Is there a Rack or Sinatra based environment configuration utility? - ruby

Is there anything in the Sinatra / Rack world similar to Rails configuration loading scheme that loads one of the config\enviroments\*.rb files depending on Rails.env
I know I could develop one pretty easily, i was just wondering if there was something already in place.

If you're following the Rails convention of putting a file for each environment in config/environments/environment_name.rb, you can put something like this in your Sinatra app, or for Rack in your file:
Dir.glob(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/config/environments/#{settings.environment}.rb", &method(:require))
With some minor modifications you could make it load other file locations/combinations. Sinatra's configure blocks work just as well, too.

It turns out that there is something from Sinatra, that provides a similar, though limited, functionality.
See the code:
So that you can do this:
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
configure :development, :test do
#only executes this code when environment is equal to one of the passed arguments
# I'm pretty sure Sinatra sets this based on ENV['RACK_ENV']

There is one called Sinatra::ConfigFile, which now lives in Sinatra::Contrib
There's lots of useful stuff in there.

I adapted mine from (it's also yaml in RoR anyways)
YAML.load_file(path_of "config/settings.yml")[RACK_ENV]


Making a Rack CLI

I'm trying to make a framework similar to Rails, but purely focused on GraphQL. Once nice feature of Rails is that it provides a CLI interface and a for Rack. Therefore, you can call rackup or you can call bin/rails server and the Rails app will run. I managed to mimic this functionality by putting the Rack app into a separate file (config/application.rb), which I import in and in the CLI, then instantiate and run.
However, I have an issue with Rack middleware. Since Rack middleware appears to just magically work when you run use MyMiddleware with an instantiated Rack app, I'm not really sure how I can do this in both and in my CLI. Right now it looks like I need to instantiate the app in a separate location, add the middleware, then hand it over to or the CLI. Which, I could do, but it feels like there has to be a way to attach middleware in a cleaner way. For instance, can I require in some way and then run it? Or can I attach middleware before I instantiate the app? is just a ruby file, it's loaded by Rails as part of running each command. You can require it yourself as normal if that's what you'd like to do.
If you want to really figure out how Rails does it, the config loading is buried in this part of the Rails CLI:

How to access Padrino model and database in a "standalone" (bin/) script? [duplicate]

