Xcode hot key for 'tab' - xcode

I want to ask a stupid question. Can Xcode like be the Visual studio, when I highlight the word and press the 'tab' key, the highlighted word will go to the right side and have a 'tab' space, but I am not able to do this in Xcode, do I need to set something? Thank you.

In Xcode, use Command-] to increase indent, and Command-[ to decrease indent.

The combination I think you are looking for is cmd+right. This will move which ever line you are one one tab in. Cmd+left will move it back one. Your caret can be anywhere on the line.
Edit: Obviously far too early in the morning for me. By right I meant ], and left [.


Is there any way to scroll beyond the last line in xcode?

I ask if there is any way to scroll beyond the last line in xcode, because I always end up pressing a lot of enters to the end of my files, so that I don't have to always type my code at the bottom of my window.
I have skimmed through the properties panel of XCode, and had a look at this forum. So far the answer looks negative, but I kept my hopes up. :)
Any ideas for tricking XCode to scroll beyond the last line? (I have XCode 4.5.2)
There is now a plugin for that !
Have a look at SCXcodeEditorInset !
Dont think there is a way to do this but if you are trying to edit the buttom of the code while having it near the top of your display, you can click the middle view button in xcode to bring up the console/watcher and then drag that up to the desirable spot. This does decrease the overall space of your editor but can sometimes be useful if you prefer this or just need to do that temporarily
What I do is, When you finished typing at the bottom, before you go to top, type some unnecessary code "asdf" as error then go where you want. you can come back clicking on top right red error panel.

Alt + Enter doesn't use appropriate quick fix in Resharper

I worked with Resharper 5 before and when I have a problem in code (for example unsuitable space around a parentheses), I used Alt+Enter and Resharper fixed the problem. But in V6, this doesn't fix the problem, it generate a supress statement! What should I do?
Here is more detail:
1- I have this line in my code:
if (this.RequestClose!= null)
Resharper draw a blue line under it and warn that the space around != is not correct.
In Resharper 5, I could press Alt+Entyer two times to fix the spacing problem. In Resharper 6, if I press Alt + Enter two times on this line, nothing happens.
2- I have this line in my code:
var view = new AddressDetailView();
view.DataContext = viewModel;
Resharper suggests using object initializer, but pressing Alt+Enter twice doesn't fix it.
Resharper 6.1 solved this problem!
Did you actually look at the menu item you're selecting? (I'm guessing not, since your question includes no mention of what's in the menu.) Alt+Enter brings up a pop-up menu, you know. By pressing Alt+Enter twice, you're just selecting the first item in that menu.
ReSharper 6 has new features, therefore it has more options in the list, therefore the order is sometimes different. The quick fixes are almost certainly still working; it's just that the first quick-fix in the list isn't always the same one as in R#5.
The solution is simple: read what's on the screen before you select it. If the quick-fix you want isn't the first in the list, then cursor to the one you want before you hit Enter.
(There's never been a ReSharper version where it's safe to always accept the first item in the menu -- the options change depending on whether R#'s background scanning has completed yet or not. If you've been blindly accepting the first item every time, I'm surprised you haven't gotten bitten before now.)
I could not find any way to fix this problem and decided to use R# 5.1 with Style cope instead.

How can I find and replace inside a selection in Xcode?

