Automatically insert closing bracket in Xcode - xcode

is there a way to have Xcode append a closing bracket ")" when I type the opening one "("? I know that it does this for those {}. I really miss Textmate :( A generic way to define which chars should be automatically inserted when the opening ones are entered would be kickass.

In Xcode 3.1 go to Preferences->Indentation
Check Syntax-ware indenting to on
and check Automatically insert closing "}"
and choose the characters you want to be inserted when the opening one is.
Also why not use Textmate nothing stops you and Xcode will notice if a file is edited externally

Have a look under Edit->Insert Text Macro->Objective C->Bracket Expression. This will insert a matched pair of brackets (or if you have something highlighted, put brackets around it). You could bind this to [ as a keyboard shortcut.
You can follow the instructions here to create one for parentheses. I tried but couldn't make it work.
Personally, I drag the classes folder over to Textmate and edit there. I switch back to Xcode when I need to type in some long method name, or to build. I've been building a library of snippets for some of the common things I do in Textmate to make life easier there.


How to delete whitespace backward in Xcode

I would like to use Xcode editor instead of others for swift typing but I am missing basic functionality of deleting whitespace backward.
Normally in the world of code editors, you just press option + backspace or something similar and thats it, it deletes whitespace just until next character starts, eating new line in the way as everyone needs.
But xCode is doing some wired unusable staff and is deleting not just whitespace and new line, but also part of text on previous line, until it considers some character start of word, basically making it unusable.
I don't need to know how to use "Delete subword backward" !
All key bindings can be edited in Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings.
By default the combination you're interested in is assigned to something like Delete Subword Forward. Just remove the combination from the action that you don't need and add it to the action called Delete Forward (or whatever action you're looking for, it's not very clear).
To add a key binding you double click on existing Key value, click +, press Option+Backspace, click somewhere outside the field to save new value.

Xcode 4 code editor questions

How can I turn on curly brace matching?
This worked fine in Xcode 3.x. In Xcode 4 is doesn't work. I've already checked the box for "Automatically insert closing '}'" in the Preferences->Text Editing->Editing panel.
How can I turn on parenthesis matching?
How can I turn on code compeletion for "if/else-if", "for" etc?
In Xcode 3.x I would start to type "for" and autocomplete would provide the parenthesis, curly braces, semi-colons etc. I could then press escape for a menu containing (amongst other things) the option to do a "for i" loop (in which case Xcode would fill in "int i; i < n; i++" with n selected so I could just type a value).
In Xcode 3.x I could do something similar for if/else-if blocks. I could just start to type "if" and autocomplete would provide parenthesis, curly braces etc.
Edit: after looking for the "get info" option for a source code file (was simply right click the file name in Xcode 3) for five minutes I decided to downgrade to version 3.2.x. Which means hours of downloading. This really stinks :-(
Auto-} works a little differently in Xcode4. It doesn't appear as soon as you type the {. You have to hit return after to get the closing brace. So typing { gives the autocomplete. It feels a little odd at first, it took me awhile to adjust, but I think it makes sense. Most coding styles dictate a return after the opening brace, so it pretty much will always auto-close when you want it to. It doesn't give the } though in a case like making a single line if into a multi-line one. You can now add in the opening brace, move the curser to after the line, and enter the closing brace. Before when I did something like that I'd have to spend time deleting the auto-}.
For code completion, it sounds like you're having an indexing issue. Code completion still works as you want (it's actually a lot smarter now) in Xcode4. Your syntax coloring is also usually off when this happens. I ran into it with one of my projects and fixed it by editing my build settings, I had a bad one in it. You might also try deleting the project's derived data in the organizer. That'll force a rebuild of the index.
The "get info" items have moved. It's one of the land mines of the IDE rewrite. They're not in the file inspector. Show the utilities pane and then select the file inspector (the first icon in the tab bar).
Xcode 4 is a bit alien when coming from Xcode 3. They changed a lot of stuff. I'd recommend getting a feel for it. At some time in the near future Xcode 3 will be deprecated and you won't get the new SDks for it. You can have Xcode 3 and 4 both installed at once which is helpful for making the switch. That way you can fall back to Xcode 3 when you get stuck on something and will allow you to gradually make the change.