I have a Padrino App called Gusy that specifies (Sequel) Models like
# gusy/models/seminar.rb
class Seminar < Sequel::Model
# hopefully irrelevant stuff defined here
I want to access this Model from either a second gem, or a script in bin/.
Now, e.g. I require Gusy from a second gem "gusy_fill". The Gemfile is put up to set the path to a Gusy git repository. I can successfullly see the Gusy namespace (and e.g. print the apps Version Gusy::VERSION) if interactively exploring with bundle console.
How can I access the mapped models and where and how do I configure the database connection?
I see nothing relevant in the Padrino:: or Gusy:: modules.
An irb session might look like this:
require 'gusy'
Gusy::Seminar.create(:name => 'from gusy_fill' # => NameError: uninitialized constant Gusy::Seminar
I want to achieve this without creating a second Padrino App that mounts Gusy (for that, pointers are included in the generated gusy/
As initially statet, I would have the very same issue, if I would do what I want from within the same app: write a small script in gusy/bin that talks with the database, really in the setting like when calling padrino console.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with this. It's good that you brought it up though because I've been trying to put my thoughts around the subject for a while now and this pushed me into it :). I've prepared a repo for you explaining how to do it with what we have now in Padrino.
The README (which I'm pasting afterwards), explains the reasoning behind it and puts some questions up for us to think about the way we've implemented them. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it :).
Gemified apps in Padrino
This repo intends to answer
How to access Padrino model and database in a “standalon” (bin/) script? and
How to access a gemified Padrino Apps Model from other gem that requires that App.
The issue
In short, there are two issues of the similar nature, both related to models defined in the gemified app:
they need to be accessed from another gems/projects;
they need to be accessed from the gemified app's bin, doing something else other than starting
the Padrino server.
The example
First there's gemified-app. That's a Padrino app that is gemified. It also contains a model
called SomeModel that has one field called property.
Then there's access-gemified-app-without-padrino; a ruby script that loads the gemified app to
access the model.
Finally, there's another-app which is a regular Padrino app that just loads gemified-app to use
its model (SomeModel).
Problems with the current Padrino setup
Creating an app with padrino g project gemified-app --orm sequel --gem --tiny will give you the
following gemspec:
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require File.expand_path('../lib/gemified-app/version', __FILE__) do |gem|
gem.authors = ["Darío Javier Cravero"] = [""]
gem.description = %q{Padrino gemified app example}
gem.summary = %q{Padrino gemified app example}
gem.homepage = ""
gem.files = `git ls-files`.split($\)
gem.executables = gem.files.grep(%r{^bin/}).map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
gem.test_files = gem.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) = "gemified-app"
gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"]
gem.version = GemifiedApp::VERSION
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core'
The key points are gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"] and gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core'.
gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"] explains why models/some_model.rb isn't available when we
load the gem somewhere else. It simple isn't added to $LOAD_PATH :(.
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core' hints us that something might be missing later on. What happens
with dependencies like the ORM or the renderer? Should we load those? I reckon that it's a matter
of what you want to achieve but I'd say that most times yes.
Our gemified app dependencies are still listed in our Gemfile which will only be added in the
current scope and not in any gems requiring our gemified-app gem.
A first attempt at solving this
For this to work there are two things we should do:
Add 'models' to gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"] so that it becomes:
gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app", "models"].
That will make sure that anything inside the gemified-app/models directory is included in your
To make it easier to test this, we'll use bundler and in our access-gemified-app-without-padrino
test script we'll add a Gemfile that looks like this:
source ''
gem 'gemified-app', path: '../gemified-app'
gem 'pry'
Now in your new app, go to the REPL bundle exec pry and try to require 'gemified-app'.
Then try SomeModel.all. It will fail. Why? Because you didn't require 'some_model'.
It will still not work if you do that though. Why? Because none of the model's dependencies,
i.e. sequel and sqlite3 (not a direct dependency but it is through the connection) are loaded.
Here you have two choices: you load them manually on your Gemfile or you define them as
dependencies on gemified-app.gemspec.
I regard the latter one as a better choice since you're already including the model and you're
expecting its dependencies to come with it. It would like this:
# gemified-app/gemified-app.gemspec
# ...
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core'
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-helpers'
gem.add_dependency 'slim'
gem.add_dependency 'sqlite3'
gem.add_dependency 'sequel'
gem.add_development_dependency 'rake'
# ...
# gemified-app/Gemfile
source ''
# Distribute your app as a gem
You would have to explicitly include all the gems you will need. This may seem cumbersome but in
all fairness it gives you a greater understanding of what your app needs. Eventually you will
realise you don't even need bundler and the Gemfile :).
Alright, so, go ahead launch your REPL and type require 'gemified-app' and require 'some_model'.
Then try SomeModel.all. And... It will fail :(. Why? Because Sequel::Base isn't defined. Now you might be wondering:
what happened to the reference to sequel I put in my gemified-app.gemspec? Well, it's just that:
a reference and it won't require the gem for you.
This won't happen with Padrino either because we're using
require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem)
require 'bundler/setup'
Bundler.require(:default, RACK_ENV)
in our config/boot.rb and that only loads required gems on our Gemfile.
So the question is... Should we load that manually? And if so, where?
Well, since this is a gem itself, I believe that the best place to do so would be in lib/gemified-app.rb.
Loading all the gems needed will make this file look like:
require 'padrino-core'
require 'padrino-helpers'
require 'slim'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'sequel'
module GemifiedApp
extend Padrino::Module
gem! "gemified-app"
Alright, so we're all set... Back to the REPL, do your requires
require 'gemified-app'
require 'some_model'
and try SomeModel.all. And... It will fail :(. Again! :/ Why? Because there's no connection to the
database. Padrino was loading this for us through config/database.rb.
Another question arises... Should we include config/database.rb in the gem too?
The way I see it, we shouldn't. The way I see it, the database connection is something every app
should locally define as it may contain specific credentials to access it or stuff like that.
Our sample, access-gemified-app-without-padrino/do-somethin.rb script will then look like this:
require 'gemified-app'
Sequel::Model.raise_on_save_failure = false # Do not throw exceptions on failure
Sequel::Model.db = Sequel.connect("sqlite:///" + File.expand_path('../../gemified-app/db/gemified_app_development.db', __FILE__), :loggers => [logger])
require 'some_model'
SomeModel.all.each do |model|
puts %Q[#{}: #{}]
Yes, the connection code is pretty much the same than our Padrino app and we're reusing its database
for this example.
That was some ride :) but we finally made it. See the sample apps in the repo for some working
require some_model :/
I don't know you but I don't like that at all. Having to do something like that means that I
really have to pick my models' names very carefully not to clash with anything I may want to use
in the future.
I reckon that modules are the answer to it but that's the current state of affairs. See the
conclusion for more on this.
An alternative approach
Separate your model layer into its own gem and require it from your (gemified or not) Padrino app.
This might probably be the cleanest as you can isolate tests for your models and even create
different models for different situations that may or may not use the same database underneath.
It could also encapsulate all of the connection details.
I think we should review Padrino's approach to gemified apps.
Should we use the gemspec instead of the Gemfile for hard dependencies?
Should we namespace the models (I know we had some issues in the past with this)?
Should we teach users to do explicit requires in their gems or to inspect the dependecies and
require them for them?
Should we teach our users how to load their dependencies and be more reponsible about it? At the end
of the day, if they went the gemified app route they are clearly much more proficient in Ruby and
should be aware of this kind of stuff.
Thoughts? :)

