Faster use of the cli - setting a variable for current project - terminal

I'm frequently using the cli (terminal) on Linux and Mac.
How can I save time by setting a variable to the current project folder instead of
cd path/to/folder/over/and/over/again
Something like
cd the-current-project
(with tab completion)

Depending on your shell, you can set a cdpath with directories you regularly cd to, and so you can do just what you want:
cd the-current-project
from anywhere. See here for more details.
Alternatively you can just set a shell variable and
Again, your shell will determine whether you can tab-complete this (I know zsh will do this. I'm not sure about bash).


Git bash in Windows: change the default directory when opening mintty (pwd)

I am loosing a lot of time searching in internet for the following simple setting.
I installed git (and git bash) in Windows. What I want is just to open Git Bash and be in the directory I want. I don't want to change my home directory, just be in a given directory when I open the program.
More detailed, when I open Mingw / Git bash in Windows, I would like to be in the following folder:
(this corresponds to the windows-style path: C:\blabla\my_git_repositories).
At the moment, I must write the following command every time I open GitBash:
cd /c/blabla/my_git_repositories
is this possible? Which file should i modify?
Actually the program is installed here:
C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64
If you want it happening every time you start an interactive shell, add
cd /c/blabla/my_git_repositories
to your shell startup. If your install includes the manpages say man bash and find the INVOCATION section, in a decent pager just /^INV will do it. Or Google knows to interpret a search for man bash as a search for the bash manpage.
Windows doesn't ordinarily support shell logins at all so a lot of the shell's startup-circumstance detection is overkill on Windows. Executing it is extremely fast, but describing exactly how it decides takes a page or two.
The short form is, if the startup was told it's a login shell it reads the login startup files, including (your) ~/.bash_profile, which generally should check for an interactive login and if so source the normal interactive shell startup ~/.bashrc, so ~/.bash_profile should end with something like
[[ $- = *i* && -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
and put whatever you want in ~/.bashrc. That cd, set up your prompt colors, define your favorite shell aliases, add your personal scripts directory to PATH, whatever.
Partial solution when opening the program by clicking on a link.
Right click on the link → properties → Start in: set the value to "C:\blabla\my_git_repositories".
This will work only when you open the application from that link, but could be fine (depending by your needs).

Force reload PATH in bash

I'm developing PHP on Windows machine and due to various old project I need to switch PHP version frequently. I wrote a script that edits $PATH environment variable and it works without a problem.
I'm using Git Bash as a CLI tools. All I need to refresh $PATH is to close the app and load it again. Simple enough, works well, php -v starts reporting correct version.
Problem is, I'm also using Git Bash integrated in Git Extensions and PhpStorm. Turning Bash off inside them doesn't work. Neither does restarting the applications themselves. I'm forced to restart the PC, which is of course annoying.
Is there a way to force Bash to reload environment variables via code?
Answers I found suggest running
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
But none of those work.
In PowerShell working solution is this:
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
so I need something similar but suited for bash.
Here is the way
# Temporary environment variables
$ export PATH=/you/can/set/git/path/here
on windows it will be something like C:\Users\your\path
#Confrm if its set
$ echo $PATH
Also in Bash you can check what variables are there with $ env
Writing it out jumpstarted my mind and I figured what I had to do.
Since I already have a script that changes PATH in Windows, I can use the same script to edit files bash_profile and bashrc.
In the end this is enough to make it work, first line is changed dynamically:
export PATH
alias reload='source ~/.bash_profile'

How can I setup IntelliJ to remember Git Bash current working directory between sessions?

