Recommended reading on advanced graph theory? [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for books on advanced graph theory. What would you recommend?
Relevant topics:
- coloring theory
- min cut
- traveling salesman problem

Google "MAA Reviews" which is a book review site and once there search for "graph". You will find LOTS of books reviewed there. If that is too shotgun an approach you might post a more specific question.
The MAA site is for mathematicians. From your more specific question I suspect you want something more basic and applied than many of the books there. Among those they review are this basic and relatively inexpensive text
A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory
W. D. Wallis
and this huge reference book which is reasonably priced for its size
Graph Theory and Its Applications
Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellen


What are the best sites to learn about formal languages, automata, algorithms and data structure? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'd like to know what are the best sites to learn about formal languages, automata, algorithms and data structures. Preferable with many solved questions...
Thanks in advance
What I prefer is., a best book " On Theory of Automation", .,
I have read this book., superb it is.
You can compare also structure of programs on examples.
You didn't mentioned what kind of algorithms you want to learn. Anyway for basic algorithms and data structures TopCoder algorithm tutorial's page is a good place to start. Visit

Tutorial on Graph Theory [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Can anyone suggest me good online tutorials on Graph Theory ie BFS,DFS and other related Graph algos?
My recommendations:
Introductory - JMT Patrick:
Moderately difficult lectures - ADUni and Berkeley:
Advanced stuff - MIT:
As a bonus, great presentation from Neo CEO:
I would strongly recommend to study from topcoder
has both theory and implementation
If you like coding in python, you may check the book:
Algorithmic Graph Theory
The book is GNU-FDL licensed, which means you can read and download all the content for free. And all the source code in the book are provided for Sage. Sage is a open source alternative of Matlab. As Sage use python as it's language to write scripts, all source code in Sage are essentially python code with additional modules (from sage).
ps: This Algorithmic Graph Theory is totally a different thing from #Elias's Algorithmic Graph Theory.
Use Algorithm Design by Tardos and Kleinberg for graph algorithms.
if you want mathematical graph theory you can read Graph Theory by Rienhard Diestel.
Look at Algorithmic Graph Theory

Algorithm ----Where I can get the algorithm resource-----Schedule algorithm and so on [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I wonder If there is a place provided many algorithms.
I want to know the details of some processĀ“s schedule algorithms.
For example, If I want to get some informations about Network, I will check out the RFC documents. I want to know, in the field of os algorithms ,if there is something like RFC.
Further more, If there is a place I can read lots of algorithms in many fields. In my view, Reading the algorithms in many fields can help me a lot in algorithm ------Anyway, someday, maybe I can combine two algorithms to solve one particular problem.
How about this: List of Algorithms. Also you can study Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming Vol 1 - 4.
Wikipedia has lots of them. I don't think that there is not any organization that provides algorithms for OS.
Wikipedia holds a lot of algorithms.
Use section "See Also" there.

Analysis of algorithm complexity on linked lists [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Please suggest me some good materials or books or links that provede the methods to find the complexity of algorithms that use linked list for their implementation. My question may sound silly to some of you but please reply.Please help
Introduction to Algorithms is the canonical textbook.
It is possible to find a complete PDF of this book online. I'm not going to provide a link, though, because I'm not sure if these copies are legal.
If all you're after is a quick reference, then Wikipedia is the best place to start. For instance, see the table at
Gautam I have a feeling that you are trying to skip the understanding of 'complexity analysis' portion and jump to linked-list-complexity-analysis.
Just so you know, if you want to understand it truly, then you have to understand two parts
1. How to compute complexity of an algorithm
2. The flow of algorithm in question.
'linked-list-complexity-analysis ' is not something that you can understand without understanding {1}
That said, if at all you want ready answer (trust me that wouldnt help you in interviews), you can refer to this book "Data structures and algorithm and applications in C++" (
Highly recommended for beginner.
Immensely boring, and I doubt you will read it again. :P
You will find answers to your specific questions there.
After you are done with that book , I would suggest go with DataStructures using C/C++ by Langsam/tennenbaum.

What's the fastest way to brush up on algorithms for a technical interview (on Monday)? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have a technical interview on Monday and they were kind enough to give me a heads-up to brush up on my basic algorithms. It's been years since I looked at that kind of stuff and I'm pretty weak on it to begin with so I generally have a bad feeling about this. What's the best way to review the basics and get some practice in before Monday?
Starting Project Euler might help you, also try picking up Algorithms in a Nutshell and working through those examples. Should be do-able in a weekend.
TopCoder Algorithm Tutorials
Get the Algorithm Design Manual and look at the reference section. It has a nice "Problem -> Algorithm" cheat sheet.
Also take a look at questions on StackOverflow that are tagged Algorithm.
They might actually turn up in the interview ;)
Best of Luck!
This SO Question would be helpful. Also, mostly you should know about
* Sorting
* Searching
* Inserting and removing from various data structures
As this are the main algorithms which are normally asked in the interviews.
*Note: This is from my personal experience and it may differ from person to person.
Especially the Search, Item Search and Sorting sections.
