How to see the full name of a field in TFS - visual-studio

I am trying to setup a config file to work with my TFS Fields and I am having problems finding the full name of a field.
For example, In the query view I just see Delivery Order, but I know that it's full name is Conchango.TeamSystem.Scrum.DeliveryOrder.
Anyidea how I can see that value for all the fields on my Work Items?

If you install the TFS Power Tool you will get the process template editor. If you open the Work Item that you want to see the fields for in there you will get a list of all the fields.
Figure: Select "Tools | Process Editor | Work Item Types | Open WIT from Server"
Figure: Connect to the correct TFS server and select a project
Figure: You can see the list of fields
It is worth noting that the Label used on the Work Item Form may be diferent from the actual name of the field.


Azure Data Factory Dataflow with Azure Synapse Link to Remove Duplicate Records

I am using Azure Synapse Link to connect Azure storage to load the RAW to from CRM. there is option which i choose Append mode only. it is creating a duplicate records if anything changes happen from CRM tables(modules). in that case, how do we handle this scenario, either aggerating in dataflow to remove the duplicate records or else we can handle in dataverse(power apps) itself. kindly advise.
eg :
accountnumber accountname
222 XXX
222 XXX
222 XXX
how do we handle in dataverse side or else dataflow aggregation flows. kindly help me.
links referred :
also i could find in ms docs for below snippet code but where and how do we use, if some please share the screenshot below code.
aggregate(groupBy(mycols = sha2(256,columns())),
each(match(true()), $$ = first($$))) ~> DistinctRows
as per below link :
I have tried to repro this in my azure ADF dataflow environment.
Sample source is taken as in below image.
Select the Aggregate transform next to source.
In Aggregate Settings, Click group by and then click Open expression builder
Enter the Column name and enter the expression as sha2(256,columns()) and then click Save and Finish
Then, in aggregate settings, click on the aggregates and then click the Open expression builder
Click on + Add column pattern near column1 and then delete Column1. Then Enter true() in matching condition. Then click on undefined column expression and enter $$ in column name expression and first($$) in value expression. Then click Save and Finish.
Output Of Aggregate Transform
This can be done by writing a script in dataflow. To write a dataflow transformation script , Click the script button
The script for equivalent UI transformation is shown in below image.
By this way, you can aggregate in dataflow and remove the duplicates.

SSRS Parameter Issue

I am trying to filter data using a text field, However when I specify the available Values to the dataset and field that I am using I recieve this error.
If I remove the Available values, The report runs fine.
I am using Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, with SSRS addon.
The available values can't be populated from the same data source that they are being applied to.
Create a separate data source for your available values and make sure they can populate without user interaction - without their own parameters in other words.
Get the distinct colors list on additional data-set and set it up as default value for your color parameter.
Remember that order of parameters is also important.

Magmi Not Importing When CSV Files Contains Commas

I have installed and made some successful product imports in to Magento using Magmi, but as soon as I try to import any data where the spreedsheet columns have commas [,] Magmi will not perform the import.
For example when I save the data in this speadsheet as a CSV file Magmi successfully imports the data;
However, Magmi refuses to import the data in the table below, where you can see in column F I have added data that include 'commas'.
Can anyone advise. I am using an Apple Mac with OpenOffice to prepare and save my data.
Is the data not importing entirely, or is just the visibility column not being set?
Visibility is a Magento core attribute which Magmi can set by using exact numerical option id value.
Generally, the option values you want to use for the visibility field are as follows:
Not Visible Individually = 1
Catalog = 2
Search = 3
Catalog, Search = 4
So in your case, if you want to set these products to Catalog, Search, you can set the visibility column value to 4.
To double-check that the above mapping is correct for your instance of Magento, the easiest way is as follows:
Go edit any product
Look for the Visibility drop down field, and right click > inspect element
In the developer tools, take note the values associated to each label.
Below an example of the process and what to look for.
Axel is correct, you should set the data to the numerical value 4.
But I do also recommend you explore a better way to export CSV content from Open Office. You may have to start a new document because I find I only see the dialogue below once and then I never see it again. Create a new document, paste your data into it. Choose save-as, select CSV, and save it. Eventually you should see the dialogue below. Change the encoding to UTF 8, the text delimiter to " and tick the 'Quote all text cells' box.
Then you should be able to have any cells with commas or other things in them. Always ensure you CSV files are quoted. "like","this","so you, can","have commas, in them". It is worth inspecting your CSV file in a text editor to see the format is as expected before uploading it to MAGMI.

