What do these checksum images mean and whats their use? - image

I notice starange Black and white images on many sites like on http://code.google.com/p/jquery-simpletip/downloads/detail?name=jquery.simpletip-1.3.1.pack.js&can=2&q=. Can anyone tell me their use?

They aren't checksums, they are QR Codes, a 2-dimensional form of barcode (mouse over and it'll say 'File Download URL'). Devices such as mobile phones can scan the code off a PC monitor and visit that URL immediately, which is a lot simpler than having the user type the URL in.
QR Codes are more famously used by websites to link to Android market applications.

They're called QR Codes. They act just like a barcode but contains more data. Sometimes website encode their URL in them others encode Ads.
Hope that clears things =)


Is it possible to change the destination page of a QR code?

I'm not familiar with QR codes, but for an app I'm developing for both Android as well as IOs, I need a QR code that takes the user to the Google play or App store. I'm told that this QR code is already generated by somebody else working on the project, but the app is not yet in the stores, so the destination page does not yet exist. Right now this QR code links to nothing. Is it possible to assign this destination page later on, or do I need to generate a new QR code for this link?
Also, is it possible to have a QR code link either to the play store or app store depending on which device it's scanned with, without taking the user to an extra web page beforehand?
Depending on the tool you are using to generate this QRCode, you might be able to modify it later on and add the final Google Play URL.
If you want to have a single page that redirects depending on the device, you might be interested by onelink
You can setup the landing page with multiple store IDs, then put this link as the callback of your QRCode, and you will be redirected to the right page depending on the device OS / platform.
I hope it will help you, I am using this for my projects and it is working really nice.
By the way, welcome to Stack!

Some images only appear in simulator in Actions on Google App and not o real devices

I have put some images in basic cards and in lists in Actions on google app.The problem is some of those images only appear in simulator and not on the real device.
I have tried resizing and scaling the image to those which are showing but that doesn't make any change.Some of those images which are of high quality than others appear on the real device.I don't know why this is happening.I have tested on 2 real devices both of them have the same problem.Can someone please help me?
Are you on the google 'Spark' plan.
If so you cannot access images referenced outside of google storage.
You need a paid plan to access non google url's.
I have some sample projects and my images live in
https://console.firebase.google.com/project/<Your Project ID>/storage/<Your Project ID>.appspot.com/files
The images stored in this location are rendered with no issue.
Thanks everyone for providing your help,I actually found out the answer.Some of my urls contained whitespace which was handled by simulator but not the phones.So I changed the urls and now it works.

Upload file to Nextion-Display from ESP32

Is there a way to upload directly files from ESP32 to Nextion Display?
I want to download pictures or TFT file with ESP 32 WIFI and upload it to Display. It would be really great if I can do it with a TFT file!
I am looking for a solution to this also for a car computer with sat nav.
But as far as I can tell it cant be done unless somebody hacks the nextion firmware.
I'm pretty sure I've seen an example for this once, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. The Nextion Editor updates the display over serial, so it should technically be possible. You could capture the serial data when doing an upload from Nextion Editor to see how it is done. I'll come back and edit my answer if I find the sample code or attempt this myself.

What is the best image size to use on mobile devices? (HTML)

I would be using Google for this, but it would display outdated info, and that's not what I want.
Basing from statistics of 2012,cellphones and tablets have shifted the way we interact with websites. Due to that, I'm planning going fully mobile and I would like to know which is the "standard" image size I should implement (for mobile display only) so they don't slow down cellular connections and the browsing session. Of course... they shouldn't look crap either
Thanks a lot!
40 kb seems to be best images sizes all images used in your original website should be reduced from the original size to this size. as most mobile devices will not be compatible with any image size bigger than this.

Images in Browsers

Does anyone know why sometimes when you right click on an image in a browser (IE, FF or Chrome), and save the image on your hard drive, you get a different file size image and lower quality than the original image you uploaded to the server? This happens even if you clear the browser cache.
What is strange is that it doesn't happen all the time. What is stranger is that I wrote a simple html page with a link to the image. I right clicked on the link and saved the target image. It saved it with the original size and quality. However, a little later, I tried saving the same image again, the same exact way, I got the lower quality image with the reduced file size.
I know it's not an issue with my PC because the same thing happens on my phone (Droid X) browser. When I save an image into its memory from the browser, it is lower quality and reduced file size.
The lower quality image file size is usually a little bigger than half of the original image file size.
What is going on?
My problem was caused by Verizon Wireless compressing images through its network: http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/verizon_starts_data_throttling_content_optimization/
I was occasionally tethering using a MiFi device and was apparently in the top 5% of bandwidth users. Therefore, images downloaded through the MiFi into my laptop and on my Droid X were being compressed through the network. The browser was caching the "bad" images, so they appeared compressed even when I was on a different network, making it harder to for me to troubleshoot what the heck was going on. I hope my answer helps others.
I don't want to get credit for my own answer, so I am changing this to a different question: Since a lot of people use such wireless networks now on their mobile phones and through tethering, should web developers test their sites for such use to account for the image loss? Sometimes the image loss is considerable. If so, how do we do it if this occurs only during certain periods of the month for only certain users? What compression algorithm are they using? Can we emulate the compression?
My problem was caused by Verizon Wireless compressing images through its network (see the edit to my question). This problem no longer exists with newer devices (or perhaps Verizon has abandoned this practice).
