Using a code without compiling it to a library - freetype

My question may be silly, but I need to use a library from its source code without compiling it to a library form first. The tool in question is FreeType. Is this possible?

You can add all the files from the FreeType source distribution into your own project, and try to get them to compile alongside. However, the FreeType compilation procedure is a bit tricky, if I recall correctly.
It is probably easier to compile FreeType as a static library, then link your own program with the generated library. If you do that, your executable will have no dependency on the FreeType runtime library.

It's called bundling: instead of shipping your code with JAR files of some library, or even just requiring the library in your INSTALL document, you simply copy the source code into your project and have it built by your build system instead of using it pre-built. It may require adapting your build system a bit, and you need to make sure you have the right to redistribute the library in source form, but it can sometimes make sense.
MPlayer did this with ffmpeg for a long time, and XEN with the Linux kernel (notionally, they ship patches instead of the entire kernel tree). The disadvantage is, of course, that you effectively fork the library, and don't get any updates of the code whatsoever unless you re-rip their code and get it to build in your project again.

You can get the sourcecode of FreeType from if that's what you mean.


Go code building linker error. Can I link manually?

I am building Go code that uses CGo heavily and this code must be compiled into a shared or static library (static is highly preferred). (code for reference)
It all works just fine on Linux and Mac, but on Windows it fails on linker stage either saying that all 4 modes (c-shared, shared, c-archive, archive) are not available or if invoke go tool link -shared manually complains about missing windows specific instructions.
My understanding is that all I need to build usable lib.a is to compile everything I will use into object files (*.o) and then put it through ar to produce usable static library.
Now the question is whether I can completely skip Go's linker and based on prepared .o files create .a manually?
How would I go about doing that if that is even possible?
Looks like gcc on windows is unable to automatically discover necessary shared libraries. The problem was caused by GCC and not by Go.
Although for compiling Go I had to use self-compiled master tip as current release (1.6.2) does not support shared/static libraries on windows/amd64.
Manually feeding gcc with each shared library (ntdll, winmm etc) in default location (C:\Windows\SysWOW64) has fixed the problem.

How to install and use open source library on Windows?

I'd like to use open source library on Windows. (ex:Aquila, following But I can't understand anything about "Build System"... Everyone just say like, "Unzip the tar, do configure, make, make file" at Linux, but I want to use them for Windows. There are some several questions.
i) Why do I have to "Install" for just source code? Why can't I use these header files by copying them to the working directory and throw #include ".\aquila\global.h" ??
ii) What are Configuration and Make/Make Install? I can't understand them. I just know that configuration open source with Windows need "CMake", and it is configuration tool... But what it actually does??
iii) Though I've done : cmake, mingw32-make, mingw32-make install... My compiler said "undefined references to ...". What this means and what should I do with them?
You don't need to install for sources. You do need to install for the libraries that get built from that source code and that your code is going to use.
configure is the standard name for the script that does build configuration for the software about to be built. The usual way it is run (and how you will see it mentioned) is ./configure.
make is a build management tool (as the tag here on SO will tell you). One of the most common mechanisms for building code on linux (etc.) is to use the autotools suite which uses the aforementioned configure script to generate build configuration information for use by generated makefiles which make then uses to build the software. make is also the way to run the default build target defined in a makefile (which is often the all target and which usually builds the appropriate library/binary/etc.).
make install is a specific, secondary, invocation of the make tool on the install target which (generally) installs the (in this case previously) built code into an appropriate location (in the autotools/configure universe the default location is generally under /usr/local).
cmake is, again as the SO tag says, a build system that generates configuration files for other build tools (make, VS, etc.). This allows the developers to create the build configuration once and build on multiple platforms/etc. (at least in theory).
If running cmake worked correctly then it should have generated the correct information for whatever target system you told it to use (make or VS or whatever). Assuming that was make that should have allowed mingw32-make to build the software correctly (assuming additionally that mingw32-make is not a distinct cmake target than make). If that is not working correctly then something is still missing from your system (and cmake probably should have caught that).
But to give any more detail you will need to give more detail about what errors you are actually getting and from what command.
(Oh, and on Windows, and especially if you plan on building your software with VS (or some other non-mingw32-make tool) the chances of you needing to run mingw32-make install are incredibly small).
For Windows use cmake or latest ninja.
The process is not simple or straight, but achievable. You need to write CMake configuration.
Building process is not simple and straight, that's why there exists language like Java(that's another thing though)
Rely on CMake build the library, and you will get the Open-Source library for Windows.
You can distribute this as library for Windows systems, distribute and integrate with your own software, include the Open Source library, in either cases, you would have to build it for Windows.
Writing CMake helps, it would be helpful to build for other platforms as well.
Now Question comes: Is there any other way except CMake for Windows Build
Would you love the flavor of writing directly Assembly?
If obviously answer is no, you would have to write CMake and generate sln for MSVC and other compilers.
Just fix some of the errors comes, read the FAQ, Documentation before building an Open Source library. And fix the errors as they lurk through.
It is like handling burning iron, but it pays if you're working on something meaningful. Most of the server libraries are Open Source(e.g. age old Apache httpd). So, think before what you're doing.
There are also not many useful Open Source libraries which you could use in your project, but it's the way to Use the Open Source libraries.

