Webservice in ruby - ruby

How can I make a webservice in ruby that interact with ruby web application.

For simple stupid web service you can't go past Sinatra
The cannonical example.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/hi' do
"Hello World!"
That's it

You have not given us a lot to go on here however it is likely that you are interested in one or more of the following. Try googling them to see which one will do what you want


Highlight Sinatra structure

I actually build a Sinatra app and I'd like to clear some point in Ruby/bundler etc...
What's about requiring the rubygems on the config.ru? Many folks do this but why?
Same question for requiring bundler/setup into the app.rb? Some guys said it's requiring every gems we have into the Gemfile but is it true? (in this case, we'd don't have to require sinatra, active_record...).
Last things I don't really understand is the requiring. The first entry point is config.ru. So if we require rubygems and then ./app.rb, we'd don't have to require rubygems into ./app.rb, right?
What's about requiring the rubygems on the config.ru? Many folks do this but why?
It doesn't matter as, since Ruby v1.9, it's been required by default anyway. I checked a project I'm working on and I've got it right there at the top, so it's just there for no good reason! Maybe I'll get rid of it now…
See http://www.rubyinside.com/why-using-require-rubygems-is-wrong-1478.html for more on this.
Same question for requiring bundler/setup into the app.rb? Some guys said it's requiring every gems we have into the Gemfile but is it true? (in this case, we'd don't have to require sinatra, active_record...).
Yes, Bundler will handle require for you if you tell it to, but I actually use this style:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
Bundler.setup(:default, :ci)
require 'nokogiri'
as I like to handle my own requires, it makes testing (generally) quicker and more particular, IMO.
Note also, from the linked docs:
For another kind of application (such as a Sinatra application), you will need to set up bundler before trying to require any gems.
The first entry point is config.ru. So if we require rubygems and then ./app.rb, we'd don't have to require rubygems into ./app.rb, right?
Yes, require will only load a library once.
Loads the given name, returning true if successful and false if the feature is already loaded.

Tutorials to Testing using RSPEC on PADRINO framework on RUBY

I am new to Ruby and have been asked to use it in our new project. We have also been asked to use Padrino (Sinatra) as backend/framework. For testing we have been asked to use Rspec. I have been hunting for tutorials for long that would guide in using Rspec for Ruby on Padrino. What I get is mostly with reference to RoR. But, I am in need of Ruby on Padrino.
Please guide me for the same with any starters/guides/references/discussions, etc.
Please correct me, if I am wrong anywhere. May be I haven't searched with the right combination of words/phrases for my issue.
I am using Ruby 1.9.3 and Padrino v.0.10.6.
Note : I have also referred the SO question, but it didn't help.
I never used Padrino, but it seems that it isn't much different from Sinatra.
I suggest reading Sinatra and RSpec resources.
You can get started with this:
How to use rspec in a Sinatra Application
Sinatra, RSpec and DataMapper: Configuring and using a database for tests
And by reading specs that were written by other people on GitHub. These are some of mine, but they are not the cleanest thing that exists.
EDIT: a short tutorial
Getting started with this framework is much quicker and easier than with Sinatra. :)
Install Padrino: gem install padrino
Create an application: padrino g project myapp -d datamapper -t rspec
The command speaks for itself. :)
Run the tests: rspec --color
No tests were found, obviously. Let's create one in spec/hello/hello_spec.rb:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper.rb"
describe "get '/'" do
it "should display hello world" do
get '/'
last_response.body.should == "Hello world!"
Run the tests again.
They failed, because no route get '/' exists. Let's create it.
In app/controllers/hello.rb:
Myapp.controller do
get '/' do
"Hello world!"
Run the test: it passes!
Check Padrino's documentation for more information and cool features, such as the controllers generator and the admin interface.
Good luck!

