Delphi win32 application to work with Oracle - oracle

I have to create win32 client on Delphi, which can work with database on Oracle. The only problem with this task that client have to demand "zero administration".
In other words user downloaded it from our site and ran it without any installing oracle client and tuning tnsnames.ora.
My first aproach was to install apache on server side with connection to Oracle. Our win32 client this case is like web brouser works with Oracle via https.
It works but performance is not so good as expected. Delay in reaction between clent and server side is too long.
Is there any way to acheve my goal (zero adminstration client with good enough performance)?

The product ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components) from DevArt has a "no oracle client needed" mode. This would probably be the easiest solution. You could also just include the Oracle Instant Client with your product and use Oracle's "EZConnect" syntax so that you don't have to configure anything on the client. Using EZConnect allows you to connect to an Oracle Database without using a TNSNames.ora file.


Export Database connection to Oracle Developer

I have a database Connection established in odbcad and Microsoft Access (aswell as working in Excel) via ODBC and want to also get it working in Oracle SQL developer.
It is a Windows SQL Server as far as i know and I have tried several Settings, of which None works. I have also installed Driver for ODBC. I would like to Import Settings into SQL developer as applied in MS Access, is there any possibility?
No, SQL Developer is a Java application and uses a JDBC driver.
But if you look at the odbc properties for your connection, those should largely translate to what you need to define a basic connection.
Server name or IP address of the DB, port # for the listener, and the name of the SID or Service, plus a valid username and password is all you need to connect to Oracle.
What error do you get when you try to connect?
Show us what you're trying.
You're trying to connect to SQL Server but you're getting"
Native SSPI library not loaded
You're trying to use OS Authentication for your connection. For this to work with the jTDS driver, you need to copy a DLL file named ntlmauth.dll (which is for NT authentication) under the jtds-x.x.x-dist\x86\SSO\ or jtds-x.x.x-dist\x64\SSO\, to any directories in the PATH environment.
Please update your question such that's it's clear you're connecting to SQL Server and share the error message so others can find it.
I imagine this question is a duplicate of many previous iterations of the same challenge.

Toad for Oracle install

I'm beginner level oracle developer. I have SQL developer installed on my machine. And I wanted to install Toad for oracle too. But When I tried to install Toad, it gave me an error:
No Valid Oracle Clients found. You need atleast one 64- bit client properly configured.
Can someone explain why I'm getting this error?
Because SQL Developer ships with its own JDBC driver, which doesn't require an oracle client to connect to the Database.
If you have a compatible Oracle Client sitting around, you can tell SQL Developer to piggyback on that client for connections - but THAT IS NOT required.
T.O.A.D. is a windows executable that needs an Oracle Client to connect to a database. An Instant Client is the easiest way to get going.

Is Oracle Instant Client an actual database?

I want to create a small dev database just to use for developing my application. I've downloaded the Oracle Instant client and followed the directions to "install" (ie, copy/paste and set up some environment variables), but I can't find any information on how to connect, login, create database, etc, or even exactly what Instant Client is, specifically. So, a few specific questions:
Is Instant client just a set of drivers and components that allow you to connect to an existing database, or can you use Instant Client to create and administer a completely new database?
If it CAN be used to create a new database:
How do you "start" (or similar concept) the database so that it is ready for connections.
Because there is no installation, and no default configuration, I haven't set up a default schema, port, etc. So, what is the default connection information to connect to the database for the first time?
For example, I use SQL Developer to connect to and administer my remote database, so how could I connect to Instant Client from SQL Developer?
The client is JUST a client.
You'll want to download the Oracle Database installs. The easiest would be the XE (Express Edition) - it's free, and gets going on windows or linux pretty quick.
You'll then install the server software and THEN create a database. Then you can use your client to connect to said database. You can use your client now to connect to any Oracle database running on any server that you can see on your network.
There are more alternatives.
I talk about this in more detail here.

does liferay use SQL*Net client by any means?

Now I have some weird problem:
our DBA blocked my OS user from connecting to the DEV database for some reason
So I was not able to connect with TOAD
but I was able to connect with SQL Developer
also I wasn't able to start my Liferay server while connecting to the DEV database, with a message: user not allowed to login to the database (or something like this)
I made some investigation to tell why is SQL Developer connecting while TOAD is not. So I came out with a fact that TOAD uses the installed SQL*Net client while SQL Developer uses a standalone thin jdbc client.
So I thought this might be the reason somehow (not sure why, but may be the installed SQL*Net client reveals the OS user while thin client doesn't)
Now my question is: why is Liferay behaving the same way as TOAD though -according to my knowledge- it shouldn't as it is connected using datasource configured in the tomcat context.xml file?
Also if someone has a good scientific explanation about TOAD vs SQL developer, it's appreciated (I think I can track the sent request using wire shark, but no time actually)
I am using Liferay 6.1 , Liferay Studio and oracle 11g database
update :
I checked the connection of Liferay tomcat and found it :
type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
The reason why you can connect with SQLDeveloper and not with Liferay may be that your SQLDeveloper uses a more recent version of the JDBC thin driver (ojdbc6.jar or ojdbc7.jar). A solution would be to replace the one if Liferay with the one from SQLDeveloper. It would be just a matter of replacing the jar and restarting the tomcat server.

Oracle connections from a COM+ application

We have an Oracle 10.2.0 server running. There is a schema on the server called FOO. I have created an ODBC connection to the schema using the 10.2.0 client.
We have a desktop application that has core database access libraries written by ourselves that uese SQLDriverConnect etc.
We also have a COM+ application that makes use of the same core libraries.
When I connect with the desktop application, using the ODBC connection, there are no problems.
Connecting with the COM+ application, I cannot perform any queries. SQLDriverConnect returns SUCCESS but then any attempt to peform a query gives an Oracle error "not connected". The COM+ application is set to run as the "logged in user".
I'm sure this is probably a security issue, but I don't know where to start.
Any ideas?
I found what was causing the problem, it's an Oracle bug.
Oracle Bug 4991478; COM application not able to connect when using Oracle10g Client 10.2 if using Neutral Threading or Free-Threaded Marshaller, Fails With ORA-21561 / ORA-00022
Install Oracle Client (patch)
