Force reload PATH in bash - bash

I'm developing PHP on Windows machine and due to various old project I need to switch PHP version frequently. I wrote a script that edits $PATH environment variable and it works without a problem.
I'm using Git Bash as a CLI tools. All I need to refresh $PATH is to close the app and load it again. Simple enough, works well, php -v starts reporting correct version.
Problem is, I'm also using Git Bash integrated in Git Extensions and PhpStorm. Turning Bash off inside them doesn't work. Neither does restarting the applications themselves. I'm forced to restart the PC, which is of course annoying.
Is there a way to force Bash to reload environment variables via code?
Answers I found suggest running
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
But none of those work.
In PowerShell working solution is this:
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
so I need something similar but suited for bash.

Here is the way
# Temporary environment variables
$ export PATH=/you/can/set/git/path/here
on windows it will be something like C:\Users\your\path
#Confrm if its set
$ echo $PATH
Also in Bash you can check what variables are there with $ env

Writing it out jumpstarted my mind and I figured what I had to do.
Since I already have a script that changes PATH in Windows, I can use the same script to edit files bash_profile and bashrc.
In the end this is enough to make it work, first line is changed dynamically:
export PATH
alias reload='source ~/.bash_profile'


Reset export PATH back to its default value in Git Bash

I am new to bash/shell scripting and need to undo the effects created when I ran the command
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
export PATH=~/C:\Users\I860605\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\Scripts:$PATH
I was attempting to troubleshoot a Reuse tool and entered the command thinking it would fix the issue, however as a result none of my commands in Git Bash seem to work any longer, and normal commands for Python and other dependencies now result in command not found errors.
I also noticed that now my Git Bash CLI no longer picks up whether I'm cd'd into any of my repositories, with no display of (main) branch etc.
I found some other articles that were somewhat related to this, but they were for Ubuntu and Mac users, not for Git Bash on Windows, which is my scenario.
When I ran the command echo $Path, this is what was returned:
echo $Path
I saw that I could perhaps run source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.bashrc and edit the file contents from there, but both commands return No such file or directory
How would I go about setting my Path back to how it was before this blunder?
If you don't want to open a new session, the simplest approach is:
to have a ~/.bashrc (with ~ or $HOME set by default to %USERPROFILE%)
set your PATH in it (like your export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin)
type "source ~/.bashrc": that will reset the PATH of the current session.
Type echo $PATH to then check the path is indeed at the expected value.

How to setup bash in vscode running in WSL2

I would like to use something like oh-my-bash in vscode using WSL2. However according to the docs:
When VS Code Remote is started in WSL, no shell startup scripts are run. This was done to avoid issues with startup scripts that are tuned for shells. If you want to run additional commands or modify the environment this can be done in a setup script ~/.vscode-server/server-env-setup (Insiders: ~/.vscode-server-insiders/server-env-setup). If present, the script is processed before the server is started.
I have added a ~/.vscode-server/server-env-setup and according to the logs it is found and executed, but my linux skills are quite basic and i can't figure out how to get my profile installed. I have tried
bash ~/.profile
...but that doesn't seem to do anything. I have also tried
source ~/.profile
which gives me an error /mnt/c/Users/cber/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-0.40.3/scripts/ 3: /home/cber/.vscode-server/server-env-setup: source: not found
The question of how to source a profile is answered below, but my problem with getting powerline-go to work in vs-code on WSL2 persists, but i moved that to a new question in order to close this one.
In order to persist your settings in your current shell, you need to source your config instead of just executing it (see this link for more details).
The problem is that vscode is using dash to load your config file instead of bash.
However, source is a bash keyword, and is not understood by dash. So you'll have to use the more portable syntax, ., in order to make it work with dash.
Try replacing your file by the following content (no need for #!/bin/bash) :
# if the profile file exists, we source it
if [ -f ~/.profile ]
. ~/.profile

How can I setup IntelliJ to remember Git Bash current working directory between sessions?