What is rack? can I use it build web apps with Ruby?

ruby newbie alert! (hey that rhymes :))
I have read the official definition but still come up empty handed. What exactly is it when they say middleware? Is the purpose using ruby with https?
the smallish tutorial at patnaik's blog makes things clearer but how do I do something with it on localhost? I have ruby 1.9.2 installed along with rack gem and mongrel server.
Do I start mongrel first? How?
Just to add a simplistic explanation of Rack (as I feel that is missing):
Rack is basically a way in which a web app can communicate with a web server. The communication goes like this:
The web server tells the app about the environment - this contains mainly what the user sent in as his request - the url, the headers, whether it's a GET or a POST, etc.
The web app responds with three things:
the status code which will be something like 200 when everything went OK and above 400 when something went wrong.
the headers which is information web browsers can use like information on how long to hold on to the webpage in their cache and other stuff.
the body which is the actual webpage you see in the browser.
These two steps more or less can define the whole process by which web apps work.
So a very simple Rack app could look like this:
class MyApp
def call(environment) # this method has to be named call
[200, # the status code
{"Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-length" => "11" }, # headers
["Hello world"]] # the body
# presuming you have rack & webrick
if $0 == __FILE__
require 'rack'
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run MyApp.new
You would do well to search for other questions & answers that make sense to you. Try "Getting Started with Rails" or "Ruby Web Development". A lot of different topics on this site have been devoted to this exact subject, so you might save yourself some trouble there...
Ignoring the specifics of your question for a minute, it seems like you want to learn Ruby and build web apps. Before you start delving into Rack or Mongrel or anything else, you should know that there are 2 well established frameworks that help build Ruby web applications. The first is Ruby on Rails, and the other is Sinatra. There are many others, but these are the most well documented on Stack Overflow and the internet in general.
Check out the following links for some background...
SO: building-a-website-best-practice-and-architecture-with-ruby
SO: learning-ruby-on-rails
If you still have a burning desire to answer your question - "what is rack?", you should follow the same process, and end up at this Stack Overflow Answer:
What is Rack middleware?
Good luck!
Very nice answers yes indeed. For my two cents I'll add this because if you know how to get to the documentation behind the scenes here you will find lots of information as I have it stashed here and by no means is all that I have.

Is there a Rack or Sinatra based environment configuration utility?

Is there anything in the Sinatra / Rack world similar to Rails configuration loading scheme that loads one of the config\enviroments\*.rb files depending on Rails.env
I know I could develop one pretty easily, i was just wondering if there was something already in place.
If you're following the Rails convention of putting a file for each environment in config/environments/environment_name.rb, you can put something like this in your Sinatra app, or for Rack in your config.ru file:
Dir.glob(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/config/environments/#{settings.environment}.rb", &method(:require))
With some minor modifications you could make it load other file locations/combinations. Sinatra's configure blocks work just as well, too.
It turns out that there is something from Sinatra, that provides a similar, though limited, functionality.
See the code:
So that you can do this:
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
configure :development, :test do
#only executes this code when environment is equal to one of the passed arguments
# I'm pretty sure Sinatra sets this based on ENV['RACK_ENV']
There is one called Sinatra::ConfigFile, which now lives in Sinatra::Contrib http://www.sinatrarb.com/contrib/config_file.html
There's lots of useful stuff in there.
I adapted mine from monkrb.com (it's also yaml in RoR anyways)
YAML.load_file(path_of "config/settings.yml")[RACK_ENV]

How do I test Sinatra helpers from irb?

I am trying to call a helper method in my Sinatra application from irb in order to test its output. I know I can get a console using this tip, and I've tried racksh as well. But if I do a "defined? my_helper" I always get nil. There must be some simple way of getting at those helpers. I have a feeling that this means digging through the architecture of Rack a little bit. Any hints?
You can of course test your Sinatra helpers via IRB.
Suppose you had a modular Sinatra app with a helper method foo that printed "baz":
require "my-app.rb"
MyApp.new.helpers.foo # => "baz"
I am trying to call a helper method in my Sinatra application from irb in order to test its output
Instead of testing it over the command line, use RSpec. See How can I test helpers blocks in Sinatra, using Rspec?
