DQL delete from multiple tables (doctrine) - doctrine

I need to perform DQL delete from multiple related tables.
In SQL it is something like this:
DELETE r1,r2
FROM ComRealty_objects r1, com_realty_objects_phones r2
WHERE r1.id IN (10,20) AND r2.id_object IN (10,20)
I need to perform this statement using DQL, but I'm stuck on this. :(
$dql = Doctrine_Query::create()
->delete('phones, comrealtyobjects')
->from('ComRealtyObjects comrealtyobjects')
->from('ComRealtyObjectsPhones phones')
->whereIn("comrealtyobjects.id", $ids)
->whereIn("phones.id_object", $ids);
But DQL parser gives me this result:
DELETE FROM `com_realty_objects_phones`, `ComRealty_objects`
WHERE (`id` IN (?) AND `id_object` IN (?))
Searching google and stack overflow I found this(useful) topic:
What is the syntax for a multi-table delete on a MySQL database using Doctrine?
But this is not exactly my case - there was delete from single table.
If there is a way to override DQL parser behaviour? Or is there maybe some other way to delete records from multiple tables using doctrine?
Note: If you are using doctrine behaviours(Doctrine_Record_Generator), you need first to initialize those tables using Doctrine_Core::initializeModels() to perform DQL operations on them.

$dql = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('ComRealtyObjects comrealtyobjects')
->from('ComRealtyObjectsPhones phones')
->whereIn("comrealtyobjects.id", $ids)
->whereIn("phones.id_object", $ids);
$result= $dql->execute();
and tell me how it goes

If they're related so that $ids will remove both:
->from('ComRealtyObjects c, c.ComRealtyObjectsPhones p')
->whereIn('c.id', '?', $ids)
That should do the job.


Laravel query use parent column inside whereRelation

I have problem with my eloquent query, i need to use data of my base model into whereRelation.
I tried this query bottom, but results was not what i except. The query return me all users who have one city relation, not only user who have city updated between my last user sync.
$users = People::whereRaw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, people.latest_sync, people.updated_at) > 20')
->orWhereRelation('city', 'updated_at', '>', 'people.updated_at')
I'v tried people.updated_at and latest_sync in value of my Where Relation
Do i need to make pure SQL Raw query with classic join ?
PS: the first whereRaw is ok, and work (i really need)

How Query Multiple dataset in Laravel

I am struggling to get list of places that matches current category(multiple dataset) and city:
what i did is the following,
$cat = Category::find($request->category_id)->toArray();
$cat_id = $cat['id'];
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
See screenshot of the dataset:
Data in the database
For your current problem, you can use the LIKE operator.
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('category','LIKE', '%"'.$cat_id.'"%')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
but the above code will not solve your problem permanently. It looks like you are trying to create a many to many relationship in this case the best practice to use pivot tables for this. Better if you could update the schema as an example and follow the Laravel standards to achieve this. Example:
table: category_place , having columns ["category_id", "place_id"]
in the same way, you need to update the following schema
Place Type
table: place_place_type, columns ["place_id", "place_type_id"]
table: amenity_place, columns ["amenity_id", "place_id"]
Ref. link: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#many-to-many-polymorphic-relations

How to count two related tables using Laravel Query Builder?

I have two tables in my database
My first table
And my second table
I would like to count how many gold members exists and how many silver members exists... I want to do a single count for each category... The rif can be repeated in the column but is the key to join the two tables.. I'm working with Query Builder and I would like to continue work with that. Someone can help me?
I tried with this code but didn't work
$count = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', 'table1.rif', '=', 'table2.rif')
Try this:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
->join('table1', 'table2.rif', '=', 'table1.rif')
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as count'), 'table1.category as category')
If you want to count only a specific category:
->join('table1', 'table2.rif', '=', 'table1.rif')
->where('table1.category', 'Silver')
See Laravel docs for more info.

Efficient way to query database with multiple conditions in laravel

Is it possible to make this a single query?
$yl_min = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
->where([['slug','=',$crypto_id],['low_usd','!=', null]])
$yl = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
I've tried this but no luck:
$yl = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
->select('id','coin','created_time','created_at',DB::raw('SELECT MIN(low_usd) as low_usd'))
->where([['slug','=',$crypto_id],['low_usd','!=', null]])
After looking at your query code, I found the two query condition is same, and you just want to get min low_usd record,
I think you can just use the multiple condition and ORDER BY low_usd ASC, then take the first one:
$yl = DB::connection($this->db2)->table('historical')
->where([['slug','=',$crypto_id],['low_usd','!=', null]])
After this, if you want to make this query more efficient,
you need to add index on slug, low_usd, created_time

How can I write this query using the laravel query builder?

I'm on laravel 5.1 using postgres as the DB. I have a fiddle here in case it helps understand my issue: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/5ELU6xinJrXiQJ6u6VH5/4
with properties as (
json_agg(property_fields.*) as property_fields
left join fields as property_fields
on property_fields.parent = 'property' and property_fields.parent_id = properties.id
group by properties.id, properties.deal_id, properties.address
json_agg(properties.*) as deal_properties,
json_agg(deal_fields.*) as deal_fields
from deals
left join properties on deals.id = properties.deal_id
left join fields deal_fields on deal_fields.parent = 'deal' and deal_fields.parent_id = deals.id
group by deals.id, deals.name
order by deals.id
Writing most of this is fairly straight forward. The problem I'm having is with the with properties as (...) block. I've tried something like:
DB::statement('WITH properties AS ( ... )')
->select(' deals.*, json_agg(properties.*) as deal_properties, ')
But I notice the execution stop after DB::statement()
Is there a method in the Query Builder that I'm missing? How can I prefix my query with the WITH properties AS (...) statement?
I think it should also be noted that I'm trying to implement a Repository Pattern and I can't just wrap a DB::statement() around the whole query.
I've created a package for common table expressions: https://github.com/staudenmeir/laravel-cte
$query = 'select properties.*, [...]';
->withExpression('properties', $query)
You can also provide a query builder instance:
$query = DB::table('properties')
->select('properties.*', [...])
->withExpression('properties', $query)
if you want some data fetch from a table you can use this type of code
$user = DB::table('table name')->where('name', 'John')->where('height','!>',"7")->select('table fields which you want to fetch')->get();
Or try using the larevel Eloquent ORM which will make things easier with the database.
for more example or reference
I think you can actually do this with eager loading,
assuming that the relationships are set up correctly.
(More reading here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-relationships#constraining-eager-loads)
So I think you'd be able to add something like
->with(['properties' => function ($query) {
->leftJoin('join statement')
->groupBy('field1', 'field2');
