Kendo UI Grid Display Blank Columns - telerik

i am having an issue with the Telerik Kendo UI grid. When displaying data on it, some blank spaces show up between the columns.
I will have to be very cheap on displaying the bug here, but i think you'll kind of undertand. Example of blank columns the info in the grid its kind of confidential so i cannot show it to you guys, sorry. So instead i will share this image for a little context and explanation.
So, i want to drop those extrange blank columns since they don't actually exists in my model or database. Even without any sort of complete explanation of my problem i have faith that you guys can at least point me into the right direction here, or give me any clue at least, and that's actually all i want and i will be very grateful. Thanks for helping me and have a nice day.


Form and Report on same page (Form as detail of selected report page)

I am curently moving my small business app from ms access to Oracle Apex 20.
What I need is a page that shares both the report where I would select a row with record and form element at the top of page that would show details of the record.
Can someone give me an advice on how to start? I tried creating a blank page and inserting report and form elements manually but I am getting error No Primary Key item has been defined for form region rep7.
I suspect I need to connect the form and report with primary keys but don't know how. Closest I've been to solving my problem was watching this:
but I couldn't quite decipher it.
Thank you
The way you described it, it is a page whose type is Master Detail. Just follow the wizard, it'll create everything for you.
True - you can do it yourself, manually, but - why reinventing the wheel? The whole idea of Apex is to make things simpler for us, developers, to save us from boring actions we'd repeat over and over again. Let the wizard do it!

How to achieve customize templates option in jqgrid

I am having a grid whose configuration is placed in server for purely customizing sake where User can decide which columns he need to view and save the template.
Now if I want to have this feature present in grid whose configuration is also maintained in client side. How do I achieve it.
Pardon me if I m not clear or being a noob, I am still learning jqgrid .
Your question is too common formulated. I would recommend you to read the answer, this one and this one which shows how the user could save the state of grid and to hide some columns, to change there width or order the columns. If I understand your question correctly, then the answers will provide you the main ideas for the implementation of your requirements. You can just try the demo, make some changes in the grid and then close the demo and visit the demo once more. You will see that the hidden columns stay hidden, the order and the width of columns will stay persistent and so on.

Telerik MVC3 Grid Differentiating Filtered Column Name

Can anybody suggest me the possibilities to differentiate the filtered Telerik grid column with other columns. Meaning that I can provide different color scheme to differentiate the filtered column.
Speaking as someone who has had to deal with the Telerik MVC grid in a similar manner, I will share with you my solution for doing this:
1) Run the web page that has your grid, and view the source.
2) Find out, by viewing the source, what exactly happens when the filter is turned on (i.e. an attribute change, some function being called, etc.).
3) Using jQuery, set the color scheme of that column when that event occurs.
It's rather annoying that you can't just do it using Telerik's control itself, but this should help you out.

How to insert multiple rows into embedded view from a subform? Lotus Notes

I have a section that contains a subform ( containing 3 editable fields for the user ).
Then I have an embedded view categorized having two actions: Add and Trash.
What i want to do: After the user complete the 3 fields and then press Add, the first row in the embedded view will appear. ( This easy thing I did ). But then after the first click on Add, I want that all the 3 fields to be refreshed, all of them to have as their value: "".
After, if the user wants to add another row into the embedded view (with different values), in my case it is overwrited on the 1st row. I want to be separate rows in order.
I tried something with #Command(ViewRefreshFields) into the Add action code but I didn't make it to work. Please help, J. U.
Jazir, I'm guessing that you also go by the names "Florin G Mihalache", "Josh Mitchell" and "Yveniss Ltoreau", and I've been following the development of your application along with many other professional Notes developers.
I really think you need to go back to the very first basics, and work out the difference between forms, subforms, documents, views, embedded views, and other important components of Lotus Notes databases.
I strongly suspect that for a couple of weeks you have been trying to use a form to create other documents, via a subform, to be displayed in an embedded view in that form, when what you should be using is just a view, and documents. Perhaps you might need to use pages, outlines and framesets. It is very important that you understand these basic concepts before confusing the people who have tried to help you, to whom you may have lied.
I have voted your question down, not just because you have shown a lack of research, but because you appear to keep switching ID when people lose patience with you. I will undo that vote if I become convinced that you are not Florin.
The documents displayed in an embedded view are controlled by the view's selection formula. You haven't shown that. You haven't shown your code in the Add button. You haven't shown what properties you have set on the embedded view -- e.g., show single category. So you're not giving us quite enough info to diagnose your problem and help you.
But in general, I think that if you want to control the order of insertion of individual documents into an embedded list, perhaps using an embedded folder would be a better idea than an embedded view.

Programatically hiding images in Telerik RadGrid image columns

I've got a RadGrid populated with data from a DB. I've also got an image column which is to display an icon based on whether or not a specific boolean property (called IsDirty) of the object populating the row is true or false. If it's true, show the icon in the image column; if not, show nothing. The icon is the same for every row.
What I'm wondering is if and how this can be done. The best solution I've come up with so far is a hack that would change the image source path based on the value of IsDirty, but this isn't really acceptable, since my app is skinnable and showing a blank image would ruin the look.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I know a help topic that may get you started - it is located here:
