What is rack? can I use it build web apps with Ruby? - ruby

ruby newbie alert! (hey that rhymes :))
I have read the official definition but still come up empty handed. What exactly is it when they say middleware? Is the purpose using ruby with https?
the smallish tutorial at patnaik's blog makes things clearer but how do I do something with it on localhost? I have ruby 1.9.2 installed along with rack gem and mongrel server.
Do I start mongrel first? How?

Just to add a simplistic explanation of Rack (as I feel that is missing):
Rack is basically a way in which a web app can communicate with a web server. The communication goes like this:
The web server tells the app about the environment - this contains mainly what the user sent in as his request - the url, the headers, whether it's a GET or a POST, etc.
The web app responds with three things:
the status code which will be something like 200 when everything went OK and above 400 when something went wrong.
the headers which is information web browsers can use like information on how long to hold on to the webpage in their cache and other stuff.
the body which is the actual webpage you see in the browser.
These two steps more or less can define the whole process by which web apps work.
So a very simple Rack app could look like this:
class MyApp
def call(environment) # this method has to be named call
[200, # the status code
{"Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-length" => "11" }, # headers
["Hello world"]] # the body
# presuming you have rack & webrick
if $0 == __FILE__
require 'rack'
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run MyApp.new

You would do well to search for other questions & answers that make sense to you. Try "Getting Started with Rails" or "Ruby Web Development". A lot of different topics on this site have been devoted to this exact subject, so you might save yourself some trouble there...
Ignoring the specifics of your question for a minute, it seems like you want to learn Ruby and build web apps. Before you start delving into Rack or Mongrel or anything else, you should know that there are 2 well established frameworks that help build Ruby web applications. The first is Ruby on Rails, and the other is Sinatra. There are many others, but these are the most well documented on Stack Overflow and the internet in general.
Check out the following links for some background...
SO: building-a-website-best-practice-and-architecture-with-ruby
SO: learning-ruby-on-rails
If you still have a burning desire to answer your question - "what is rack?", you should follow the same process, and end up at this Stack Overflow Answer:
What is Rack middleware?
Good luck!

Very nice answers yes indeed. For my two cents I'll add this because if you know how to get to the documentation behind the scenes here you will find lots of information as I have it stashed here and by no means is all that I have.


about Sinatra on multiple Resources

Sorry to ask such a simple question but I didn't see any possible answer in internet.
I just wondering in Sinatra, can I write something like:
get '/users/:user_id/posts/:id' do
just like rails? cause when I write this on my rb file, sinatra keep telling me it didn't know this ditty.
thank you
A (horrible) example from one of our legacy systems.
get '/is_type/:type/id/:id' do
Multiple placeholders in a route is totally fine in Sinatra. It sounds like your config.ru is wrong, you're issuing a POST, or you're calling the wrong endpoint entirely. Can you update your post with an example of the request you are issuing?

Ruby Equivalent of Python Requests Library (HTTP Client)

There is a library in Python that I love called "Requests". Requests is a HTTP client build on urllib3. "requests doc".
I am looking for something similar in Ruby. Basically what I need is:
Upload files support (multipart/form-data).
Easy get/post.
Cookies can be passed from a response object to a request object (build manually login script).
Stable and Flexible.
Sessions support (to not have to handle cookies manually if we don't have too).
I've looked at Typhoeus, but the code example in the home page doesn't work; they have moved code along and the get method is not longer directly accessible like that, so it's not starting well. Curb seems nice and I like cURL, there is also rest-client, which seems popular, and em-http seems pretty fast according to benchmark. There is a also Patron and curb-fu, which I haven't have the time to try. And, of course, Net:HTTP. But, it doesn't seem to have a mainstream solution that everyone points to.
I think a lot of people have been in my situation and I wonder what they have choosen and why?
The author of the comparison is the author of httpclient, but from the looks of it the comparison is fair.
For a more narrative style with some explanation of the matrix, see http://www.slideshare.net/HiroshiNakamura/rubyhttp-clients-comparison from the same author.
The comparison comes out partly in favor of httpclient, which I can also recommend. Simple, featureful, compatible with all Ruby platforms and performant. Better cookie support than anything else out there, but the presentation mentions that cookies may leak from one (malevolent) site to another if you use the same client object. Don't know if this is still true.
There is https://github.com/cyx/requests, which is exactly what the question is asking for, a port of the requests lib from python.
The built-in OpenURI is the first place to look. It's simple and handles the basics nicely.
Typhoeus, which I've used several times for parallel processes, works nicely. Documentation and the codebase are available at Github.
irb(main):009:0> response = Typhoeus::Request.get("www.example.com")
=> #<Typhoeus::Response:0x007ffbcc067cf8 #code=302, #curl_return_code=0, #curl_error_message="No error", #status_message=nil, #http_version=nil, #headers="HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: http://www.iana.org/domains/example/\r\nServer: BigIP\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", #body="", #time=0.035584, #requested_url=nil, #requested_http_method=nil, #start_time=nil, #start_transfer_time=0.035529, #app_connect_time=2.8e-05, #pretransfer_time=0.000429, #connect_time=2.8e-05, #name_lookup_time=2.8e-05, #request=:method => :get,
:url => www.example.com, #effective_url="HTTP://www.example.com", #primary_ip="", #redirect_count=0, #mock=false>
irb(main):010:0> puts response.headers
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Location: http://www.iana.org/domains/example/
Server: BigIP
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0
I use Net::HTTP occasionally too, but OpenURI and Typhoeus, with Hydra, have proven to be easy to use and integrate with my code.
I've eventually found this HTTPClient :
I've started using it, it matches the features I wanted, and more over it's pretty fast according to some benchmark. It also support some advanced things like streaming or chunked response. It's shame though it's not famous in the ruby community. :)
Have you looked at the HTTParty gem?
If you need cookies and form handling, mechanize is the only way to go.
I'm sorry to hear, that Typhoeus didn't work out for you. The reason is, that the README shows howto work with Typhoeus v0.5.0.rc which can be installed with
gem install typhoeus --pre
gem "typhoeus", git: "git://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus.git"
There is no session support for Typhoeus but other than that it could be a good fit. At least its stable as hell since it is build on top of libcurl.
File sending example:
Typhoeus.post("www.example.com/file", body: { file: File.open("testfile.txt","r") })
There is unfortunately no shortcut to deal with cookies, you have to set them manually:
Typhoeus.get("www.example.com/needs_cookie", headers: { Cookie: "PRIVATE" })
TLDR: I would choose Typhoeus for its speed and libcurl if you're willing to set things up yourself. Otherwise I would look into Faraday and use it with the Typhoeus adapter.
Edit: I've added installation instructions to the README.
Edit: 0.5 is released.
This question seems to be lacking recent answers. So am filling in the void.
Coming from python myself, and having loved requests library for what it does easily, I recently discovered a very nice Ruby equivalent in rest_client
It supports all the features mentioned in the question, and seems to be very nice from usability perspective - what requests library aimed to achieve.

