I have an orchestration that receives any document type in BizTalk (System.Xml.Document). It looks like Bizmonade always wants to use an orchestration that specifies a type of schema that is different from ANY.
Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, #"Test.Files\CanonicalInvoice.xml")))
Any thoughts how to make it work with something similar to:
.When(MessageReceived.FromFile<XmlDocument__Simulated>( // or not to specify at all?
Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, #"Test.Files\CanonicalInvoice.xml")))
Version (just released) should be able to do it.
I am trying to build a custom resource which would in turn use another of my custom resource as part of its action. The pseudo-code would look something like this
customResource A
property component_id String
action: doSomething do
component_id = 1 if component_id.nil?
node.default[component_details][component_id] = ''
customResource_b "Get me component details" do
comp_id component_id
action :get_component_details
Chef::log.info("See the output computed by my customResourceB")
Thing to note:
1. The role of customResource_b is to make a PS call to a REST web service and store the JSON result in node[component_details][component_id] overriding its value. I am creating this attribute node on this resource since I know it will be used later one, hence avoiding compile time issues.
Issues I am facing:
1. When testing a simple recipe that calls this resource in chef-client, the code in the resource gets executed to the last log line and after that the call to customResource_b is made. Which is something I am not expecting to happen.
Any advice would be appreciated. I am also quite new to Chef so any design improvements are also welcome
there is no need to nest chef resources, rather use chef idompotance, guards and notification.
and as usualy, you can always use a condition to decide which cookbook\recipe to run.
I'm using SerilogMetrics's BeginTimedOperation() in a Web API, and it would be really great to be able to use the HttpRequestNumber or HttpRequestId properties (from the respective Serilog.Extra.Web enrichers) as the identifier, making it super easy to correlate timing-related log entries with others across a request.
Something like:
using (logger.BeginTimedOperation("doing some work", HttpRequestNumberEnricher.CurrentRequestNumber))
{ ... }
Short of poking around in HttpContext.Current for the magically- (i.e. non-public) named properties, is this achievable? Thanks!
If you begin a timed operation during a web request, the operation's events will already be tagged with the HttpRequestId.
You'll see it when logging to a structured log server like Seq, but if you're writing it out to a text file or trace then the property won't be included in the output message by default. To show it in there use something like:
outputTemplate: "{Timestamp} [{Level}] ({HttpRequestId}) {Message} ...")
The logging methods use a default template you can draw on for inspiration, and there's some info spread around the wiki though there's no definitive reference.
I am debugging though a wcf service. I have a service attached and debugging along with the exe. During the process, I get unsupported format name operation error when initializing queues with strings. However, I am pretty sure and double checked that the strings are of correct syntax, and I have all the permission and access to the queues.
RequestQueue = new System.Messaging.MessageQueue(correctString);
Any ideas are appreciated. Great thanks.
There are a couple of different formats that can be specified in the MessageQueue constructor, that use differing syntax, depending on if they are public/ private queues, dead-letter-queues, journal queues, and so on.
For example:
Public queue: MachineName\QueueName
Private queue: MachineName\Private$\QueueName
Can you post an example of what you are using?
Also, if you are using an Format Name, check the spelling of your format string:
Please note that the first part FormatName:DIRECT is case-sensitive. (More in-depth documentation about the syntax can be found in the MSDN here: Direct Format Names)
I have this problem and I am not sure why it's happening and how to fix it. I have created an OSB peject. In the proxy service pipeline I am doing a Service Callout to a sync SOAP service in another application. The other service needs the request body as below:
<RequestSelectionValues xmlns="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/WSShopFloor">
<inputServiceData xmlns:q1="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" q1:type="OnlineQuery">
<__name>xLot By FabLotNumber</__name>
<queryOption xmlns:q2="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" q2:type="QueryOption">
<serviceInfo xmlns:q3="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info">
I am using an Assign to put the above expression in a variable.
Notice the line:
<serviceInfo xmlns:q3="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info">
xmlns:q3="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" needs to be before q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info" for the other service to be called successfully otherwise the service call fails.
In the development it looks fine. I can test the assign of expression as well.
When I go to the OSB console to test the service I notice that in the Assign variable the namespace place switches and it becomes like this:
<serviceInfo q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info" xmlns:q3="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes">
This makes the service calls to fail. I have tried putting the body payload in an xslt. Result is the same. I am not sure why it switches the type before namespace. The end result is that the service is not working as expected.
Any idea what I can do to fix this issue. How can I prevent the switching?
I haven't found any settings in OSB that can prevent reordering of attributes for you. However, the above OSB behavior is completely XML standard compliant. In fact, the target service side should be XML compliant and treat the two variants mentioned above as the same, because according to XML standard, tow XML documents with only difference in attribute ordering should be treated as the same.
Please go here to download a modified config. My thoughts are:
Specify the business service to invoke in 'Text as Request' mode, as "CamstarLotQuery/business/CSWSShopFloor_Txt" shown below:
Manipulate messages as text, not XML, in your proxy service, as specified in "CamstarLotQuery/proxy/CamstarLotQueryTxt_Txt":
You might need to specify a SOAP Action in http header when calling a business service, depending on the target service.
One solution i can think of is to assign all the namespaces at the Parent Tag Level, and keep the attributes where they are applicable.
<RequestSelectionValues xmlns:q1="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" xmlns="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/WSShopFloor" xmlns:q2="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes" xmlns:q3="http://www.camstar.com/WebService/DataTypes">
But the problem with this implementation is that since the namespace declaration is now Global, you have to declare your namespace prefixes (q1, q2, q3) to the blocks where the namespaces were previously defined.
<q3:serviceInfo q3:type="OnlineQuery_Info">
if this namespace prefix is not declared, then as per XML standards, the tag assume the 'default' namespace value - which will be the namespace of the parent.
However, even though this solution has a round-about way of implementation, this solution will definitely work.
Is it possible to specify the application name which is used by CWinApp::WriteProfileString()?
If I use CWinApp::SetRegistryKey to set the name of my company to "MyCompany", and I call AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString in my application called "SomeApp", my string will be stored under the following registry key:
The problem is that my users want to run multiple versions of SomeApp. So in order that the registry settings don't conflict I want to store them in keys like this:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyCompany\SomeApp 1.1\...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyCompany\SomeApp 2.0\...
I could replace all instances of WriteProfileString with my own function, but this would be quite difficult as it is used extensively in both our source code and some of the third-party libraries that we use.
Is there some way to force WriteProfileString to use a different string for the application name?
This code in the app constructor worked well:
m_pszRegistryKey = _tcsdup(L"nobugz");
m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup(L"myapp\\1.0");