Alt + Enter doesn't use appropriate quick fix in Resharper - visual-studio-2010

I worked with Resharper 5 before and when I have a problem in code (for example unsuitable space around a parentheses), I used Alt+Enter and Resharper fixed the problem. But in V6, this doesn't fix the problem, it generate a supress statement! What should I do?
Here is more detail:
1- I have this line in my code:
if (this.RequestClose!= null)
Resharper draw a blue line under it and warn that the space around != is not correct.
In Resharper 5, I could press Alt+Entyer two times to fix the spacing problem. In Resharper 6, if I press Alt + Enter two times on this line, nothing happens.
2- I have this line in my code:
var view = new AddressDetailView();
view.DataContext = viewModel;
Resharper suggests using object initializer, but pressing Alt+Enter twice doesn't fix it.

Resharper 6.1 solved this problem!

Did you actually look at the menu item you're selecting? (I'm guessing not, since your question includes no mention of what's in the menu.) Alt+Enter brings up a pop-up menu, you know. By pressing Alt+Enter twice, you're just selecting the first item in that menu.
ReSharper 6 has new features, therefore it has more options in the list, therefore the order is sometimes different. The quick fixes are almost certainly still working; it's just that the first quick-fix in the list isn't always the same one as in R#5.
The solution is simple: read what's on the screen before you select it. If the quick-fix you want isn't the first in the list, then cursor to the one you want before you hit Enter.
(There's never been a ReSharper version where it's safe to always accept the first item in the menu -- the options change depending on whether R#'s background scanning has completed yet or not. If you've been blindly accepting the first item every time, I'm surprised you haven't gotten bitten before now.)

I could not find any way to fix this problem and decided to use R# 5.1 with Style cope instead.


VS2015: Can I mark down code?

When I'm working at someone else's code, sometimes it happens that I've found something useful that I likely will need to return later to.
Except the chances are that I forget where I've found that part and then I need to find it again. Nowadays I'm mostly using breakpoints to set these down, But I don't need these breakpoints for debugging, so I don't think that's the most efficient method. Something that could work for me is a sort of marker that functions marking down like a breakpoint, but does not affect debugging.
Will all these ways of breakpoints, search functions, finding references, and adding a Watches. I do have a feeling that such feature is present in Visual Studio already. But I havn't found it yet, I've already tried searching it up, but it looks like it hasn't asked before.
So, is there a feature in Visual Studio that let you mark down code like breakpoints, but just for the purpose of marking down?
There is more than one way to do so.
If I finde something interesting I mark it with a Bookmark.
Just STRG + K, STRK + K and it will be places on your current row.
With these Buttons you can switch to your bookmarks or delete them all. They are client based.
Visual Studio also gives you a "To Do List" Function. This one is triggered by comments in the code and seen for everyone with the right options used.
See here how it works in detail.
Yes, it's called a bookmark. This little toolbar is for bookmarks:
You can also use the Edit, Bookmarks... menu item and the View, Other Windows, Bookmark Window which among other things lets you see all of them and give them names.
One caveat: the bookmark binds to the line number, and doesn't move if you add or remove lines. So if you bookmark the first line of a function, then make changes above that, the bookmark won't be on the first line of a function any more.

VS2012 Text Editor Width

Is it possible to change the width of the text editor in VS2012 - I've got a fairly wide screen and use fairly small text so I end up with a lot wasted real-estate in the middle of my screen.
I don't want to turn off word wrap - I just want the wrap to start further right on the line. If that makes sense!?
You can set this with HTML in Visual Studio 2012 but there is no global setting and it's missing in quite a few languages.
You can just put another "dummy" window next to the one you are writing in, so the actual editor window will be smaller. You can put it on the left if you want to pan the text to the right, and to the right if you want to shorten the lines.
I actually found the answer elsewhere; VS doesn't appear to provide this functionality but Resharper does. Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Formatting Style -> Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Right margin (columns)
I put mine to 200 which fixed the issue
I know that this is not what you are looking for, but I believe it solves the same problem. I too have a fairly large screen and try to make use of it as optimally as possible.
I hate tabbing between code or design tabs and try to avoid that as much as possible.
VS has a feature that permits the user to create Horizontal or Vertical Tab groups and ever since I have started using it, I have found it very helpful. These options are present in the context menu by right clicking the tab or in the VS Window Menu (Menus are seen only if the tab groups feature is not active).
I have created a screenshot with Vertical Tab Groups created as shown below. In this example, I have a overview of both the designer and the code view at the same time.
We can use tab groups whenever there is a dependency such as comparing code, redesigning a module, etc. I know it takes a little time to get used to this feature but try it out and see :)

What is the keyboard shortcut to type fast in Visual Studio?