Customizing Xcode [fonts, code sense, and more]

How can I make code completion case-sensitive?
How can I make Ctrl-k kill the content of the line and the new line character?
How can I make backspace always delete only one character, no matter what it is? Right now, it deletes spaces in chunks equal to my indent level.
How to change the indentation style in file templates? I like to have the opening brace on its own line.
How can I make the font aliased?
I'm using Xcode 3.2.2.
EDIT: Issues 2, 4, and 5 are solved. 1 and 3 are still open.
EDIT2: ad.3. Yes, I set Xcode to use spaces, not tabs.
Look in Preferences : Key Bindings : Text Key Bindings : Indent Friendly Delete Backwards
If the delete key is mapped to this entry change it to plain Delete Backwards.
In that same preference area, you can see that there is no delete line option to map ^k to.
How can I make code completion case-sensitive?
I don't think that's possible.
How can I make Ctrl-k kill the content of the line and the new line character?
I can't answer that one, you might need to write a script to do it.
How can I make backspace always delete only one character, no matter what it is? Right now, it deletes spaces in chunks equal to my indent level.
Backspace always deletes one character. It sounds like your file has tab characters in it, each one of which takes up the space of 4 spaces by default. You can tell Xcode to use spaces instead by de-selecting Tab key inserts tab, not spaces in the Indentation preference panel.
How to change the indentation style in file templates? I like to have the opening brace on its own line.
You need to create custom file templates. You can find the Xcode templates here:
/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/File Templates
You need to copy the appropriate templates to this location:
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/File Templates
You can then edit the template files to use whatever indents you like.
How can I make the font aliased?
You need to use a font that has aliased characters. Try Monaco at 9 or 10 points.

Text Macros in XCode not working?

Noob xcoder here and for some reason i cannot get the text macros to expand within xcode. For example if i type ifelse and then hit ^. it doesnt automatically expand the macro?? Likewise if i type fo and then ^. it will complete it to either for,fori etc, and will also pop up those options if i hit escape however i cannot get it to expand the macros unless i am misunderstanding how this works?
Make sure the shortcut for menu item Edit->Next Completion is indeed ^. If it is not, go to Xcode preferences, Key Bindings and edit it.
Try rebuilding your code sense index from the Project Info panel.

How can I turn on parenthesis matching in Xcode?

Curly brace matching was pretty easy to turn on. How can I turn on parenthesis matching in Xcode?
on Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d), you just need to double click on one of the parenthesis and the entire code that the parenthesis is scoping out is highlighted.
for example, if you have a code like the one below and you double click '{' or '}' bracket the entire code in their scope is highlighted :
if(condition == true)
//do something
Choose editor -> code folding -> focus
In XCode 9 the only solution is to put mouse over parentheses while pressing command button. Only this works.
To extend the other answers
it is possible to roll in/out code inside brackets.
Choose Editor > Structure > Balance Delimiter
Nevertheless, as already written earlier, the major feature is
Editor > Code Folding > Focus Follows Selection
press command key and its hover the brace and parenthesis ...
You must be running Xcode in Snow Leopard and install Xcode from the Snow Leopard disc that you got at WWDC. If you did not get a Snow Leopard disk, then you are out of luck unless you find one elsewhere.
The version of Xcode needed is 3.2 and the other components in the about page are:
Component versions
Xcode IDE: 1600.0
Xcode Core: 1599.0
ToolSupport: 1591.0
Please have a look at below answer for Xcode 9.0 and above:
Xcode highlights an opening delimiter (brace, bracket, parenthesis) when you move the cursor left-to-right over the matching closing delimiter. The highlight animation lasts about 1 second total, which is plenty in the case where you need a hint (and as you say the other delimiter is nearby).
If you need a more persistent indication, you can double-click either the opening or the closing delimiter, and Xcode will select both delimiters and their contents. (You can also use this, for example, to get quickly to one delimiter from another, even if they're far apart — double-click the delimiter you can see, use the left or right arrow to get the other end of the selection.)
With latest xcode13 we can permanent active this option with
"Xcode" --> "Preference" ---> "Text Editing" and by enabling "Code folding ribbon"