I'm running IntelliJ 2018.3 on Windows 7, as well as openSUSE Leap 15.
Under Windows 7, I've configured IntelliJ to use Git Bash, i.e., in Settings, under Tools -> Terminal, I'm setting Shell path to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git_2.17.1\bin\bash.exe
One of IntelliJ's new features is the ability to save and reload terminal sessions (see this link).
It works perfectly with openSUSE, however, on Windows, while the terminal tab names are correctly restored, I always end up with a new shell.
Is there a way to make IntelliJ and Git Bash play well together so that I can retain the current working directory and shell history after restarting IntelliJ?
You can try and setup your Git for Windows bash to remember the last used path for you, as seen in "How can I open a new terminal in the same directory of the last used one from a window manager keybind?"
For instance:
So instead of storing the path at every invocation of cd the last path can be saved at exit.
My ~/.bash_logout is very simple:
echo $PWD >~/.lastdir
And somewhere in my .bashrc I placed this line:
[ -r ~/.lastdir ] && cd $(<~/.lastdir)
That does not depend on Intellij IDEA directly, but on the underlying bash setup (here the Git for Windows bash referenced and used by Intellij IDEA.
Here's a possible workaround. It was heavily inspired by VonC's answer, as well as other answers to the question that he mentioned.
if [[ -v __INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__ ]]; then
__INTELLIJ_SESSION_LASTDIR__="$(cygpath -u "${__INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__%history*}lastdir${__INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__##*history}")"
# save path on cd
function cd {
builtin cd $#
# restore last saved path
I don't like the fact that I had to wrap the cd command, however Git Bash does not execute ~/.bash_logout unless I explicitly call exit or logout; unfortunately due to this limitation, the .bash_logout variant is inadequate for the mentioned scenario.
The workaround above also leave small junk files inside __INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__ parent dir, however, I couldn't do any better.
Additionally I've opened a ticket in Jetbrain's issue tracker. There are many different shells that may benefit from official support. It would be great if JetBrains could eventually support powershell and popular terminals like windows-subsystem-for-linux, cygwin and git-bash. The only shell that currently works out of the box for me is cmd.

Changing login path without modifying $HOME

When I start a terminal session and my shell starts I'd like it to log me in a specific directory instead of $HOME.
For example, I've noticed I often start a new shell session and move to /tmp just to clone a git repository or do some quick and temporary stuff, and I would like to be logged directly in a directory of mine like /sandbox or something at my shell startup rather than my $HOME directory.
Any of you aware of a way to achieve this without modifying my user's home directory nor adding a dumb cd /sandbox in my .zshrc ?
Thank you very much!
My preferred solution for issues like this is to use a bunch of wrapper scripts that set the desired environment properties and then exec an interactive shell, passing through any command line arguments:
# sandbox-sh
cd /sandbox
exec bash "$#"
Even better, you can launch GNU screen or tmux instead of a single shell - any new windows you create will share the same properties as the first one. Alternatively, you may also launch a tabbed terminal emulator - any new tabs will also share the environment defined in the wrapper script.

Can I use cygwin to script a hudson build step?

I've tried executing the following:
But that doesn't find ls (even if it's on the windows path). Is there any way to set this up?
UPDATE: In other words, I want to be able to set up a build step that uses cygwin bash instead of windows cmd like this page shows you how to do with Python.
So put your cygwin's bin directory in your PATH.
In case you don't know how to do it (Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables), see:
That shell-script has two errors: the hash-bang line should be "#!/bin/bash", and ${WORKSPACE} is not a shell-variable. Hudson has a bunch of variables of its own which are expanded in the commands you specify to be run (i.e. when you add commands in the web gui).
If you want to run Hudson build step on the Cygwin command line, you need to figure out what command Hudson runs and in which directory.
To give a more specific answer, you need to show us how your project is configured and what steps you want to run separately.
Provided cygwin's bin folder is in your path, the following works for me:
I find Hudson does not pick up environment variable changes unless you restart the server.
you might want to try to give a full path to ls
One other thing that seems to work is to use this:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin
But it would be nice not to have to modify the path for every script.
Have you thought about power shell? as much as I like cygwin, it's always been a little flaky, powershell is a solid fully functional shell on windows, another option is Windows Services for UNIX it gives you korn shell or c shell not quite as nice as bash but it gets the job done
You will need to pass the --login (aka -l) option to bash so that it will source Cygwin's /etc/profile and set up the PATH variable correctly. This will cause the current directory to get changed to the default "home" but you can set the environment variable CHERE_INVOKING to 1 before running bash -l and it will stay in the current directory if you need to preserve that.
