Is it possible to change the destination page of a QR code? - google-play

I'm not familiar with QR codes, but for an app I'm developing for both Android as well as IOs, I need a QR code that takes the user to the Google play or App store. I'm told that this QR code is already generated by somebody else working on the project, but the app is not yet in the stores, so the destination page does not yet exist. Right now this QR code links to nothing. Is it possible to assign this destination page later on, or do I need to generate a new QR code for this link?
Also, is it possible to have a QR code link either to the play store or app store depending on which device it's scanned with, without taking the user to an extra web page beforehand?

Depending on the tool you are using to generate this QRCode, you might be able to modify it later on and add the final Google Play URL.
If you want to have a single page that redirects depending on the device, you might be interested by onelink
You can setup the landing page with multiple store IDs, then put this link as the callback of your QRCode, and you will be redirected to the right page depending on the device OS / platform.
I hope it will help you, I am using this for my projects and it is working really nice.
By the way, welcome to Stack!


Digital Signage for Dynamic Web Pages

Is there a digital signage application that can faithfully render a dynamic web page the way a browser does? I have tried a few vendors - NoviSign,, etc. These are cloud-based solutions that offer access to an authoring tool (ran in a browser) that can upload your content to the vendor's servers. You then configure a media player which has the vendor's app installed (and connected to your digital TV display) to pull the content for display on the TV.
The issue I am running into is that when I tried a dynamic web page content on the media player application, the web page remains static on the TV screen (there are no problems with Powerpoint slideshows). It seems that the JavaScript behind the web page is not getting executed in the player. I tried looking hard for some configuration settings that's causing this but to no avail. The ideal media player application would be one that has an actual web browser built into it that can render any typical dynamic web page for display. Are you guys aware of any such offerings by any vendor in the market?
I finally found a signage product that addresses exactly the issues I posted here. If you have a need to display a dynamic web page faithfully (even one that requires a login) via a signage app, you can try They have a Dashboards widget that handles this requirement and is very easy to use. I'm not going to go into details here as you can easily google them. I looked long and hard to find this and hopefully somebody in the same situation will find this information useful.

My Android app is not displaying in play store search list, even if the app is in published status

I have developed an App and published the same in google play store console. Even after many days the app is not getting listed in play store while searching using App Name.
I have tried searching using the project name. Its shows my app while searching.
It's normal. It need time, interactions and downloads to scale the list.
Don't worry
Please enlarge the image and the answer is there

Cannot submit app to the google app marketplace

I created an chrome web store entry here:
And filled out the form for submission for google app marketplace:
This was over 1.5 month ago. Since then, I have not had any word about my app rejection or seen it in the google app marketplace.
I'm not sure what the process for app review is. Does no word ever back mean your app is rejected?
Typically if you don't hear anything back from us that is a good thing! However, in your case, it appears that you have not set up your manifest file correctly. You have failed to include the DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE container. Take a look at the documentation at:
You'll find an example manifest file that you can model yours after.
Since the manifest file was never set up correctly, the application did not enter our review queue which is why you never heard anything about it.

Featured and Promotion Graphic Android play store

I have been trying to figure out where Promotion and Featured graphic shows up. But I am not able to find any use for it. Not even a app that uses it. All I find is the HD app icon and the screen shots.
I have looked at thisisatest, and this question. When I see Android phone via Play Store, I dont see the Promotion and Featured images. When I see the website, there too I am not able to find use of these images.
Has something changed in Play Store over the years (Since July 2012) ?
The store received a major redesign about mid-July, 2013, and the feature graphic, which used to provide a banner of sorts for the listing page (and was required in order to be featured) seems to have disappeared in the process.

Using google docs as a publishing tool

I am an author of short stories. I like using google docs and I like the idea of when I update a story these changes propagate to the sites I publish on. This system works fine in the latter versions of chrome and IE.
This doesn't work in IOS and only when using Opera on android - At present I need to create PDFs to work on an iPhone or an iPad which defeats my purpose of instant updating.
But right now I am trying to get Firefox to display the contents of the embeded iFrames, but FF 9.01 only shows the outline of the iframe containing a blank page. This is btw how ios displays the same page.
Here is my test page
In FF this page will load an iframe of my site, but it will not display the stories. I also tried having docs on google apps in case that would act differently - but no difference.
I have tried
Any one have a clue?
Just wanted to say that I have given up on inserting google doc iframes into my webpages hoping that they will render correctly on all platforms and browsers. That proved to be wishful thinking.
Instead I have constructed an app that builds static pages from the Google doc url's. First I let this happen on the fly every time a user selected a story for viewing, but there was quite a lag with this method and with afterthought I saw no reason not to create static pages. This I do for all my texts even if I have only changed a few details in one of them. I publish PDSs at the same time with TCPDF.