Duplicate dataset etc. error in rdlc report

I keep getting an unhelpful error while trying to create a subreport using Visual Studio 2005. The error is:
More than one data set, data region, or grouping in the report has the name ‘Factor_StoreTrak_StoreTrakEntities_POS_PollingResultsDetailDTO’. Data set, data region, and grouping names must be unique within a report. C:\Development\WindowsApps\ReportTesting\Reports\PollingResultsSubreport.rdlc
Now, I keep having the report partially done and compiling and running just fine but when I add a new column or somehow change it I suddenly get this error. I then delete every control off my report one by one trying to recompile after each deletion and this error is always thrown. I delete the report and start from scratch only to have it happen again at some random point.
If you need to change the report after the referenced assembly is recompiled / versioned, just open the rdlc file (report file) with Notepad.exe (see that is just an XML file), find the DataSets section and simply delete the older data set, save the changes and reopen the report in the IDE.
If the new dataset is not yet in the file, simply drag a field from the datasources panel onto your report somewhere, this will create a new dataset in the report.
In my case the problem was that when I inserted a row group, it gave it the name "matrix1_RowGroup4", even though there already was a "matrix1_RowGroup4" in the report. It this complained, "More than one data set, data region, or grouping in the report has the name 'matrix1_RowGroup4'."
What I did to solve it was:
Opened the XML file ([myreportname].rdl) - I didn't do it in Notepad, but in the Visual Studio IDE.
Searched for "matrix1_RowGroup4"; as indicated by the err msg, there were two
Incremented the name of the second/newer one to "matrix1_RowGroup5"
Naturally, SSRS being what it is, the Preview still wouldn't display at first for some bogus reason (dataset couldn't be found or some such); I went to the Data tab, and refreshed the fields, and then it was okay.

How do I grep (search) a Crystal report for all uses of a column?

I am trying to remove all references to a table from a Crystal XI report. Crystal is telling me that a column from that table is currently being used, because there is a little green check mark over the field in the field viewer. Also, if I try to remove the entire table, I get a warning. The warning is almost useless though because it doesn't tell me where the field is used. Now, back when programmers were real programmers, and mice were things cats chased, I could just grep a directory or file and find all references to a variable I was interested in. But how do I do this in Crystal? I have already tried exporting the report to a Report Definition, which helped find some instances of the troublesome field. Unfortunately, that format does not include all formulas, just some. Please tell me I don't have to buy a third party app (or write my own COM thingy) just to do this seemingly simple thing.
EDIT to add details about tangential point:
In case anyone is wondering, I am not crazy - I have duplicated the issue where a formula's definition does not show up in the exported Report Definition. I created a new blank report, created one formula named stealth that returns 1234. I then used that formula in the Section Expert for the details section, in the "suppress" formula, setting it to {#stealth} == 0. the use of the formula shows up, but not the definition. So when my unwanted column was used in the formula, I was not be able to find it! Here's what the rpt def looks like (after deleting some blank lines):
Crystal Report Professional v11.0 (32-bit) - Report Definition
1.0 File Information
Report File:
Version: 11.0
2.0 Record Sort Fields
3.0 Group Sort Fields
4.0 Formulas
4.1 Record Selection Formula
4.2 Group Selection Formula
4.3 Other Formulas
5.0 Sectional Information
5.1 Page Header Section
Visible, Keep Together
5.2 Page Footer Section
Visible, New Page After, Keep Together, Print At Bottom of Page
5.3 Report Header Section
Visible, New Page Before
5.4 Report Footer Section
Visible, New Page After
5.5 Details Section
Visible, Keep Together
Format Formulas
Visible: {#stealth}= 0
If all else fails ...
File -> Export -> Export Report, then choose the Report Definition (TXT) option.
That will give you a plain-text representation of every element of the report. You can grep or CTRL-F or (insert search tool of your choice) through that. "Find in Formulas" usually works, but I've had to go the export route a couple of times, for no apparent reason.
Edit: Of course, if I'd bothered to completely read your post, I'd see that you've already done this.
Very curious.
If you right click on the field in Field Explorer and select Find in Formulas, it should bring up a dialog listing all of the places it is being used in formulas. On the left hand side of the dialog is a tree of all the possible places it could be, including oddball places like record selector and page formatting functions. Unfortunately, it does not seem to list running total fields.
EDIT: Oops, all the places it exists is listed at the bottom of the dialog; the tree view is the entire "DOM" of the report.
I know this is an old post, but...
Not knocking the Find in Formulas, it's been saving me today, but i was having trouble finding the last instance of the field. Even after all of the formulas and the droppings on the report were taken care of, I still had one lone use hiding somewhere.
I found it hiding as a Subreport Link. Right click on the Subreport -> "Change Subreport Links..." and there was the culprit. Dropping in this post because I figured someone else might have this problem too.
Fields can also sometimes be hiding within "Record Sort Expert"
Responding to an old post, but ran into a similar issue. I had a group based on the formula I wanted to delete that had a specified order. When I changed the grouping to a different field, the specified order remained. When I removed the specified order, my formula could be deleted.
This was tested on XIr2...
You change the tables datasource through the "set datasource location" dialog. Now, when it goes into the column mapping mode, uncheck match-type and pick a new column that would cause an error in a formula. (i.e if the column you're looking for is a string replace it with a datetime column). Go to the preview and you should get an error box like "A string is required here.", close that error and up pops the offending formula!
One more suggestion. After following a lot of the suggestions here, my report was still telling me the formula was in use. I had to close the report. When I opened it again, the check mark was gone and it let me delete it. This was on Crystal v
In my case the Formula Field happened to be part of an old Running Total Field, which itself was not included in the report. Once I deleted this old Running Total Field I could delete the unused Formula Field.
Very late, but i use CR 2008 ( and just today (6/16/2015) i am trying to document only the formulae of my report. I knew about exporting the Report Definition, and Finding a Formula in all Formulae. But there are about 50 Formulae. I discovered that the exported Report Definition didn't document all of my Formulae, but I didn't bother to uncover the logic behind that; instead, i plopped all Formulae into a section, then exported the Report Definition. Voila. Of course, i still need to cull all the unnecessary definition elements. But at least i have all Formulae.
So with all the great selections.. I still had one instance hiding from me. I found out where it was by creating a clone of the data table and renaming\deleting the field.
I then used the "Set Database Location" as suggested above to point to my new table. It did error out when it could not find that field but still didn't tell me where it really was (it just said report field).
I did NOT map it and clicked continue which deleted the field from the report. I then mapped it back to the real table and I was good.
In my case, there was a Chart, and the field was being used as one of the "on Change" fields.
Although an old post, this functional gap still exists within Crystal Reports itself. We have a fully functional 14 day trial of our third party software that uses the latest API to search for plain text within a library of Crystal RPT files in one fell swoop. Also searches the data saved within reports, and text within labels ... as well as datasource behind all your reports ( stored procedures, views, and table data ) with support for SQL Server, SQL Azure, MySQL, Oracle, Amazon RDS, DB2 and Access.
More info and trial downloads at
Note, you will need to download and install the compatible SAP runtime connector for searching your RPT file library.