How to access a gemified Padrino Apps Model from outside (not in controller, but e.g. a standalone script)

I have a Padrino App called Gusy that specifies (Sequel) Models like
# gusy/models/seminar.rb
class Seminar < Sequel::Model
# hopefully irrelevant stuff defined here
I want to access this Model from either a second gem, or a script in bin/.
Now, e.g. I require Gusy from a second gem "gusy_fill". The Gemfile is put up to set the path to a Gusy git repository. I can successfullly see the Gusy namespace (and e.g. print the apps Version Gusy::VERSION) if interactively exploring with bundle console.
How can I access the mapped models and where and how do I configure the database connection?
I see nothing relevant in the Padrino:: or Gusy:: modules.
An irb session might look like this:
require 'gusy'
Gusy::Seminar.create(:name => 'from gusy_fill' # => NameError: uninitialized constant Gusy::Seminar
I want to achieve this without creating a second Padrino App that mounts Gusy (for that, pointers are included in the generated gusy/
As initially statet, I would have the very same issue, if I would do what I want from within the same app: write a small script in gusy/bin that talks with the database, really in the setting like when calling padrino console.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with this. It's good that you brought it up though because I've been trying to put my thoughts around the subject for a while now and this pushed me into it :). I've prepared a repo for you explaining how to do it with what we have now in Padrino.
The README (which I'm pasting afterwards), explains the reasoning behind it and puts some questions up for us to think about the way we've implemented them. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it :).
Gemified apps in Padrino
This repo intends to answer
How to access Padrino model and database in a “standalon” (bin/) script? and
How to access a gemified Padrino Apps Model from other gem that requires that App.
The issue
In short, there are two issues of the similar nature, both related to models defined in the gemified app:
they need to be accessed from another gems/projects;
they need to be accessed from the gemified app's bin, doing something else other than starting
the Padrino server.
The example
First there's gemified-app. That's a Padrino app that is gemified. It also contains a model
called SomeModel that has one field called property.
Then there's access-gemified-app-without-padrino; a ruby script that loads the gemified app to
access the model.
Finally, there's another-app which is a regular Padrino app that just loads gemified-app to use
its model (SomeModel).
Problems with the current Padrino setup
Creating an app with padrino g project gemified-app --orm sequel --gem --tiny will give you the
following gemspec:
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require File.expand_path('../lib/gemified-app/version', __FILE__) do |gem|
gem.authors = ["Darío Javier Cravero"] = [""]
gem.description = %q{Padrino gemified app example}
gem.summary = %q{Padrino gemified app example}
gem.homepage = ""
gem.files = `git ls-files`.split($\)
gem.executables = gem.files.grep(%r{^bin/}).map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
gem.test_files = gem.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) = "gemified-app"
gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"]
gem.version = GemifiedApp::VERSION
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core'
The key points are gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"] and gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core'.
gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"] explains why models/some_model.rb isn't available when we
load the gem somewhere else. It simple isn't added to $LOAD_PATH :(.
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core' hints us that something might be missing later on. What happens
with dependencies like the ORM or the renderer? Should we load those? I reckon that it's a matter
of what you want to achieve but I'd say that most times yes.
Our gemified app dependencies are still listed in our Gemfile which will only be added in the
current scope and not in any gems requiring our gemified-app gem.
A first attempt at solving this
For this to work there are two things we should do:
Add 'models' to gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app"] so that it becomes:
gem.require_paths = ["lib", "app", "models"].
That will make sure that anything inside the gemified-app/models directory is included in your
To make it easier to test this, we'll use bundler and in our access-gemified-app-without-padrino
test script we'll add a Gemfile that looks like this:
source ''
gem 'gemified-app', path: '../gemified-app'
gem 'pry'
Now in your new app, go to the REPL bundle exec pry and try to require 'gemified-app'.
Then try SomeModel.all. It will fail. Why? Because you didn't require 'some_model'.
It will still not work if you do that though. Why? Because none of the model's dependencies,
i.e. sequel and sqlite3 (not a direct dependency but it is through the connection) are loaded.
Here you have two choices: you load them manually on your Gemfile or you define them as
dependencies on gemified-app.gemspec.
I regard the latter one as a better choice since you're already including the model and you're
expecting its dependencies to come with it. It would like this:
# gemified-app/gemified-app.gemspec
# ...
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-core'
gem.add_dependency 'padrino-helpers'
gem.add_dependency 'slim'
gem.add_dependency 'sqlite3'
gem.add_dependency 'sequel'
gem.add_development_dependency 'rake'
# ...
# gemified-app/Gemfile
source ''
# Distribute your app as a gem
You would have to explicitly include all the gems you will need. This may seem cumbersome but in
all fairness it gives you a greater understanding of what your app needs. Eventually you will
realise you don't even need bundler and the Gemfile :).
Alright, so, go ahead launch your REPL and type require 'gemified-app' and require 'some_model'.
Then try SomeModel.all. And... It will fail :(. Why? Because Sequel::Base isn't defined. Now you might be wondering:
what happened to the reference to sequel I put in my gemified-app.gemspec? Well, it's just that:
a reference and it won't require the gem for you.
This won't happen with Padrino either because we're using
require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem)
require 'bundler/setup'
Bundler.require(:default, RACK_ENV)
in our config/boot.rb and that only loads required gems on our Gemfile.
So the question is... Should we load that manually? And if so, where?
Well, since this is a gem itself, I believe that the best place to do so would be in lib/gemified-app.rb.
Loading all the gems needed will make this file look like:
require 'padrino-core'
require 'padrino-helpers'
require 'slim'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'sequel'
module GemifiedApp
extend Padrino::Module
gem! "gemified-app"
Alright, so we're all set... Back to the REPL, do your requires
require 'gemified-app'
require 'some_model'
and try SomeModel.all. And... It will fail :(. Again! :/ Why? Because there's no connection to the
database. Padrino was loading this for us through config/database.rb.
Another question arises... Should we include config/database.rb in the gem too?
The way I see it, we shouldn't. The way I see it, the database connection is something every app
should locally define as it may contain specific credentials to access it or stuff like that.
Our sample, access-gemified-app-without-padrino/do-somethin.rb script will then look like this:
require 'gemified-app'
Sequel::Model.raise_on_save_failure = false # Do not throw exceptions on failure
Sequel::Model.db = Sequel.connect("sqlite:///" + File.expand_path('../../gemified-app/db/gemified_app_development.db', __FILE__), :loggers => [logger])
require 'some_model'
SomeModel.all.each do |model|
puts %Q[#{}: #{}]
Yes, the connection code is pretty much the same than our Padrino app and we're reusing its database
for this example.
That was some ride :) but we finally made it. See the sample apps in the repo for some working
require some_model :/
I don't know you but I don't like that at all. Having to do something like that means that I
really have to pick my models' names very carefully not to clash with anything I may want to use
in the future.
I reckon that modules are the answer to it but that's the current state of affairs. See the
conclusion for more on this.
An alternative approach
Separate your model layer into its own gem and require it from your (gemified or not) Padrino app.
This might probably be the cleanest as you can isolate tests for your models and even create
different models for different situations that may or may not use the same database underneath.
It could also encapsulate all of the connection details.
I think we should review Padrino's approach to gemified apps.
Should we use the gemspec instead of the Gemfile for hard dependencies?
Should we namespace the models (I know we had some issues in the past with this)?
Should we teach users to do explicit requires in their gems or to inspect the dependecies and
require them for them?
Should we teach our users how to load their dependencies and be more reponsible about it? At the end
of the day, if they went the gemified app route they are clearly much more proficient in Ruby and
should be aware of this kind of stuff.
Thoughts? :)