I'm running IntelliJ 2018.3 on Windows 7, as well as openSUSE Leap 15.
Under Windows 7, I've configured IntelliJ to use Git Bash, i.e., in Settings, under Tools -> Terminal, I'm setting Shell path to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git_2.17.1\bin\bash.exe
One of IntelliJ's new features is the ability to save and reload terminal sessions (see this link).
It works perfectly with openSUSE, however, on Windows, while the terminal tab names are correctly restored, I always end up with a new shell.
Is there a way to make IntelliJ and Git Bash play well together so that I can retain the current working directory and shell history after restarting IntelliJ?
You can try and setup your Git for Windows bash to remember the last used path for you, as seen in "How can I open a new terminal in the same directory of the last used one from a window manager keybind?"
For instance:
So instead of storing the path at every invocation of cd the last path can be saved at exit.
My ~/.bash_logout is very simple:
echo $PWD >~/.lastdir
And somewhere in my .bashrc I placed this line:
[ -r ~/.lastdir ] && cd $(<~/.lastdir)
That does not depend on Intellij IDEA directly, but on the underlying bash setup (here the Git for Windows bash referenced and used by Intellij IDEA.
Here's a possible workaround. It was heavily inspired by VonC's answer, as well as other answers to the question that he mentioned.
if [[ -v __INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__ ]]; then
__INTELLIJ_SESSION_LASTDIR__="$(cygpath -u "${__INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__%history*}lastdir${__INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__##*history}")"
# save path on cd
function cd {
builtin cd $#
# restore last saved path
I don't like the fact that I had to wrap the cd command, however Git Bash does not execute ~/.bash_logout unless I explicitly call exit or logout; unfortunately due to this limitation, the .bash_logout variant is inadequate for the mentioned scenario.
The workaround above also leave small junk files inside __INTELLIJ_COMMAND_HISTFILE__ parent dir, however, I couldn't do any better.
Additionally I've opened a ticket in Jetbrain's issue tracker. There are many different shells that may benefit from official support. It would be great if JetBrains could eventually support powershell and popular terminals like windows-subsystem-for-linux, cygwin and git-bash. The only shell that currently works out of the box for me is cmd.

Setting an environment variable in Cygwin

I have been trying to setup a environment variable in Cygwin using the command export PRIMOSBASE=/directory/for/primosfiles.
And when i check the variable using the command echo $PRIMOSBASE it shows the /directory/for/primosfiles. hopeful this means the environment variable is set.
But when i try to run a shell script(primos) for the /directory/for/primosfiles, it shows
./primos: line 8: / No such file or directory
chmod: failed to get attributes of `': No such file or directory
which means i have not set the PRIMOSBASE environment. could anyone please tell me where i am going wrong...
Thanks ...
echo "export PRIMOSBASE=/directory/for/primosfiles" >> ~/.bashrc
to append the command to the end of your .bashrc file, so that the variable is set each time you use Cygwin. Then run
source ~/.bashrc
to make it take effect immediately.
NOTE: Make sure you use double brackets (>>) to append. It might be a good idea to make a backup of .bashrc just in case. If you're not comfortable with I/O redirection, an alternative is to edit .bashrc with an editor. I think vim is among the default tools in Cygwin.
I had a similar issue trying to get ANDROID_HOME to work in a Cygwin window. When I used the linux path separators, as follows
ANDROID_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/User/AppData/Local/Android/sdk my gradlew build script complained it couldn't find the sdk in ANDROID_HOME.
I eventually discovered that I had to set my environment variable in the Windows format, including Windows path separators '\', as follows
Note: the PATH and several other environment variables set in Windows are converted into Linux format. I hope this helps others who want/need to use Cygwin + Windows + essentially Windows programs that need environment variables.

Getting a 'source: not found' error when using source in a bash script

I'm trying to write (what I thought would be) a simple bash script that will:
run virtualenv to create a new environment at $1
activate the virtual environment
do some more stuff (install django, add to the virtualenv's path, etc.)
Step 1 works quite well, but I can't seem to activate the virtualenv. For those not familiar with virtualenv, it creates an activate file that activates the virtual environment. From the CLI, you run it using source
source $env_name/bin/activate
Where $env_name, obviously, is the name of the dir that the virtual env is installed in.
In my script, after creating the virtual environment, I store the path to the activate script like this:
But when I call source "$activate", I get this:
/home/clawlor/bin/scripts/djangoenv: 20: source: not found
I know that $activate contains the correct path to the activate script, in fact I even test that a file is there before I call source. But source itself can't seem to find it. I've also tried running all of the steps manually in the CLI, where everything works fine.
In my research I found this script, which is similar to what I want but is also doing a lot of other things that I don't need, like storing all of the virtual environments in a ~/.virtualenv directory (or whatever is in $WORKON_HOME). But it seems to me that he is creating the path to activate, and calling source "$activate" in basically the same way I am.
Here is the script in its entirety:
if [ $# = 1 ]
virtualenv -p $PYTHON_PATH --no-site-packages $ENV_NAME
if [ ! -f "$activate" ]
echo "ERROR: activate not found at $activate"
return 1
source "$activate"
echo 'Usage: djangoenv ENV_NAME'
DISCLAIMER: My bash script-fu is pretty weak. I'm fairly comfortable at the CLI, but there may well be some extremely stupid reason this isn't working.
If you're writing a bash script, call it by name:
/bin/sh is not guaranteed to be bash. This caused a ton of broken scripts in Ubuntu some years ago (IIRC).
The source builtin works just fine in bash; but you might as well just use dot like Norman suggested.
In the POSIX standard, which /bin/sh is supposed to respect, the command is . (a single dot), not source. The source command is a csh-ism that has been pulled into bash.
. $env_name/bin/activate
Or if you must have non-POSIX bash-isms in your code, use #!/bin/bash.
In Ubuntu if you execute the script with sh you get this problem.
Try executing the script with ./ instead.
best to add the full path of the file you intend to source.
source ./.env instead of source .env
or source /var/www/html/site1/.env
