Configure JDBC oracle specific property v$session.program using Jboss and JPA (hibernate) - oracle

I'd like to set the v$session.program Oracle property in order to have information available in the session table. I'm using JPA with a jndi XA datasource created with an oracle-xa-ds.xml deployed in the deploy folder of Jboss, and therefore I haven't access to the constructor of the Connection.
I have access to the Connection object, in JPA 2 using unwrap, in JPA 1 by casting JPA to Hibernate classes, but there are no properties setter (only Client Info properties that are the way to proceed starting JDBC 4.0).
So my question is, using JPA (with Hibernate) using Jboss 4.2 :
Is it possible to configure the v$session.program in the persistence.xml ?
Is it possible to configure the v$session.program in the oracle-ds.xml ?
Is their any other approach to the solution ?
Thank you for any valuable comments and answers !

I had the same Problem today, after much fiddeling and reading documentation finally I had the Eureka moment:
Add following parameter:
<xa-datasource-property name="connectionProperties">v$session.program=YourUniqueName</xa-datasource-property>
Thats all.

I'm pretty sure this must be documented somewhere but here is what we can find in the JBoss wiki:
How To Specify "PROGRAM" Oracle Connection Property
JBoss Version: JBoss 4.0.3 SP1, Oracle DB Version: 10g
To be able to distinguish the JDBC
connections on the Oracle server side,
which are created by different JBoss
instances, Oracle's PROGRAM connection
property might be set within the
Oracle specific JDBC datasource config
file by using the following tags:
<connection-property name="v$session.program">ADistinguishedNameForPROGRAMProperty</connection-property>
<connection-property name="v$session.program">ADistinguishedNameForPROGRAMProperty</connection-property>
That way the DBAs can have proper
granularity in:
v$session view
Other tools which are checking/evaluating PROGRAM connection


what is the best way to create session from java spring boot using oracle Database?

I created user in oracle database and I am trying to create session but I find many ways in spring boot so what is the easy way if I want to create classe connections using the Username and Password ?
You can jdbc template, spring data JDBC or spring data JPA, well depending on your use case.
If your data model is quite complex, you should avoid using the JDBC template as you will need to write prepared statements which can be cumbersome. JPA will allow you to use object-oriented programming principles and also will help you map the entities to your database columns.
For example, if you are going to use spring data JPA, you need to set the application properties as follows:
spring.datasource.oracleucp.sql-for-validate-connection=select * from dual
This would behind the scene create an Oracle Datasource. In this example, we are using Oracle Universal Connection Pooling. You can also use HikariCP which is quite popular.
check this out
If you want to use UCP with above properties then you must have SpringBoot version higher than 2.4.0.
Check out the Spring Boot code sample on GitHub.

Specify v$session.program for R2DBC Oracle connection

I was trying to set the v$session.program at the connection from a R2DBC Oracle connection (within a Spring application)
For now I've tried this but without success.
ConnectionFactories.get(ConnectionFactoryOptions.parse(dbUrl).mutate().option(Option.valueOf("v$session.program"), "PROGRAMNAME").build());
Would this be possible to set in any way?
Thanks for help.
Oracle R2DBC 0.4.0 does not support the v$session properties as ConnectionFactoryOptions. However, I think it should, so I'll be adding support for that in the next release of Oracle R2DBC.
If anyone needs a temporary workaround, these properties can be set as JVM system properties. System properties will bypass Oracle R2DBC's connection property filter.

Is Spring Data Jdbc recommended for Oracle 18c?

Is Spring Data JDBC v1.1.5 recommended for Oracle Database and Enterprise Applications? Lot of samples around the net based on Open Source RDBMS (H2 or PostgreSQL). We are using Spring Data JDBC in a Spring Boot Microservice Application, facing following problems.
Force to write custom converters for oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP, oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ and oracle.sql.DATE and oracle.sql.ROWID etc..
Can't type cast oracle.sql.ROWID to java.lang.Number
Identity must not be null after save.
Spring Data JDBC is absolutely recommended for Enterprise Applications.
Not so much for use with Oracle.
Since the necessary resources (database & JDBC driver) weren't available in a form that could be easily used in integration tests on public platforms, Oracle isn't included in regular builds.
Therefore it is likely that one encounters issues when working with Oracle.
Some are already known, for others issues in Jira or even PRs are highly appreciated.

configure database schema in spring boot application using jdbc template

I have a spring boot application using spring jdbc template for DAO layer connecting to Oracle DB. The DB username is different than the schema on which the queries will be run. Hence when the queries are run it needs to run using a different schema and I do not want to prefix the hardcoded value for the schema(For ex select * from user1.table.....)
I researched a bit and couldn't find a simple and straight way to do that.
For ex if I were using JPA I could have simply configured the property<schema name> but couldn't find an equivalent way of configuring the same when using spring jdbc
I ran into a similar problem and didn't find an ideal way to do it. I ended up setting the schema in SQL when the app loaded. At least I was able to reuse, which I already had set for the JPA default schema.
final String schemaName = jpaProperties.getProperties().get("hibernate.default_schema");
jdbcTemplate.execute("SET SCHEMA '" + schemaName + "'");
This clearly isn't ideal, but it is better than defining your schema in multiple places.
(Note: I autowired both the JpaProperties and JdbcTemplate.)
You need to use the Oracle JDBC Driver.
A good example can be found in this mykong article:
# Oracle settings

switch oracle instance in hibernate dynamically

We are using Spring , tomcat , hibernate and oracle 11.0.2. Is there a way i can switch between 2 oracle instances say(ins1 and ins2) with out restarting the application layer? Is there any setting in hibernate that allows us to do this dynamically?
There is a Spring's HotSwappableTargetSource that allows change beans at runtime. Maybe you can laverage it to your needs. There will still be limitations (such as same database schema in both DBs, ...)
