ADO.NET for connecting Oracle Database on server - oracle

Recently we have developed an application which connects to oracle database for fetching records. For fetching records, we are using OLEDB for Oracle. Application runs fine on my machine by connectng properly with Oracle ,since i have oracle client installed on my machine. Now i tried to test application on another machine, which doesnot have any oracle instance/Client installed on his machine. Application fails to connect to oracle central DB Server. Is it necessary for users to install oracle client on their machine before the application communicates with Oracle.
Here is Connection string
connectionString="Provider=msdaora;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=XYZ)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(;Persist Security Info=False;User Id=mahens; Password=XXXXXXXXX" providerName="System.Data.SQLOLEDB"/>
The above code is for OLEDB for oracle. Is there any thing i required to install for connecting to central Oracle DB server from my windows application(.NET application installed on local machine).
If we try to use ODP.NET dll and include those dll's along within BIN directory,will that work?..Can any1 tell me a way wherein user need not install any oracle Client on their machine and communicate to server.

I believe you always need the oracle client installed as everything in .net ultimately uses ODP.NET. However, you can use the Oracle Instant Client to make your users' setup process easier.


How to Using Oracle client OO4O in VB6

I have an vb6 application working using Oracle 10g which uses oo4o to connect with database.
Oracle 10g is installed on remote Database server.
But i don't know how to setting on client PC to run vb6 application.
(When I run it, it shows error msg "ora-12154 tns could not resolve service name")
Please help me the way (step by step) to setting on client PC to vb6 application can be connected to oracle database.

Error when adding Oracle DB to ODBC connection

Hi everyone here,
I am pretty new to Oracle DB configurations as I have been using SAS and Microsoft SQL all this while.
What i want to do is to add Oracle DB to ODBC(64-bit) in a new server.
This is the scenario:
Server A:- Existing Application server that has Oracle configured in ODBC(64-bit)(Been using for the past 3 years, configured by other people).
Server DB:- The Database server
Server B:- Brand new server that i want to configure Oracle DB in ODBC(64-bit)(Brand new).
I copy every single details of the server information in Server A ODBC for the same Oracle DB and put it in Server B ODBC. I have both Server A and Server B remote connection side by side and do "Test Connection".
Server A can connect successfully. However, Server B is giving me this error:
This is my first time trying to configure for ODBC to Oracle DB. I have previously configured many Microsoft SQL DB without any issue. Do take note that i have not installed any Oracle driver or any necessary-tool needed for ODBC to link with Oracle as i do not know of any. Is there anything i have to install for this to work or any necessary settings need to be done before configuring it?
All this while for Microsoft SQL connection to ODBC, i just put in the DB credentials and voila.
Your help is very much appreciated.

Is Oracle Instant Client an actual database?

I want to create a small dev database just to use for developing my application. I've downloaded the Oracle Instant client and followed the directions to "install" (ie, copy/paste and set up some environment variables), but I can't find any information on how to connect, login, create database, etc, or even exactly what Instant Client is, specifically. So, a few specific questions:
Is Instant client just a set of drivers and components that allow you to connect to an existing database, or can you use Instant Client to create and administer a completely new database?
If it CAN be used to create a new database:
How do you "start" (or similar concept) the database so that it is ready for connections.
Because there is no installation, and no default configuration, I haven't set up a default schema, port, etc. So, what is the default connection information to connect to the database for the first time?
For example, I use SQL Developer to connect to and administer my remote database, so how could I connect to Instant Client from SQL Developer?
The client is JUST a client.
You'll want to download the Oracle Database installs. The easiest would be the XE (Express Edition) - it's free, and gets going on windows or linux pretty quick.
You'll then install the server software and THEN create a database. Then you can use your client to connect to said database. You can use your client now to connect to any Oracle database running on any server that you can see on your network.
There are more alternatives.
I talk about this in more detail here.

Delphi win32 application to work with Oracle

I have to create win32 client on Delphi, which can work with database on Oracle. The only problem with this task that client have to demand "zero administration".
In other words user downloaded it from our site and ran it without any installing oracle client and tuning tnsnames.ora.
My first aproach was to install apache on server side with connection to Oracle. Our win32 client this case is like web brouser works with Oracle via https.
It works but performance is not so good as expected. Delay in reaction between clent and server side is too long.
Is there any way to acheve my goal (zero adminstration client with good enough performance)?
The product ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components) from DevArt has a "no oracle client needed" mode. This would probably be the easiest solution. You could also just include the Oracle Instant Client with your product and use Oracle's "EZConnect" syntax so that you don't have to configure anything on the client. Using EZConnect allows you to connect to an Oracle Database without using a TNSNames.ora file.

Connect to an Oracle 8.0 database using a 10g client

I recently upgraded my oracle client to 10g (
Now when I try to connect to a legacy 8.0 database, I get
ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.
Is there any workaround for this problem, or do I have to install two clients on my local machine?
Yes, you can connect to an Oracle 8i database with the 10g client, but the 8i Database requires the patchset, which you can get from Oracle's Metalink support site (requires login).
Here's an Oracle forum post with the details.
If updating your Oracle Database isn't an option, then you can have 2 different clients installed (in different "Oracle Homes" (or directories), and use the selecthome.bat file to switch between your installed clients.
For example, before connecting to 8i, you'd run:
or this to use your Oracle 10g client:
I had to connect a C# code to an Oracle 7 (I know you it's 8...)... the only way I get it was to get the CD to install the Oracle Server and to go in the "Optional Configuration Component" and to use the Oracle73 Ver2.5.
I think you should go check the CD of the Oracle 8 Server and check if an ODBC is still available.
The best way to connect an Oracle 8.1.7 and higher is through Instant Client. Download Instant client 10.2 from oracle site, copy all files in the same folder where .NET assemblies resides and use classes located in System.Data.OracleClient. This work for me in .NET 4 project and oracle DB 8.1.7 server.