In Xcode < 4, you could hold the "option" key, and the "Replace All" button would change to "Replace in Selection". As of Xcode 4, this does nothing. Anyone know if there's a new way to do it, or is it bug filing time?
This appears to be working again now, at least in Xcode 4.4.1.
When the find/replace bar appears at the top of the editor, holding down the option key on the keyboard causes "Replace in Selection" to appear in lieu of "Replace All."
I'm glad, because this was an ANNOYING omission.
Another workaround:
In Xcode, select the text, press copy
In a terminal session:
pbpaste|sed 's/SOURCETEXT/NEWTEXT/g'|pbcopy
Return to Xcode window, press paste
Since the original should still be selected, it will just be replaced. You could probably build a simple shell script to do this.
An few images to supplement the chosen answer:
And holding down Option:
See also
Find/Replace in Xcode using Regular Expressions
Seems like missing functionality. You should file a bug report.
I'm upset that they took out this functionality, as I used it constantly, but here's my workaround. Copy your selected text from Xcode4 to TextEdit or some other word processor, do the find and replace there, and then copy the results back into Xcode.
It's not sexy but it's worth it if you do a lot of these "find and replace on my selection", and you leave the word processor open in Spaces as you work.
They should add "my selection" as an alternative to "workspace" and "my scope".
There is another way only replace the matches you find, rather than just this one or all of them.
I suggest you save a copy first, just in case....
In Find and Replace, Show Find Options (you can do this by pressing the magnifying glass).
Press Preview.
Uncheck all the ones you don't want replacing.
Press Replace
Hope that helps, it did me.
Not ideal, but not too bad:
Do a find and replace in workspace (cmd-opt-shift-f) enter your desired find/replace
Enter your desired search term and hit return
Select the range of replacements from the list of matches on the left
Hit replace (not replace all)
To replace text in a selection using Xcode 9
Press Option-Command-F to bring up the find/replace box.
Enter the search and replace string. Changing the search string will lose any existing selection, so..
Make your selection (again). (If you don't do this, the selection will be the first search string found only)
Hold down the key and "Replace All" will change to "Replace Selection", then click it.
Once you understand that you make your selection AFTER you have entered the search string, then this is not that clumbersome and works fine.
I find alt-command-f easier for local find and replace (4.3) and then working around your selection.
EthenA.Wilson asked in a comment to the OP a couple of days ago:
"Is there a way to do this in Xcode 5?"
For the benefit of those who, like me, had been searching for it, here's how:
After you put your Find and Replace terms in the bars at the top left-hand side of the editor page, select the text you want to search in, then look at the top right-hand side (same bar). You'll see where it says "All", right next to "Replace." Now press the Option key. "All" will change to "All in Selection." Click it, and you're done. Could be a bit more intuitive, but the functionality is there in Xcode 5.
Naturally, good idea to take a snapshot before you click!
Not sure which feature prior to Xcode 4 you're referring to, but the shortcut Command+Shift+E gives you "Use Selection for Replace". If you're talking about "Find and Replace in Workspace" (Command+Option+Shift+F), then what you need to do is run your find and then hold down "Shift" or "Command" on the selections shown and then hit "Replace".

Automatically insert closing bracket in Xcode

is there a way to have Xcode append a closing bracket ")" when I type the opening one "("? I know that it does this for those {}. I really miss Textmate :( A generic way to define which chars should be automatically inserted when the opening ones are entered would be kickass.
In Xcode 3.1 go to Preferences->Indentation
Check Syntax-ware indenting to on
and check Automatically insert closing "}"
and choose the characters you want to be inserted when the opening one is.
Also why not use Textmate nothing stops you and Xcode will notice if a file is edited externally
Have a look under Edit->Insert Text Macro->Objective C->Bracket Expression. This will insert a matched pair of brackets (or if you have something highlighted, put brackets around it). You could bind this to [ as a keyboard shortcut.
You can follow the instructions here to create one for parentheses. I tried but couldn't make it work.
Personally, I drag the classes folder over to Textmate and edit there. I switch back to Xcode when I need to type in some long method name, or to build. I've been building a library of snippets for some of the common things I do in Textmate to make life easier there.

Use of Edit.SelectToLastGoBack in Visual Studio

There is a command in Visual Studio 2005 called Edit.SelectToLastGoBack (bound to Ctrl + =).
I presume it is supposed to select all the text between the current cursor position and the last 'Go Back' point, but I can't work out the algorithm it's using for deciding what that point is.
Does anyone know how to use this potentially very useful command?
Selects to the last juimp point ...
Try using the navigation bar to jump to another method in class. Then press Ctrl + "="
It will select from the start of method you jumped to all the way back to where you jumped from.
I have yet to find a use for it though TBH,
I use it for recording macros.
Frequently I want to select everything from this brace to that brace and cut it in a macro. Go to the first brace, hit ctrl-f (ctrl-i doesn't work right in macros), search to the second brace, close search with escape, and hit ctrl-= to get everything between the braces selected. This is much more reliably repeatable in a macro than something like using ctrl arrows to navigate a word at a time while holding down shift, and is similar to the emacs concept of setting a mark point.
I'm not sure what all starts a new 'location in navigation history', but I'm sure starting a search does and that's all I need.
I just discovered this command is available in Visual Studio 2012. I've been looking for it ever since I got VS 2012. I kept thinking it was something like anchor, like select everything between the anchor and point. I was disappointed that macro recording and playing are no longer available. But I am glad this command still exists.
Another useful command is ctrl+k ctrl+a, which is Edit.SwapAnchor. So, you could be someplace in the code, then do a find. Now you have the point and anchor (maybe also known as the cursor and last goback). You can do ctrl+= to select, then ctrl+k ctrl+a then extend from the other end using another find--or something like that.
