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
to, Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
2) From, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.5"
To, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.0"
MSDN has a walkthrough on converting manually.

How do you reference EPPlus dll?

Sorry to ask but how do you refernce EPPlus dll in a .NET project
Usually i just do something like using EPPlus; but did not work this time.
my research show
using OfficeOpenXml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;
I did not find it.
I fixed this by targeting the .net framework version 4
using OfficeOpenXml; is correct for EPPlus. Check the Object Browser :)
If Visual Studio is giving you grief over the using OfficeOpenXml;. You need to install NuGet Package Manager.
Simply go to the Visual Studio 2010 Menu > Tools
Select Extension Manager, Enter NuGet in the search box and click
Online Gallery. Let it Retrieve information…
Select the retrieved NuGet Package Manager (you may have to do some
scrolling to find it), click Download. Let it Download…
Click Install on the Visual Studio Extension Installer NuGet Package
Manager. Wait for the installation to complete, and answer any
After the Package Manager is installed, you need to follow the prompt
at the bottom of the Extension Manager window to restart Visual
After it opens back up, go to Visual Studio 2010 Menu > Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... And install EPPlus - Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET.
This should get you set up reading Excel files!

VS 2010 Error: ...csproj Cannot Be Opened

I'm trying to launch a project created by someone else in my local environment. I'm currently using the following products:
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version 10.0.40219.1 SP1 Rel
Windows 7 Ultimate
But when I double click on the .sln file I get the following error:
C:\Users...\Desktop\ContactManager\ContactManager\ContactManager.csproj : error : The project file 'C:\Users...\Desktop\ContactManager\ContactManager\ContactManager.csproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
Please help me load my project. :)
Thank you,
Turns out that I just needed to install MVC version 3. I guess the project that I was trying to open is using MVC3 and my machine only had 2 as you can see in my environment list above. I'm glad I was able to fix this BUT give me a better error message for crying out loud. Sheesh. ;)
I've come across this before. In my case, I had installed Microsoft SQL Server and, more importantly, BIDS. Whenever I would open a project that was created in VS2008, the VS version selector would identify this as a 2008 project and BIDS would try to open it (and this error would occur). What I did as a work-around is I would right-click on the .sln file and use the "Open With" to select VS2010. If that also works for you, you can change your defaults for what opens .sln files.
Another way to test this is to open VS2010 and then use the "Open Solution" menu option to open your solution. If this method works, you know the issue is the default program that is opening your .sln files.
In my case project needs to have MVC3 so at first i checked i have MVC3 template in Visual Studio 2010 (service pack 1 installed). I downloaded MVC3 installer frowm following link:
After installing my issue get resolved.