I am not sure what is the best way to word my question correctly in single line. But basically I have seen quite a few video tutorials now where the coder types really fast using some sort of shortcut to fill in the automatic text(prolly intellisense stuff) It looks very similar to Linux command line tab where you only type half of your text and when you hit tab it either fills in the gap or show you the remaining options.
Hope that makes sense.
Pressing Ctrl+Space completes the current variable/class you are typing.
Typing things like ctor and then pressing the Tab key twice tells Visual Studio to insert a constructor for you. (Also works with for for a for loop, cw for a Console.WriteLine();, etc.)
For a full list, please refer to the official reference from MSDN.
I believe its Ctrl-Space, which is pretty common among most IDE's

Xcode 4 code editor questions

How can I turn on curly brace matching?
This worked fine in Xcode 3.x. In Xcode 4 is doesn't work. I've already checked the box for "Automatically insert closing '}'" in the Preferences->Text Editing->Editing panel.
How can I turn on parenthesis matching?
How can I turn on code compeletion for "if/else-if", "for" etc?
In Xcode 3.x I would start to type "for" and autocomplete would provide the parenthesis, curly braces, semi-colons etc. I could then press escape for a menu containing (amongst other things) the option to do a "for i" loop (in which case Xcode would fill in "int i; i < n; i++" with n selected so I could just type a value).
In Xcode 3.x I could do something similar for if/else-if blocks. I could just start to type "if" and autocomplete would provide parenthesis, curly braces etc.
Edit: after looking for the "get info" option for a source code file (was simply right click the file name in Xcode 3) for five minutes I decided to downgrade to version 3.2.x. Which means hours of downloading. This really stinks :-(
Auto-} works a little differently in Xcode4. It doesn't appear as soon as you type the {. You have to hit return after to get the closing brace. So typing { gives the autocomplete. It feels a little odd at first, it took me awhile to adjust, but I think it makes sense. Most coding styles dictate a return after the opening brace, so it pretty much will always auto-close when you want it to. It doesn't give the } though in a case like making a single line if into a multi-line one. You can now add in the opening brace, move the curser to after the line, and enter the closing brace. Before when I did something like that I'd have to spend time deleting the auto-}.
For code completion, it sounds like you're having an indexing issue. Code completion still works as you want (it's actually a lot smarter now) in Xcode4. Your syntax coloring is also usually off when this happens. I ran into it with one of my projects and fixed it by editing my build settings, I had a bad one in it. You might also try deleting the project's derived data in the organizer. That'll force a rebuild of the index.
The "get info" items have moved. It's one of the land mines of the IDE rewrite. They're not in the file inspector. Show the utilities pane and then select the file inspector (the first icon in the tab bar).
Xcode 4 is a bit alien when coming from Xcode 3. They changed a lot of stuff. I'd recommend getting a feel for it. At some time in the near future Xcode 3 will be deprecated and you won't get the new SDks for it. You can have Xcode 3 and 4 both installed at once which is helpful for making the switch. That way you can fall back to Xcode 3 when you get stuck on something and will allow you to gradually make the change.

Use of Edit.SelectToLastGoBack in Visual Studio

There is a command in Visual Studio 2005 called Edit.SelectToLastGoBack (bound to Ctrl + =).
I presume it is supposed to select all the text between the current cursor position and the last 'Go Back' point, but I can't work out the algorithm it's using for deciding what that point is.
Does anyone know how to use this potentially very useful command?
Selects to the last juimp point ...
Try using the navigation bar to jump to another method in class. Then press Ctrl + "="
It will select from the start of method you jumped to all the way back to where you jumped from.
I have yet to find a use for it though TBH,
I use it for recording macros.
Frequently I want to select everything from this brace to that brace and cut it in a macro. Go to the first brace, hit ctrl-f (ctrl-i doesn't work right in macros), search to the second brace, close search with escape, and hit ctrl-= to get everything between the braces selected. This is much more reliably repeatable in a macro than something like using ctrl arrows to navigate a word at a time while holding down shift, and is similar to the emacs concept of setting a mark point.
I'm not sure what all starts a new 'location in navigation history', but I'm sure starting a search does and that's all I need.
I just discovered this command is available in Visual Studio 2012. I've been looking for it ever since I got VS 2012. I kept thinking it was something like anchor, like select everything between the anchor and point. I was disappointed that macro recording and playing are no longer available. But I am glad this command still exists.
Another useful command is ctrl+k ctrl+a, which is Edit.SwapAnchor. So, you could be someplace in the code, then do a find. Now you have the point and anchor (maybe also known as the cursor and last goback). You can do ctrl+= to select, then ctrl+k ctrl+a then extend from the other end using another find--or something like that.
