Error when adding Oracle DB to ODBC connection - oracle

Hi everyone here,
I am pretty new to Oracle DB configurations as I have been using SAS and Microsoft SQL all this while.
What i want to do is to add Oracle DB to ODBC(64-bit) in a new server.
This is the scenario:
Server A:- Existing Application server that has Oracle configured in ODBC(64-bit)(Been using for the past 3 years, configured by other people).
Server DB:- The Database server
Server B:- Brand new server that i want to configure Oracle DB in ODBC(64-bit)(Brand new).
I copy every single details of the server information in Server A ODBC for the same Oracle DB and put it in Server B ODBC. I have both Server A and Server B remote connection side by side and do "Test Connection".
Server A can connect successfully. However, Server B is giving me this error:
This is my first time trying to configure for ODBC to Oracle DB. I have previously configured many Microsoft SQL DB without any issue. Do take note that i have not installed any Oracle driver or any necessary-tool needed for ODBC to link with Oracle as i do not know of any. Is there anything i have to install for this to work or any necessary settings need to be done before configuring it?
All this while for Microsoft SQL connection to ODBC, i just put in the DB credentials and voila.
Your help is very much appreciated.


Connect JDeveloper application to Oracle Live SQL

I am new to ADF/JDeveloper. I'd like to configure my ADF Web application to Oracle Live Server, since I'm using a Mac computer, which are not supported by Oracle's database distribution, I have tried to use Oracle VM but it freezes my Mac.
Needs information on database configuration panel are:
Host name
JDBBC port
Oracle does not provide database connection information for the database behind If you want your own cloud database, you should look into setting up an Oracle Cloud Free Tier database. If you configure your database using the Always Free options, you should be able to have your database around for free forever.

Unable to connect to Oracle database from SSIS

I am new to SSIS and ETL .I have a task to connect to oracle database from SSIS. But when I am giving source as OLEDB source and select Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle along with server name and credentials, it throws me an error on testing the connection. i.e.
"Oracle client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 or later client software installation.
Provider is unable to function until these components are installed."
I have seen many posts and blogs but I could not follow the steps and where I followed I could not connect. Hence I request you to please guide me in achieving the same.
You need to install Oracle Client on the server that holds your SQL Server database. Oracle Client is free of charge.

Export Database connection to Oracle Developer

I have a database Connection established in odbcad and Microsoft Access (aswell as working in Excel) via ODBC and want to also get it working in Oracle SQL developer.
It is a Windows SQL Server as far as i know and I have tried several Settings, of which None works. I have also installed Driver for ODBC. I would like to Import Settings into SQL developer as applied in MS Access, is there any possibility?
No, SQL Developer is a Java application and uses a JDBC driver.
But if you look at the odbc properties for your connection, those should largely translate to what you need to define a basic connection.
Server name or IP address of the DB, port # for the listener, and the name of the SID or Service, plus a valid username and password is all you need to connect to Oracle.
What error do you get when you try to connect?
Show us what you're trying.
You're trying to connect to SQL Server but you're getting"
Native SSPI library not loaded
You're trying to use OS Authentication for your connection. For this to work with the jTDS driver, you need to copy a DLL file named ntlmauth.dll (which is for NT authentication) under the jtds-x.x.x-dist\x86\SSO\ or jtds-x.x.x-dist\x64\SSO\, to any directories in the PATH environment.
Please update your question such that's it's clear you're connecting to SQL Server and share the error message so others can find it.
I imagine this question is a duplicate of many previous iterations of the same challenge.

Connecting to remote Oracle database using Oracle Client

I have to connect to a remote Oracle database. Connection will only work with a VPN access to the remote network. I have already setup the VPN, and that is working.
Remote team has passed TNS.ORA settings. I have hardly worked on configuring oracle and neither I am aware of the setup that I need to have on my machine. I just need to run few queries to test the data.
Can somebody guide me on the setup and the configuration I need to have on my windows 7 to connect to a remote Oracle database ?.
My first assumption was to download Oracle client. I downloaded Oracle Insta Client files, but I have no idea how to configure it to connect to a remote database. I couldn't even find any ORA file in the installed files of Insta client.
One you installed the instant client and installed it, you can conect to the remote database by using an easyconnect string. If you are in sqlplus you can do the following:
CONNECT username#[//]host[:port][/service_name][:server][/instance_name]
Lets assume your remote host is remote1 and the service_name is test (This can be retrieved from the tnsnames.ora)
connect username#//remote1/test

ADO.NET for connecting Oracle Database on server

Recently we have developed an application which connects to oracle database for fetching records. For fetching records, we are using OLEDB for Oracle. Application runs fine on my machine by connectng properly with Oracle ,since i have oracle client installed on my machine. Now i tried to test application on another machine, which doesnot have any oracle instance/Client installed on his machine. Application fails to connect to oracle central DB Server. Is it necessary for users to install oracle client on their machine before the application communicates with Oracle.
Here is Connection string
connectionString="Provider=msdaora;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=XYZ)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(;Persist Security Info=False;User Id=mahens; Password=XXXXXXXXX" providerName="System.Data.SQLOLEDB"/>
The above code is for OLEDB for oracle. Is there any thing i required to install for connecting to central Oracle DB server from my windows application(.NET application installed on local machine).
If we try to use ODP.NET dll and include those dll's along within BIN directory,will that work?..Can any1 tell me a way wherein user need not install any oracle Client on their machine and communicate to server.
I believe you always need the oracle client installed as everything in .net ultimately uses ODP.NET. However, you can use the Oracle Instant Client to make your users' setup process easier.
