Whats the best way to determine availability or uptime of my systems [closed] - reporting

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Closed 11 years ago.
By this I mean, whats the best way show the uptime of systems? Idealy id like to show some sort of percentage figure, like what the webhosts do. ie 99.5% uptime.
Is there a standard way to determine this?

We use Pingdom to monitor our servers, and they generate the sort of numbers you're looking for (we just use the free account). They also seem to have an API which will let you get your info programatically - no guarantees that'll work with a free account, though.
Hope this helps!


Why is it so difficult to program a true random number generator? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I don't understand why a PRNG is easier to program than a true RNG. Shouldn't a typical processor make short work of producing a truly random number?
Computers are deterministic machines, given the same input, code included, they will produce the same result. To get true randomness you need to introduce something random from the real world, like the time or cosmic rays or something else that you can't predict.

Best way to prepare for Design and Architecture questions related to big data [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Recently, I attended an onsite interview for a company and I was asked design questions related to big data like e.g: get me the list of users accessed a website (say google) between time t1 and t2. What data structures to use, how to handle concurrency, stale data, how many servers are needed to store the data, and requirements(software, hardware) of each server etc.....
Please point me some books/web references to increase my knowledge in this new area.Also provide me insights on how to answer such type of design questions
this book (free download) (amazon: mining of massive datasets) was just posted to HN (that thread also has some useful comments) - from a first skim it looks really good. you could read that.

Which data structure should be used while storing large number of data, but not any RDBMS? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
This question was asked in an interview. First, I came up with B-tree. He asked me to be more specific and asked me to describe how I would store the data so that it would be easier to retrieve.
Can you please throw some light on this. Thanks in advance
You question isn't really clear.
"Good" ways to store the data depend on what you want to do with it.
If you want access parts of your data, a list of offsets suffices. If you want to search in text, using an additional inverted index in combonation with docIds->offsets is great. If you have frequent updates to your data and reading is rare, none of those make sense. So it really depends
Sounds like an open question, so you can demonstrate your vast experience of ... well, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL would be my guess, but you could argue that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dbm answers the question.

how face recognition works in real time [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
There are many applications to recognize similar faces. The most popular is Picasa. How do these applications do the following?
1) Detect face
2) Check for similar in database.
I would read this paper "Robust Real-Time Face Detection" to get started
also this one is interesting

where is the best algorithm exercises like euler project? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need learn some algorithms. What is the best collection of algorithm exercises that is like Project Euler?
These are the ones that I know of, which are good and are used by many programmers.
Top Coder
Code Chef
Try Spoj, it lets you use a large variety of languages and run and compile them online.