Link go program vs GNU readline statically

I'm writing a Go program that uses the GNU readline library for a fancy command line interface. In order to simplify the installing process and not worry about the library version and other stuff, I want to link it statically.
The problem is I don't really know how to do it. If I precompile the library, I would have to provide several versions of my code, with the different versions of the .a or .lib readline library. To avoid this problem I was thinking of just including the current readline code to my go project, and let the go tool compile it when it build the go project. However, to build the readline library, is necessary to use make. Is there a way of telling the go tool how to build the C code?
Yes, you can certainly do that. I've recently done something similar with a different project, mainly because the code was not available as a library (Ubuntu compiles just the command line tool for it). To achieve it, I've run the autoconf script with options that I figured would be sensible in most systems, and copied the C code together with the automatically built config.h header file into the Go package directory. Then, I've built the original C code with make once and observed which options gcc would get while compiling and linking it, and copied the appropriate ones into cgo's LDFLAGS and CFLAGS options (you can also inspect the Makefile, but that was easier).
A couple of side notes:
Have you considered doing the readline work in Go itself? The ssh terminal package works at least as a pretty good seed, if it doesn't solve your problem completely.
Remember that readline, although being a library, is GPL. You'll necessarily have to license your own software as GPL as well if you link or embed it. There are other smilar libraries available with less strict licenses, if you care.
I recommend avoiding readline, better alternatives exist; like

How to include ncurses while using Emscripten emcc and make on Mac

I'm trying to build a project (namely, Angband's source - with Emscripten's emcc in order to port it to Javascript and ultimately build an online version.
I've managed to get the process started with
emconfigure ./configure
which begins to successfully start generating LLVM bitcode .o files, but then it hangs up on main-gcu.c with 'main-gcu.c:43:11: fatal error: 'ncurses.h' file not found'
I believe main-gcu.c is the only file that references ncurses, but I just can't figure out how to include the library while compiling. Is there a way to specify including ncurses with 'make', or should I compile the main-gcu.c file individually, with 'emcc main-gcu.c -c -lncurses'? I tried doing that but that led to another error with emcc being unable to find other actually included header files two levels down (it couldn't find headers that were included by a header included by main-gcu.c - anyway to fix that?).
I'm also not certain if I have/need to install the ncurses library on Mac OSX. All I can really find are references to libncurses5-dev for Linux.
I think you misunderstand the compilation via Emscripten. I will try to point out a few problems you are facing.
The general rule is that all tools of Emscripten ONLY can turn LLVM formats (e.g. BITCODE) into JavaScript. emconfigure, emmake, ... modify the build environment so that your sourcecode is compiled to one of the LLVM formats (there are exceptions to the rule but nevermind). So anything you want to link against your final result has to be in a LLVM format, as well (which by default ncurses is not).
Since the output is JavaScript, there is no chance to execute any program code in different threads. While a lot of C/C++ code does use a thread for the UI and others for processing, such a model does NOT work for Emscripten. So in order to get the software compiling/running you will have to rewrite the parts that use threading. See emscripten_set_main_loop for pointers.
Even if you have the libraries compiled you then have to statically link them to Emscripten. At this point it is less of a technical problem but more of a license issue since if your library is licensed under e.g. LGPL due to static linking the GPL terms are effective.
I hope all clarity finally vanished ;)

Referencing Source Files of Shared Libraries in Valgrind

We have a software project which has the primary purpose of providing a library and API. We also provide example programs and utilities that use this library.
So, let's say that I have built and installed our library. When I run valgrind on one of the example / utility programs, I obviously see references to functions in the library. The issue is that it doesn't provide line numbers, and I would like it to.
Is there a way to tell Valgrind to reference source files that aren't obviously part of an executable, but are part of the source code for a library that is linked-in to the executable?
Make sure that you are compiling shared library with -g to add debug information. This should be enough for Valgrind to reference source files. See for more information.