Espresso Enginery

i use framwork Espresso with Enginery generator (Ruby gems). I create new project, and not understand how work this application. I will work with Espresso. Explain me struct Expresso Application, please.
I can run this apllication: rackup
I can edit controllers, but i not understand depending between ruby scripts in this project.
i run projects, but why this work it?
require File.expand_path('../base/boot', __FILE__)
puts App.urlmap
run App
in project not /base/boot directory.
requiring '../base/boot' will actually load dependencies, controllers, models etc. and build the application.
The application are stored under App constant, so you can access it from different files:
puts App.urlmap will display all the routes to be served by app.
And run App will start your app.
You can also start app by ruby app.rb, then you do not need to pass server/port at startup.
Instead you'll set them in config/config.yml, like this:
server: Thin
port: 5252
The file looks quite normal for a rack start-up file. You would start the application from the project folder, with a command like:
rackup -p 8080
The following line:
require File.expand_path('../base/boot', __FILE__)
will load in the ../base/boot file (similar to require_relative, but also works with older Ruby e.g. 1.8.7), which I would guess requires the dependencies where App is defined. The class or module App will implement a call method. To start the server, the rack host calls (which is called due to run App) and then on each request it will call .call( env ) on the resulting object (the object doesn't have to be an App object, but in simpler frameworks it will be).
The variable env contains all the details of the request and the rack environment that can be inspected to fetch details of the current path, cookies, query params etc. Typically access to this data is abstracted through Sinatra and Espresso helper methods that you will use.
The Sinatra and Espresso helper methods look like they are doing magic declarations, but they are just normal methods. Usually they do some calculation and then stash a code block/lambda for rack to call later. Sinatra's get is like this . . . it isn't true declarative code. Instead, when the controller is parsed, it just takes the code block and tells the application object to call it (later) when the path matches.

How do you set up Rack::URLMap to work with RSpec in Sinatra?

I'm relatively new to Sinatra, and I want to figure out a way to integrate RSpec with my Sinatra setup.
require 'sinatra'
require 'mongoid'
require 'uri'
require './lib/twilio_wrapper'
Dir["./controllers/*.rb"].each { |file| require file }
'/' =>,
'/users' =>
With this setup, I can modularize my controllers and create single instances of helper classes (such as TwilioWrapper). However, if I want to set up RSpec, I need to point it to my application's class. However, in the situation above, because I'm using Rack::URLMap, I don't have a specific application class to point RSpec to.
How can I keep my code modular in the fashion outlined above while including RSpec for tests?
Rack does not care about controllers, it cares about apps. So HomeController and UsersController are 2 Sinatra applications "racked up" in Rack. These are not controllers, they are separate Rack apps. I do not think you want 2 applications but rather to put these 2 controllers in 2 files so you can spec them out separately and keep the code readable.
The naming convention for Sinatra is to name it something like MyApp to reflect this. Sinatra is a flat framework, but you can name your "controller" files what you want.
So in folder routes you can have 'users.rb' and 'home.rb' but both files have at the top
MyApp < Sinatra::Application
Then you can test using Rack::Test with Rspec.
If you do indeed want to test 2 apps and want the prefix using Rack::Test w Rspec you simply need to define app in your spec_helper or spec file as:
def app
'/' =>,
'/users' =>
All Rack::Test does is rackup your Sinatra app into a test container.
Also please see Phrogz's excellent answer on how to lay out a Sinatra application
