TTTableSubtitleItem does not show defaultImage when scrolling - image

I have a TTTableSubtitleItem to display a simple list of people. I show the person's avatar with an empty avatar icon as the defaultImage. When the page first loads, the empty avatar is displayed correctly as a placeholder until the web image is done loading. However, when i scroll down the list, instead of displaying the defaultImage for the new rows, its now displaying the previously loaded web images instead. This is especially problematic on slower connections since it will appear that the wrong person's avatar is being displayed. any suggestions?
many thanks

try to download the latest three20 development branch.
there was a bug related to issue and I think it was already fixed in it.


Can I add navigation arrows to PDF output in SSRS / Report Builder 3.0?

Somebody pulled the most random question on me today and I realized I'd never even considered it. What they wanted was my PDF rendering of an SSRS report to come standard with navigation arrows, i.e., previous page, next page. This started me looking at all the options that are available, which are actually kind of cool, and I was able to add on a table of contents, including bookmarks for a new number (e.g., if you're printing 5 invoices with 2-5 pages each into one long document, those will have the invoice number and you can jump to the beginning of that invoice), but I couldn't see anything about navigation links. In fact, most of what I've seen says that PDF's only can have navigation maps, i.e., the table of contents tab. So if anyone has any ideas on how I can do this, that would be great. I know it can be added after-the-fact with something like Blubeam, but that's not practical in this case.
As I mentioned in comments you can create a bookmark in each page. A bookmark can be added using the component DocumentMapLabel property almost all SSRS Report Items (Tablix, Textbox, Charts, etc) have.
If you don't have a title or a textbox at the very top of each page, add an empty textbox, be sure place them at the top of the page in order to each bookmark jumps to the beginning of the corresponding page.
Select the first textbox and press F4 to see the extended properties window, look for DocumentMapLabel and type Page 1.
In each page set the textbox DocumentMapLabel property to the corresponding page number.
When the report is exported to PDF, your PDF client shows the bookmark menu, containing a bookmark for each page. If you click on a bookmark it jumps to the related page.
This is how it looks in Adobe Acrobar Reader:
Let me know if this helps.

Drupal Image Display with View and Panels

Can anyone please guide me on how do I create a photobox that contains image and I wanted to display that image on landing page.
I have used panel to create landing pages for my website. I need to create 7 different layout for my website.
I am new to Drupal. Any help will be appreciated.
I have created specific image style for my image box by going into "Configuration -> Image Styles.
I have created Content Types for image.
For example lets say, Content type is: "Top Left Image".
I have defined fields called "Image Name" and "Image" into "Top Left Image".
Then I have created one view called " Top Left Imagebox".
In view, I have defined fields called Content: Image.
Formatter: Image
Image Style: Selected specific image style.
Link Image to: Nothing
I have used Rewrite Rule to make a view that displays image or video filed if present.
No Results Behavior: [field_image]
Checked - Hide rewriting if empty
Checked Rewrite the output of this field.
I have defined this view into my Landing Panel Page. But, somehow image is not displaying into the browser.
Thanks for Help!!
It can be because your ad blocker block your images. Anything that comes with names like 'ad' will be blocked be ad blocker browser add-ons.
Try switching it off if you have any enabled.
This is my best guess if you have your images in your view & you have added that view into your panel page.

Maintain Scroll Position BETWEEN TWO PAGES ASP.NET

I want to maintain the Scroll Position between two pages. I have a Page A which has many reports, when user clicks a report, user will be redirected to Page B where the report will be opened to make the changes. After submitting changes, user will be redirected to Page A. Here the problem is, showing the top of the page but I want to show the page at the previous position.
I have tried using this.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true; but this is working only on the same page but not between the different pages.
I really need to fix this, please give me your thoughts...
The simplest thing to do is probably give every link/report on page A an anchor.
So, for each report you would hide an id attribute somewhere - say the title, so it would be something like <h3 id="report42">Report 42</h3>. Then when you go back from page B, instead of going to, you go to This will open the page with the scrollbar at wherever the report42 id is found.

Magento EE banners rotation with full page caching on

A brief description of what I do:
- create 2 new test banners
- add a Banner Rotator to a cms page, either using the Insert Widget button or via a XML update in the Design tab, selecting the 2 test banners and rotating them as series, random or shuffle
- view the elected page in the browser, refresh
Only the first banner will be displayed.
If FPC is off instead, the banners will rotate as expected.
Is it a bug, or what am I doing wrong ?
The way full page cache works is that it utilizes placeholders for various data that is NOT supposed to be cached with the full page. Examples would include the mini cart, recently viewed products, etc. These separate items are cached and updated separately usually using a cache key that is made of a descriptive name plus the user's session ID.
This file: /app/code/core/Enterprise/PageCache/etc/cache.xml shows the placeholders.
A good example for what you need to do is here: /app/code/core/Enterprise/PageCache/Model/Container/Viewedproducts.php

Programatically hiding images in Telerik RadGrid image columns

I've got a RadGrid populated with data from a DB. I've also got an image column which is to display an icon based on whether or not a specific boolean property (called IsDirty) of the object populating the row is true or false. If it's true, show the icon in the image column; if not, show nothing. The icon is the same for every row.
What I'm wondering is if and how this can be done. The best solution I've come up with so far is a hack that would change the image source path based on the value of IsDirty, but this isn't really acceptable, since my app is skinnable and showing a blank image would ruin the look.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I know a help topic that may get you started - it is located here:
