what is the best way to create session from java spring boot using oracle Database? - oracle

I created user in oracle database and I am trying to create session but I find many ways in spring boot so what is the easy way if I want to create classe connections using the Username and Password ?

You can jdbc template, spring data JDBC or spring data JPA, well depending on your use case.
If your data model is quite complex, you should avoid using the JDBC template as you will need to write prepared statements which can be cumbersome. JPA will allow you to use object-oriented programming principles and also will help you map the entities to your database columns.
For example, if you are going to use spring data JPA, you need to set the application properties as follows:
spring.datasource.oracleucp.sql-for-validate-connection=select * from dual
This would behind the scene create an Oracle Datasource. In this example, we are using Oracle Universal Connection Pooling. You can also use HikariCP which is quite popular.
check this out

If you want to use UCP with above properties then you must have SpringBoot version higher than 2.4.0.
Check out the Spring Boot code sample on GitHub.


What is the best way to maintain queries in Spring boot application?

In My Application, Using the below technologies
Spring boot 2.7.x
spring batch 5. x
java 11
As part of this, I need to extract data from the Cassandra database and need to write out the file
so here I need to use queries to fetch data so
just want to know what is the best way to maintain all queries at one place so any query changes come in the future, I shouldn't build the app rather just need to modify the query.
Using a repository class is necessary. If you are using JPA i recommend using a repository for each Entity class. With JDBC it is possible to create a single repository which contains all the queries. To access the query methodes i would use a service class. In this way your code is structured well and maintainable for future changes.

Can we use multiple datasources with jdbi in spring boot project

Can we use multiple datasources with jdbi.
Will the configuration will be same as what we have with JPA : https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-multiple-databases
So, in first, you can set more than one database for your application with JDBI, exactely like JDBC. You just have to set them inside your application.properties.
Second, if you want to use JDBI, you'll use a kind of classical queries, instead of a dialect for JPA/hibernate inside repositories.
You can read this discussion to compare them : Benchmarking spring data vs JDBI in select from postgres Database

Is Spring Data Jdbc recommended for Oracle 18c?

Is Spring Data JDBC v1.1.5 recommended for Oracle Database and Enterprise Applications? Lot of samples around the net based on Open Source RDBMS (H2 or PostgreSQL). We are using Spring Data JDBC in a Spring Boot Microservice Application, facing following problems.
Force to write custom converters for oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP, oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ and oracle.sql.DATE and oracle.sql.ROWID etc..
Can't type cast oracle.sql.ROWID to java.lang.Number
Identity must not be null after save.
Spring Data JDBC is absolutely recommended for Enterprise Applications.
Not so much for use with Oracle.
Since the necessary resources (database & JDBC driver) weren't available in a form that could be easily used in integration tests on public platforms, Oracle isn't included in regular builds.
Therefore it is likely that one encounters issues when working with Oracle.
Some are already known, for others issues in Jira or even PRs are highly appreciated.

Is it a must to use spring-data-jdbc when using JdbcTemplate?

I am planning to use Spring JdbcTemplate to access my database. Is it a must to use spring-data-jdbc when using JdbcTemplate? The reason I am asking is I don't need "entity"(POJO) for my table in my application. Would it add some overheads if I use spring-data-jdbc?
You can use the JdbcTemplate without Spring Data JDBC without a problem.
JdbcTemplate existed for many years before Spring Data JDBC was conceived.
Spring Data JDBC does involve an overhead.
It extracts data from POJOs, creates queries and transforms the result back to POJOs.
Of course all that takes resources.
If you don't need/benefit from it don't use it.
You can also start with JdbcTemplate and later start using Spring Data JDBC without a problem if the need arises.
JdbcTemplate is part of the spring-jdbc module, so you only need that (and sprint-tx, which includes the DataAccessException hierarchy).
spring-data-jdbc adds support for (not surprisingly) spring-data on top of spring-jdbc. So you don't need it to use JdbcTemplate, the same as you don't need spring-data-jpa to use the JPA EntityManager.
Spring-data-jdbc is implemented on the basis of spring-jdbc. If you don't need Entity at all, then using spring-jdbc to interact directly with the database is the most convenient and flexible. In this case, using spring-data-jdbc is just a pure increase in learning costs. Spring-data-jdbc is designed for DDD (Domain Driven Design) mode, which is different from the current mainstream programming model. The learning cost is not low...

spring boot hsqldb details

I have created two spring boot microservices for experimenting purposes, both use hsqldb. Is there a way to see the hsqldb details like what is the name of the db that spring boot created, username, password, what tables are there in each one and to query those tables.
You can use the built-in SQL functions and INFORMATION_SCHEMA views in HSQLDB to check these properties. See the Guide http://hsqldb.org/doc/2.0/guide/
But the quick and easy way is to use a file: database connection and check the *.script file of the database, which contains SQL statements that set the properties and create the tables.
