How can I capture GNUMake differences between two directories - debugging

I have a tricky issue with gmake, when I build from the parent directory, something is different and the make does not build all the .o(s) it needs and fails, but if I cd to the directory and do a make it builds them fine.
How can I get GNUmake to tell me the difference between these two runs? There must be some make variables set in the parent that break the child, but I need help figuring out how to track them down.

If running make from the parent directory fails to build foo.o, then try make foo.o. If that fails then try running make -n foo.o in both directories (to print the commands instead of executing them) to see what it's doing differently. If it succeeds, then it's not even trying to build foo.o when run from the parent directory; make -n may shed some light, and as a last resort make -d will give you a torrent of information about the decision process, why it's doing what it's doing.
Here's a handy trick to see the value of variables. Put this rule in your makefile:
#echo $# is $($*)
Now you can run make show_FOO and it will tell you the value of the variable FOO.
Finally, are you sure you know where you build your .o files? Make is very good at using things there to build files here, but not the other way around, so it can lose track of intermediate files if you're not careful.


Makefile execution properly [duplicate]

I tried to use a make file in code::blocks but I am doing it wrong. I have the version installed with the compilers included. What do I do with the make file? It starts with:
best, US
You don't tend to execute the make file itself, rather you execute make, giving it the make file as an argument:
make -f
If your make file is actually one of the standard names (like makefile or Makefile), you don't even need to specify it. It'll be picked up by default (if you have more than one of these standard names in your build directory, you better look up the make man page to see which takes precedence).
As paxdiablo said make -f would execute the makefile, if you directly execute it by typing ./, then you would get syntax error.
Also you can just type make if your file name is makefile/Makefile.
Suppose you have two files named makefile and Makefile in the same directory then makefile is executed if make alone is given. You can even pass arguments to makefile.
Check out more about makefile at this Tutorial : Basic understanding of Makefile

Force run a recipe (--assume-old=target)

I want to force a recipe for "output.file", even though it is up-to-date.
I have already tried make --assume-old=output.file output.file, but it does not run the recipe again.
In case you are curious: use case:
I want to use this together with --dry-run to find out the command that produce a target.
I ended up hiding the file to run make --dry-run output.file, but I was hoping for something more elegant + FMI: for future debugging makefile.
I think you're misunderstanding what that option does: it does exactly the opposite of what you hoped; from the man page:
-o file, --old-file=file, --assume-old=file
Do not remake the file file even if it is older than its dependenā€
cies, and do not remake anything on account of changes in file.
Essentially the file is treated as very old and its rules are
You want output.file to be remade, so using -o is clearly not what you want.
There is no option in GNU make to say "always rebuild this target". What you can do is tell make to pretend that some prerequisite of the target you want to be rebuilt has been updated. See this option:
-W file, --what-if=file, --new-file=file, --assume-new=file
Pretend that the target file has just been modified. When used
with the -n flag, this shows you what would happen if you were to
modify that file. Without -n, it is almost the same as running a
touch command on the given file before running make, except that
the modification time is changed only in the imagination of make.
Say for example your output.file had a prerequisite input.file. Then if you run:
make -W input.file
it will show you what rules it would run, which would include rebuilding output.file.

Using a Makefile for Debain packages

I'm trying to put together a Makefile that will create a folder and clone repositories from GIT
I'm having trouble putting it all together so I'm starting with a generic Makefile
My makefile:
$(shell mkdir -p myDir)
The shell script that I am trying to get to invoke
REPOSRC="my bitbucket repo URL"
# We do it this way so that we can abstract if from just git later on
if [ ! -d $LOCALREPO_VC_DIR ]
git pull $REPOSRC
# End
When I run make I'm getting the following error:
Makefile:2: *** missing separator. Stop.
Also, is this the correct way to go about this task?
What you have is not a makefile. It's really a shell script written in makefile syntax (and, as you've discovered from the errors, not correct makefile syntax).
Make is a tool that allows commands to be run to update a set of target files, or not run if any of the target files don't need to be updated, based on comparing timestamps of the target files and their prerequisite files. These dependency relationships can be chained.
That's all that make is for.
To prototypical example is compiling a program: if any of the source files have been modified then you need to recompile the object files for those sources; if object files are updated then libraries might need to be re-created; if object or library files are updated then programs might need to be re-linked.
If your problem space doesn't map, or can't be made to map, to that mechanism, then make and makefiles are not the correct tool for the job you have in mind. Based on your description of your problem, make is not the right tool for this job.
You should just write a shell script, as you've basically done here already, and move forward.
If you do want to write a makefile you should spend some time understanding the syntax of makefiles and how they work, rather than just searching on Stack Overflow and trying to put together a makefile based on the answers. For example, try reading at least the introduction of the GNU make manual.
With $(shell ...) construct you substitute shell command output into the makefile. Of course after calling mkdir or invoking git the output is not a valid makefile.
Your makefile should be like this
mkdir -p myDir
note that indentation after all: has to be done with tabs.
And it looks like you don't need make for your task. Just shell script would be enough.

What's the possible reason that makefile would skip making one executable?

I try to then execute exact same compilation command for that skipped file and it is being correctly compiled. But when I put it in make file it is just skipped. Every other file is generated.
Without actually seeing the makefile (which you haven't provided), we can only guess (though I'd like to think it's an educated guess).
Since make works by checking file timestamps to see if they need rebuilding, that's one thing to look at. If the timestamp of a target is later than that of all dependencies, the target won't be built.
The other is to ensure your top level rule actually has a dependency on what you're trying to build, somewhere in the hierarchy. By that I mean the ruleset:
all: xyzzy
touch xyzzy
touch plugh
with the command make all will never touch plugh because it's not in the dependency hierarchy off all.
And make generally provides command line options for debugging (like the -d flag in GNU Make) which will tell you why it's making the decisions it's making. If you want to understand what's happening, you should probably use them,a s it makes it that much easier to debug your makefile.

invoke make from build

I'd like to simplify the workflow so that rather than issuing these commands
$ make program_unittest
... output of $MAKE ...
$ ./program_unittest args
I could have my program automatically attempt to compile itself (if the source has been updated) when it is run, so that I do not have to go back and run make myself.
Here's what I'm thinking: My unit test build should first check if there is a makefile in the directory it's in, and if so, fork and exec make with the target corresponding to itself. If make determines "nothing to be done", it will continue on its way (running the unit-tests). However, if make actually performs a compilation, one of two things may happen. gcc (invoked by make) might be able to overwrite the build (an older version of which is already running) during compilation, in which case I can then perhaps exec it. If my system does not permit gcc to overwrite the program which is in use, then I have to quit the program before running make.
So this has become quite involved already. Are there perhaps more elegant solutions? Maybe I could use a bash script? How do I ascertain if make issued compilation commands or not?
Why not have make run the unit tests?
