Upload file to Nextion-Display from ESP32 - esp32

Is there a way to upload directly files from ESP32 to Nextion Display?
I want to download pictures or TFT file with ESP 32 WIFI and upload it to Display. It would be really great if I can do it with a TFT file!

I am looking for a solution to this also for a car computer with sat nav.
But as far as I can tell it cant be done unless somebody hacks the nextion firmware.

I'm pretty sure I've seen an example for this once, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. The Nextion Editor updates the display over serial, so it should technically be possible. You could capture the serial data when doing an upload from Nextion Editor to see how it is done. I'll come back and edit my answer if I find the sample code or attempt this myself.


Adding screenshot in iTunes Connect without real Device

I am about to submit my app in iTunes connect.
Now it is asking me for screenshots for a 3.5-inch, 4-inch, 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch.
Since I coded it in swift I guess I can skip the 3.5inch part?
But my question is: I only have an 4-inch device available. How can I add the screenshots of the 4.7 and 6inch? maybe with the simulator?
Thank you
In the iOS Simulator File > Screenshot
That saves a screenshot to your desktop.
Simulator should be fine. You can edit it using Sketch, I found it really helpful.
I tried a few different methods, and what worked best for me in a short amount of time was to capture screenshots in the iOS Simulator at 100% scale and then resize them using GIMP, which is free unlike Sketch.
If you're in the business of creating screenshots for many devices, across locales or with frequent screenshot update needs it's best to look into automation with tool like Snapshot.

Shockwave and PowerPoint

I tried finding information on the web, but could not, so I was wondering if anyone has some information:
We have made a Flash animation
We have embedded it in a PowerPoint slide
Everything is working on our side
I just want to make sure before I send it to the client that it will work if someone has no Shockwave plugin installed? In other words, does PowerPoint include the "Codec" to view the item when the PowerPoint file is generated?
I tried uninstalling my Shockwave, but for some reason I am unable to, so I am not sure how to test this.
Any ideas will be appreciated.
If the playback computer doesn't have the correct plug-in, it won't be able to play the Flash animation. Flash playback doesn't use CODECs in the same sense that WMVs and other movie formats do.

ObjectiveC/Cocoa Screencapture/Crosshead mouse pointer selector help

I want to write a basic app so I can upload some images to my personal server and as the CMD+Shift+4 Screen capture method apple offers doesn't let you upload your images I thought I would start from scratch... I've looked around quite a lot on how to make something what lets me grab a selection of my screen (like the crosshair apple offer) and can't find any samples/pointers however I've seen other tools such as gyazo use the exact same capture system apple offer :S... Is it some sort of framework I can access in Xcode or something?
If anyone knows how its done I would be very grateful.
You can just run screencapture(1) and capture to a temporary file location which your app then reads.

Device driver to act as a virtual web camera

I'm looking for writing virtual camera drivers. Does anybody has idea?
Any book that would be helpful or any link.
Adding more details:
I have developed a device driver which saves the image to disk and the display uses the device driver to display the image. The performance does not seem good.
The fns. that I have used are:
//to capture
//to display
giving a call to capture and display every time
but the display is not continuous and appears only after window goes out of focus and comes in focus again
Should I use some other technique to record or display images, what will give fruitful results, please help.
What do you mean by virtual camera driver?
It is possible to write a virtual capture device using DirectShow. Such a virtual capture device can then be used by applications such as skype, etc. If that suffices for your needs, you can download vcam from http://tmhare.mvps.org/downloads.htm under the "Capture Source Filter" link.
In order to use that capture device in the link I posted you need to download the Windows SDK. The Windows SDK has a tool called "GraphEdit" If you search online, I'm sure you can find a quick GraphEdit tutorial. Basically GraphEdit allows you to construct a multimedia pipeline by connecting a bunch of filters. (This is what happens in the background for instance when you play a movie on your computer. ) This could be something like
web cam -> renderer
file source -> some decoder -> renderer
and would result in you seeing the video captured by the web cam or the content of the file. The example download shows how you can construct a virtual capture device i.e. it looks like media is coming from a 'real' capture device, but actually you can generate any video you want if you adapt the code to your specific means i.e. take a screengrab and output that. Applications like skype can pick up you virtual capture device if it is registered correctly.
The easiest way to find out if this is sufficient for your needs is to download the capture source filter, register it with the regsvr32 command, and then to use GraphEdit to insert the capture source into a graph, connect the source to a video renderer and hit the play button. A lot of the above mentioned concepts/keywords might seem new to you, but you can do some reading on each topic, and perhaps this will give you a point to get started.
Edit 2:
Is the capture source filter approach not sufficient for your requirements?
1) AFAIR you stated in your (now deleted) answer that you would like to take a screen grab, and use that as a virtual camera device for use in applications such as skype.
If that is all you require, you do NOT have to write a device driver. DirectShow can do that perfectly well by means of the capture source filter. You would then need to
learn some basic DirectShow
modify the source code of the capture filter to take screen grabs etc.
As far as books are concerned to write device driver to accomplish the same, I have no idea. The point I'm trying to make, is that you need to determine whether you actually need to write a device driver or whether simply modifying the open source capture filter is sufficient.

What do these checksum images mean and whats their use?

I notice starange Black and white images on many sites like on http://code.google.com/p/jquery-simpletip/downloads/detail?name=jquery.simpletip-1.3.1.pack.js&can=2&q=. Can anyone tell me their use?
They aren't checksums, they are QR Codes, a 2-dimensional form of barcode (mouse over and it'll say 'File Download URL'). Devices such as mobile phones can scan the code off a PC monitor and visit that URL immediately, which is a lot simpler than having the user type the URL in.
QR Codes are more famously used by websites to link to Android market applications.
They're called QR Codes. They act just like a barcode but contains more data. Sometimes website encode their URL in them others encode Ads.
Hope that clears things =)
