Programatically hiding images in Telerik RadGrid image columns - image

I've got a RadGrid populated with data from a DB. I've also got an image column which is to display an icon based on whether or not a specific boolean property (called IsDirty) of the object populating the row is true or false. If it's true, show the icon in the image column; if not, show nothing. The icon is the same for every row.
What I'm wondering is if and how this can be done. The best solution I've come up with so far is a hack that would change the image source path based on the value of IsDirty, but this isn't really acceptable, since my app is skinnable and showing a blank image would ruin the look.
Thanks in advance for any help.

I know a help topic that may get you started - it is located here:


Kendo UI Grid Display Blank Columns

i am having an issue with the Telerik Kendo UI grid. When displaying data on it, some blank spaces show up between the columns.
I will have to be very cheap on displaying the bug here, but i think you'll kind of undertand. Example of blank columns the info in the grid its kind of confidential so i cannot show it to you guys, sorry. So instead i will share this image for a little context and explanation.
So, i want to drop those extrange blank columns since they don't actually exists in my model or database. Even without any sort of complete explanation of my problem i have faith that you guys can at least point me into the right direction here, or give me any clue at least, and that's actually all i want and i will be very grateful. Thanks for helping me and have a nice day.

How to change column attributes on Oracle APEX?

In the picture, it shows my problem: I need to display the values of a column from a table in apex. Currently all the values are being displayed as a text field. But, I need to display only a few as text fields and others as just a display value without allowing someone to edit it. I've been looking into it, but I'm stuck.. There is a conditional display area, but not sure if that is where I need to go for the solution. That section seems to just limit what values get displayed not change the display format based on the values, but that latter is what i need. Thanks if you know or can point me in the right direction!
In the Item properties , go to advanced section
in custom attributes mention readonly=’readonly’-- this will make that item as display only.

BIRT - How does Data Binding works?

I'm trying to create my first BIRT report and this data binding thing is confusing the bejeezus out of me.
So I have a data set that's working.
I right clicked my table and selected edit data bindings. I put in display names for all of my columns and changed the datatypes.
That seems to have been saved. But nothing appears on the report.
I then tried dragging columns from my dataset onto the detail band of the table, and when I do that BIRT brings up a (different?) data binding editor where it doesn't have any of the changes I made, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this one.
Could someone explain to me the basic process of getting my dataset to show up on a report table, and what all this data binding stuff is supposed to do?
Have you been through the tutorials? They answered most of my basic questions, including your other q about templates.

TTTableSubtitleItem does not show defaultImage when scrolling

I have a TTTableSubtitleItem to display a simple list of people. I show the person's avatar with an empty avatar icon as the defaultImage. When the page first loads, the empty avatar is displayed correctly as a placeholder until the web image is done loading. However, when i scroll down the list, instead of displaying the defaultImage for the new rows, its now displaying the previously loaded web images instead. This is especially problematic on slower connections since it will appear that the wrong person's avatar is being displayed. any suggestions?
many thanks
try to download the latest three20 development branch.
there was a bug related to issue and I think it was already fixed in it.

How do I edit a jqgrid from javascript

I have a jqgrid that has several columns including a checkbox column that indicates if an item is selected.
Underneath that I have a dropdown menu and a text box. The idea is that each item in the dropdown menu is a column in the jqgrid. Then all I need to do is modified all of the checked rows with the contents of the text box for that column. So a quick mass update mechanism if you will.
The problem is, is that I can't figure out how to update a specific cell. Any tips or documentation that can help me? Thanks!
You can use for example setRowData (see jqGrid documentation) or setCell to update the data in the grid. The functions getCol, getCell or getRowData could help you the examine the row data. Another old answers: this and this could be helpful if you decide to search data in the grid with respect of jQuery.
Here's the "answer" I came up with to my problem. I wanted to edit only rows that were editable. Using setCell would overwrite my editable field with a non-editable one. So I looked at the HTML for a given row while it is in the edit state and passed that into the 'setCell' method. It feels 'hackish' though and if someone knows a better way, I'm all ears.