Rails HTTP streaming with HAML

There appears to be an issue with using HTTP streaming with HAML projects in rails. It works perfectly if I use ERB instead. Apparently, I'm not the only one with this problem.
It doesn't work with placing stream at the top of the controller, or with using render :stream => true in the action.
How can I get HAML and HTTP streaming to play nicely together?
Update: I've opened an issue on the gem's page, here.
This is not yet supported by HAML (source):
HTTP streaming is the sort of thing that would require a substantial
set of modifications to the core Haml engine. It's only moderately
tricky to get it working even in basic cases, but when you factor in
things like the whitespace-eating operators it gets much more
This isn't something I'm opposed to in theory, but it's also not
something that's high on my priority list given the difficulty of
implementing it.
The internals of Haml are such that it is indeed writing out to a buffer as it goes along. However, the "standard" API that Rails has traditionally provided for templating languages is a fairly straightforward in-and-out call. I don't think Haml does currently have "streaming support", but its simply more of an API issue than anything else.
I'm curious as to how Rails is plugging into ERB to do this.

What is the easiest servlet library in ruby?

What framework do you recommand for writing simple web applications in ruby, between WebRick, Mongrel and Sinatra ?
I would like to answer in json to requests from a client. I would like to have my own code decoupled from the Http framework as much as possible.
Do you know any other framework ?
I wouldn't recommend using WEBrick, period. You would best be served by a Rack-compatible framework. You could write directly in Rack for speed, but it's really unnecessary since Sinatra is so much more pleasant and still very fast.
You may also want to check out Halcyon. I don't know if it's still maintained, but it's designed for writing APIs that respond in JSON.
WEBrick and Mongrel are servers, not frameworks for building web applications. As such, they have APIs that are lower level and tied to their own idiosyncrasies which makes them a bad place to start if you want to design your web application so that it can run on different servers.
I would look for a framework that builds on Rack, which is the standard base layer for building web apps and web frameworks in Ruby these days.
If you are making something really simple, learning Rack's interface by itself is a good place to start.
E.G., a Rack Application that parses json out of a post request's body and prints it back out prettified.
# in a file named config.ru
require 'json'
class JSONPrettyPrinterPrinter
def call env
request = Rack::Request.new env
if request.post?
object = JSON.parse request.body
[200, {}, [JSON.pretty_generate(object)]]
[200, {}, ["nothing to see here"]]
run JSONPrettyPrinterPrinter
you can run it by running rackup in the same dir as the file.
Or, if you want something a bit more high level, you can use sinatra, which looks like this
require 'sinatra'
post '/' do
object = JSON.parse request.body
Sinatra's README is a good introduction to it's features.

Sinatra - how do I get the server's domain name

I'm trying to get the domain name in my Sinatra app but as a newbie I really am struggling to figure out how to do this, and I know it must be possible!
Rack::Request#host_with_port looks promising, but I don't know how to get this from my app - how do I get stuff from Rack in my Ruby code?
Or is there another way - I'm thinking I don't really want to do this every time a request happens (although it's not too bad), but I thought it'd be better if I could just do it once when the application loads up.
Any hints?
simply use request.host inside your code.
get "/" do
puts request.host #=> localhost
Take a look at:
so you can see all the request environment variables.
I think that you are looking for
