Funny software metrics that have a relevant value [closed] - metrics

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Closed 10 years ago.
As a software developer, I've seen lot of different software metrics, mainly about code quality and bug-tracking.
I have heard of a "Dilbert metric", which is "how many people read and laugh at Dilbert comics in your team", which shows how bad your company/organization is.
There is also the "WTF per minute" during code reviews :
I'm looking for metrics that are both funny AND still relevant, do you have any ?

Programmers/salespeople ratio
Once heard a [funny | relevant] joke about SAP:
/ SAP AG \
/ \
| Etage 3: Sales |
| Etage 2: Sales |
| Etage 1: Sales |
| Groundfloor: Sales |
| Underground 1: Car parking |
| Underground 2: Development |


Recommended reading on advanced graph theory? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for books on advanced graph theory. What would you recommend?
Relevant topics:
- coloring theory
- min cut
- traveling salesman problem
Google "MAA Reviews" which is a book review site and once there search for "graph". You will find LOTS of books reviewed there. If that is too shotgun an approach you might post a more specific question.
The MAA site is for mathematicians. From your more specific question I suspect you want something more basic and applied than many of the books there. Among those they review are this basic and relatively inexpensive text
A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory
W. D. Wallis
and this huge reference book which is reasonably priced for its size
Graph Theory and Its Applications
Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellen

how face recognition works in real time [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
There are many applications to recognize similar faces. The most popular is Picasa. How do these applications do the following?
1) Detect face
2) Check for similar in database.
I would read this paper "Robust Real-Time Face Detection" to get started
also this one is interesting

Pros. and Cons. of each SLAM Algorithm and Which is the best? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
At the present, there are a lot of SLAM algorithms out there, for example, a number of open-sources of SLAM in
What is the most famous one by now?
If I gonna choose one, What is the basic criterion I need to be considered for choosing one SLAM among the others?

Whats the best way to determine availability or uptime of my systems [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
By this I mean, whats the best way show the uptime of systems? Idealy id like to show some sort of percentage figure, like what the webhosts do. ie 99.5% uptime.
Is there a standard way to determine this?
We use Pingdom to monitor our servers, and they generate the sort of numbers you're looking for (we just use the free account). They also seem to have an API which will let you get your info programatically - no guarantees that'll work with a free account, though.
Hope this helps!

Is there any book avaiable for Expression Blend 4? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to learn expression blend in detail. is there any good book available in the market for Blend4?
Expression-Blend 4(expression -Studio) was released less than one month.(exactly 29 day). So there is no any book available now .
But 2 book come early and u can check them when they are released:
1) Foundation Expression Blend 4 with Silverlight by Victor Gaudioso (released time: Aug 31 2010) by appress
2) Expression Blend 4 Unleashed by Brennon Williams (released time: Nov 15, 2010) by sams
I've found Expression Blend in Action by Joel Cochran to be excellent. It's written from a developers point of view (rather than a designers).
